More Impressive

Chapter Eighty-Eight: More Impressive

Alexandria nodded as it was within his expectations. He had asked the teacher that question so Aleksandra's glory would be dimmed as the young Mage was bound to have done it in shorter time.

"Sir Zenith started as an S-Rank Mage so of course, a B-Rank skill would be nothing. Mina Denji must've been B-Rank or C-Rank when she tried too." He said.

Usually Mages tried to learn skills that were the same rank or a rank higher than theirs because those were signs of their growth.

Tomah hummed. "Then doesn't it make Aleksandra more impressive since she learnt the skill as a D-Rank and in a week?"

Alexandria frowned at him. "Sir Zenith would've still done it in lesser time even if he was E-Rank!"

"Are we really comparing Sir Zenith with me though? He's surely more impressive but it doesn't mean I didn't do something amazing, right?" Aleksandra flung her hair back.