Chapter 1

William had always been an orphan. He never knew the love of a family, but he always longed for one. The orphanage he grew up in was quite big, offering many facilities and a decent education. The caretakers treated the orphans with love and care, especially Grandma Alisa, who had been there since before William could remember. She was like a grandmother to him, always encouraging, always nurturing. Although the orphanage and its people were like a family to William, having a real family was something entirely different. He watched as other kids were adopted right before his eyes, each time hoping it would be his turn next. He didn't know if he had done something wrong, but for some reason, he was never chosen. This realization slowly pushed him into depression.

To help William overcome his depression, Grandma Alisa encouraged him to read books and novels. The first novel he ever read was from the Harry Potter series. He didn't have interest in it. But as he started reading, he couldn't stop himself from finishing the entire series. The wizarding world, although had some flaws and dangers, was a place of beauty and wonder. However, he was also a bit disappointed that the world wasn't explored more deeply. As he grew older, he read more novels and books. At a certain point in his life, he developed a love for science. The logical world of physics, mathematical puzzles, geometry and the intricate structures of chemistry fascinated him. Alisa supported him on this path, providing both financial and moral support. Despite appreciating her support, William still longed for a family deep down.

By the time he turned 18, William had become a young adult. He had grown tall and lean, with a quiet demeanor that belied the depth of his intellect and curiosity. On a seemingly ordinary night, he was sleeping soundly in his room when he was abruptly awakened by screams. The smell of smoke filled his nostrils, and he rushed outside his room to find the orphanage engulfed in flames. Black smoke and fire were everywhere. Trying to stay calm, William assessed the situation and started helping others escape. He organized the children and staff, guiding them through the smoke-filled hallways to safety.

After about half an hour of struggle, everyone was out, watching as the fire rapidly consumed the orphanage. "Is everyone alright?" he asked, receiving nods from some and blank stares from others who were still in shock. As he looked around at everyone's faces, a sinking feeling hit him—someone was missing. His eyes widened in realization.

"Where is Nina?" he asked, concern vivid in his voice. Nina, a lively five-year-old girl, considered the orphanage her family and always cheered others up. Without hesitation, William sprinted back into the burning building. Shouts and attempts to stop him followed, but it was too late.

Inside, the orphanage was filled with thick black smoke and roaring orange flames. William coughed hard; his eyes burned from the smoke, and it was difficult to breathe. Searching desperately, he finally found Nina in a small cupboard, barely conscious. He woke her up and gave her some water before they both started to escape.

As they were about to exit, part of the ceiling collapsed on them. William pushed Nina to safety but was trapped himself. "Big brother!" Nina cried, trying to help him. William, despite the pain from his crushed legs and severe burns, grit his teeth.

"Nina, get out of here now," he commanded. "No, big bro, I will not leave you!" she sobbed. "Nina, just leave. I swear I will be right behind you, I promise. You know I never break my promises," he lied, knowing he had no way out. "Nina, go!" he screamed with rage. Reluctantly, Nina fled the inferno. As William saw Nina run away to safety he signed in relief. " Is this how it ends for me? God damnit, I had so many wishes, so many dreams," thought William to himself as his vision slowly faded away.

Outside, Grandma Alisa and the others hugged Nina, asking about William. Before she could reply, the orphanage collapsed entirely. "Big brother, no!" Nina screamed while others looked in horror. The orphanage was no more, and neither was William. Firefighters and ambulances arrived, attempting to stabilize the situation while the former residents mourned their loss.

William opened his eyes to find himself in a vast space of nothingness. "What is this place? Am I in the afterlife?" he wondered. As memories of his life flooded back, he felt a profound sadness, especially for Nina and Alisa. He had no sense of time in this vast emptiness.

Suddenly, a small light appeared, growing larger and causing a ripple in the space. "Ahhhhh!" A woman's scream echoed, filled with agony. "Yes, that's it. Just another push, dear," a male voice encouraged. The light grew larger, and William felt a pull, the sounds growing louder. " I can see the head," said a female voice. Soon the light engulfed William.

Inside a hospital, in London, a woman was giving birth. "Congratulations, sir, ma'am, it's a boy," a female doctor announced to the couple. The baby in her hands cried loudly, much to everyone's delight, signaling he was strong and healthy. The doctor handed the baby to his mother. As she cradled him, he calmed down, looking at her with curiosity. Exhausted from the ordeal, she wept tears of joy, kissing his forehead. Her husband stood by, witnessing the beautiful scene.

"He looks just like you," she said to her husband. "But his eyes are like yours," he replied. Moments later, the father took the baby in his arms, hesitating slightly but handling him with care. Even he couldn't stop his tears when he looked at the child. After having his fatherly moment, he handed the baby back to the mother.

"So, what name will fit him?" she asked. The father pondered briefly. "Hmm, how about William? It has quite the ring to it." "William, I like it," she smiled. "Our little William," she said. The child, now named William, was now sleeping in her cradle peacefully.