Chapter 2

London, 1961, on Christmas Eve.

An entire year had gone by since William was born—or in this case, reborn. After he was engulfed by that strange light, he found himself Infront of some giant people. At first he was scared and started crying without even knowing. Soon the woman, who was holding him gave him to another woman. This new woman had a strange scent and a warmth lie any other. William instantly calmed down. The woman was looking at him warmly, tears in her eyes. Beside the woman, he noticed a man. Soon the woman gave him to the man. The man held him carefully. The man's aura, his scent also gave him the same feeling he had when the woman held him. It took a few moments for William to realize what has transpired. These two were his parents. He was reincarnated as an infant. As he was trying to comprehend this sudden phenomenon, he drifted to sleep.

William was now an year old. He was looking outside through the window, watching the snowflakes. In his previous life, William didn't have a family, but in this new life, he had everything he had ever wished for: a loving family and a cozy home. William had been reincarnated into the 60s era of England, with the same name he had in his previous life. Although he possessed his matured mind and knowledge, he still found it hard to believe that he had been reincarnated. His parents were of American origins but settled in England. William was an American in his previous life. But being reborn wasn't bad in Europe either. Plus, he always wanted to visit foreign countries.

As William stared out of the window, watching the snowflakes gently fall from the sky, he reflected on his new reality. He still remembered the people from the orphanage in his previous life, but he had managed to move on. The memories were bittersweet, but he chose to focus on the present. His new parents, Marcus and Lisa Dawkins, were kind and loving. Marcus had a decent job, and they lived in a nice house in a lively neighborhood.

Suddenly, two hands gently grabbed him from behind. It was his mother, Lisa. She was a very caring woman with black hair, black eyes, a slender figure, and a gorgeous face. "Awww, my cute little prince is enjoying the snow, am I right?" she said, tickling William, making him giggle like the baby he was. 'Damn this baby body,' he thought. Ever since he was reborn, his body didn't listen to him properly. He pooped, drifted to sleep, and cried in hunger even when he didn't want to. It was embarrassing, given his mature mind, but he was grateful for this second chance. Maybe it was because of his past deeds.

Soon, William's father, Marcus, arrived from outside. Since it was Christmas, he brought many gifts, especially toys for little William, much to his embarrassment. Marcus wore glasses and had short black hair and brown eyes. "How is my little prince doing?" he said, about to touch William, but was stopped by Lisa.

"You just came from outside. God knows how many germs and bacterias you brought. Go get a bath first and then you will have my permission to hug William all you want," she said with a stern voice.

"But, I--"Marcus couldn't finish his sentence as Lisa interrupted him. " No buts, go to the bathroom now," she said. Marcus couldn't help but sigh in defeat and then left for a bath.

The entire family had dinner together, enjoying a delicious feast that Lisa had prepared. The table was adorned with roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and all the trimmings. The warmth of the fireplace added to the cozy atmosphere. They were having a great time, but the one who was enjoying the most was William. His wish had finally been granted. His longing for a family and for love was finally over. He was capturing all these lovely moments in his heart, wanting them to never end.

After dinner, the family gathered around the Christmas tree. Marcus, now clean and fresh, handed out the gifts. William received various toys, which he accepted with an inward sigh. His parents were delighted to see his reactions, interpreting his confusion and mild embarrassment as babyish excitement.

As the night grew late, they all went to bed. William was placed in the middle, with his parents on either side of him. The warmth of their presence and the comfort of their home filled him with an overwhelming sense of contentment.

'Now, this is life,' he thought, as he drifted into the world of dreams again.