Chapter 8

September 1, 1971

The morning sun had barely risen above the horizon when William Dawkins woke with a start. Today was the day he had been waiting for—the day he would go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His excitement was palpable as he jumped out of bed, his mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. He had packed his belongings meticulously the night before: his quill, books, robes, wand, and other essential items were all neatly stowed away in his trunk.

"Did you pack everything?" his mother, Lisa, called from the doorway.

"Yes, Mom," William replied, his voice brimming with anticipation.

One by one, Lisa went through the list of essential items, and William confirmed each with a nod and a smile. Satisfied, Lisa gave him a warm smile. "Good, now then. Let's get going, shall we?" she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Downstairs, his father, Marcus, was already waiting by the car, the engine idling softly. His younger sister, Nina, waved energetically from her seat inside the car. The entire family was buzzing with excitement; after all, it wasn't every day one got to visit a magical train station.

The drive to King's Cross Station was filled with chatter and laughter. The Dawkins family had visited the station before, but today it felt different, especially for William. This was the place where he had confirmed his suspicions about the wizarding world, and now he was here once more, ready to embark on an old yet new adventure.

Upon arrival, the family started searching for Platform 9¾. Marcus furrowed his brows in confusion. "How can there be a quarter in a platform?" he muttered, feeling too embarrassed to ask anyone for help.

William, however, knew the answer. He remembered the instructions clearly—he had to run straight at the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. But a question gnawed at his mind: would his non-magical parents be able to cross the barrier with him? Summoning his courage, William decided to take a leap of faith.

He positioned himself and told everyone to get behind him and hold tightly. "Trust me, Dad," William said firmly as he positioned himself behind the trolley. "Hold on tightly."

With a deep breath, William gripped the trolley and began running towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Marcus and Lisa exchanged nervous glances but held onto the trolley tightly, while Nina squealed in excitement. As they neared the barrier, Marcus closed his eyes in anticipation of a collision, but it never came. They passed smoothly through the enchanted wall and emerged on the other side—Platform 9¾.

The sight that greeted them was nothing short of magical. The platform was a bustling hub of activity, filled with witches and wizards seeing their children off to Hogwarts. Steam billowed from the scarlet Hogwarts Express, which stood gleaming on the tracks. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation.

"Well, it seems you all made it in time," came a familiar voice. William turned to see Professor McGonagall, her sharp eyes twinkling with approval.

"Professor McGonagall!" William exclaimed. "Thank you for all your help."

McGonagall nodded. "It's good to see you again, Mr. Dawkins," she said. She then looked at Marcus, Lisa, and Nina with a kind smile. McGonagall had explained William how to get to the other side during their visit to diagon alley.

After exchanging pleasantries, it was time for farewells. William hugged his family tightly, feeling a mixture of excitement and sadness. Nina was crying, her little shoulders shaking with sobs, while Lisa tried to control her tears. Marcus patted William on the back, his expression a mixture of pride and melancholy.

"Take care, son," Marcus said, his voice gruff with emotion.

"I will, Dad," William promised. He boarded the train, leaning out of the window to wave one last time. As the Hogwarts Express began to move, the platform slowly disappeared from view, and William settled into his compartment, feeling a thrill of excitement for what lay ahead.

Inside the train, William found a comfortable compartment and sat down, savoring the soft cushions of the seat. He gazed out the window, watching the countryside roll by, lost in his thoughts. A knock on the compartment door brought him back to reality.

The door slid open, and two young faces peered in. One was a boy with shoulder-length black hair and sallow skin, while the other was a girl with dark red hair and striking green eyes. Both were about his age.

William instantly recognized the pair. He knew he would meet them eventually, but not this soon. Specially not here of all places.

"Hello," the girl greeted cheerfully, stepping into the compartment. The boy gave a slight wave but remained silent.

"Hello there," William replied with a friendly smile.

"I'm Lily Evans, and this is my friend Severus Snape," the girl introduced themselves, extending her hand.

William stood up and took her hand, bowing slightly. "William Dawkins, at your service, my lady," he said in a playful, medieval noble's tone, planting a light kiss on the back of her hand.

Lily giggled, a melodic sound that filled the compartment, while Severus's eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion. William laughed as well and gestured for them to sit.

"Please, join me," he said, indicating the empty seats.

The three of them sat down, and the compartment soon filled with chatter. Lily was curious about William's background, and he was happy to share. William was aware of both Lily and Snape's background but still listened to them intently.

"So, are you excited about starting at Hogwarts?" Lily asked, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Absolutely," William replied. "I've been dreaming about this day ever since I got to know."

Severus, who had been quiet so far, spoke up. "It's going to be interesting, that's for sure," he said, his voice low and thoughtful.

As the train chugged along, the trio exchanged stories and speculations about what awaited them at Hogwarts. William felt a growing sense of camaraderie with Lily and Severus. The journey seemed to pass in a blur, and before long, the landscape outside the window began to change, becoming wilder and more rugged.

"Look, we're almost there," Lily said, pointing to the distant silhouette of a castle against the twilight sky.

William's heart skipped a beat as he gazed at the magnificent structure. Hogwarts.

The train finally pulled into Hogsmeade Station, and the students disembarked, buzzing with excitement. William followed the crowd, feeling a mixture of nervousness and exhilaration. As they gathered by the lake, a giant of a man with a wild beard and kind eyes called them forward.

"First years, this way!" he bellowed.

"That's Hagrid," Lily whispered to William. "He's the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."

William nodded, his eyes wide with awe. The first years climbed into the boats that would take them across the lake to the castle. The water was calm, reflecting the star-studded sky above. As they approached the castle, its towers and turrets loomed ever larger, casting an enchanting glow over the lake.

"This is it," William thought to himself, feeling a rush of excitement. "The adventure begins."

The boats docked, and the first years were led up to the grand entrance of Hogwarts. The massive doors swung open, revealing the grandeur of the castle's interior. They were greeted by Professor McGonagall, who began explaining the Sorting Ceremony.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said, her voice carrying a note of pride. "In a few moments, you will be sorted into your houses. Your house will be like your family here at Hogwarts."

William listened intently, his heart pounding with anticipation. The journey that had begun that morning at King's Cross was finally culminating in this moment. He exchanged a glance with Lily and Severus, both of whom looked just as nervous and excited as he felt.