Chapter 9

The Great Hall buzzed with nervous energy as first-year students gathered for the pivotal Sorting Ceremony. William Dawkins, standing among his peers, couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The tales of Hogwarts and its four esteemed houses—Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw—had filled his imagination for years.

Professor McGonagall, the stern but respected figure, presided over the ceremony. Her voice echoed through the hall as she called out each student's name in alphabetical order. The Sorting Hat, a weathered relic from the days of Godric Gryffindor, awaited each new student upon a tattered chair in the center of the room.

One by one, the students approached the hat, their destinies about to be decided. The first to be sorted was a nervous boy who found his home in Hufflepuff. When the hat spoke, many of the first year had their jaw hanging and eyes widened. Except for William who was aware of all of this. The seniors amused at the first year's reactions. Soon applause erupted as the boy's robes transformed to reflect his new house. The process continued, with each new student experiencing a mix of fear and anticipation as they awaited the Hat's decision.

William was aware of the key characters in future events. He has already met Lily and Snape. Soon he heard the name he was waiting for. "James Potter," called professor McGonagall. From the crowd came a tall boy with untidy black hair and hazel eyes. He was sorted to Gryffindor, and soon after, Lily Evans followed suit, also sorted into Gryffindor. The applause was thunderous as the friends exchanged smiles and congratulations.

Soon other known characters started to appear. Peter Pettigrew was called and a timid-looking boy with watery eyes and mousy brown hair step forth. He nervously took his turn and was sorted into Gryffindor as well. Following him were Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, both exuding a quiet confidence as they too were welcomed into Gryffindor.

Severus Snape, with his sharp features and intense demeanor, found his place in Slytherin, as expected. The Slytherin table greeted him with pride, acknowledging their newest member.

Then came the moment William had been waiting for. "William Dawkins," Professor McGonagall called out clearly. William stepped forward, a tall and well-built figure shaped by years of martial arts training. His posture radiated confidence, though his nerves fluttered within.

As he sat beneath the Sorting Hat, he felt a rush of anticipation. The Hat's voice whispered in his mind, assessing his character. "Hmm, interesting," the Hat mused aloud. "A great hunger for knowledge and power. Has lots of courage and will do anything to protect loved ones."

William held his breath, his heart pounding. The Hat's deliberation felt like an eternity, though in reality, it was only moments. Finally, the Hat declared, "Ravenclaw!"

A cheer erupted from the Ravenclaw table as William's robes shimmered blue and silver, reflecting his newfound allegiance. He smiled with relief and gratitude, nodding appreciatively to the applauding students.

With the Sorting Ceremony concluded, the students made their way to the grand dining hall. The enchanted ceiling above mirrored the night sky, stars twinkling as if to celebrate the beginning of a new school year. William's stomach growled in anticipation of the great feast laid out before them.

As he took his seat at the Ravenclaw table, surrounded by new friends and fellow scholars, William couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. The Sorting Hat had seen into his soul and recognized his aspirations. Hogwarts was now his home, and he was eager to embark on this magical journey, armed with knowledge, courage, and the promise of new adventures ahead.