Chapter 10

After the sorting ceremony ended, everyone made their way to the Great Hall for the feast. William marveled at the architecture of the hall, which was far more majestic than he had ever imagined. He thought about how the movies had failed to capture the true splendor of this masterpiece. As he stepped inside the hall, he looked up and saw an old man in a gray robe with a wizard hat. His long silver beard flowed down his chest, and his shoulder-length silver hair framed his face. William recognized him immediately: it was Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts and the most powerful wizard of his generation. Behind Dumbledore were the professors and staff of the school, all seated in their respective places. Dumbledore surveyed the students with a soft smile, his eyes twinkling with kindness and wisdom.

William couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. He knew he was looking at one of the most iconic characters from his previous life. As everyone settled into their seats, Dumbledore stood up from his chair. With a flick of his wand, he amplified his voice so that everyone in the hall could hear him clearly.

"Welcome, students, both new and returning, to another magical year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore began, his voice resonating throughout the hall. "To our first-year students, let me extend an especially warm welcome. You are about to embark on a journey filled with wonder, learning, and perhaps a bit of mischief. And to our returning students, welcome back. I trust your summer holidays were as refreshing as a dip in the Black Lake—though perhaps a bit less damp!"

A ripple of laughter spread through the hall, and William found himself smiling. Dumbledore's presence was both comforting and inspiring.

"As we gather here tonight, let us remember that Hogwarts is more than just a school. It is a place where we learn not only about magic but also about friendship, bravery, and the importance of doing what is right. So, whether you are from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, know that you are part of one big, magical family."

Dumbledore paused, letting his words sink in. "And now, before we begin our feast, I have just one more thing to say: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

Laughter erupted again, and with that, the feast began. Platters of food appeared magically in front of the students, filling the tables with a variety of dishes. The smell of roast meats, freshly baked bread, and rich gravies filled the air, making everyone's stomach growl with anticipation. William watched in awe as different types of food flew towards the students and landed on the tables. The sight was nothing short of an extravaganza.

As the feast progressed, William sampled a bit of everything. He tried roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and a variety of pies, all of which were delicious. The desserts were equally impressive, with treacle tart, chocolate eclairs, and a selection of magical sweets that William had never seen before.

After the feast, the students were instructed to head to their respective house towers. The first-year students were guided by the prefects or by the ghosts who roamed the school. The first years of house Ravenclaw were guided by the prefect, Emilia Herington. Emilia had black hair and piercing black eyes. She was tall and quite pretty, and William noticed that she was famous among the boys.

As they made their way to the Ravenclaw Tower, William and the other first years were fascinated by the moving pictures and portraits lining the walls. Some of the portraits waved or called out greetings, while others seemed to be deep in conversation with one another.

When they arrived at the entrance to the Ravenclaw dormitory, Emilia turned to face the group. "Unlike the other houses, ours doesn't have a password," she explained. "Instead, you must answer a riddle to enter. Each day, the riddle will be different."

The portrait in front of the dormitory then asked a riddle. Emilia answered it with ease, and the door swung open to reveal the Ravenclaw common room. The room was decorated in shades of blue and silver, with the house crest—a majestic eagle—displayed prominently. The curtains were a rich blue, and the room exuded an air of intellectual elegance.

The first-year students entered and began placing their belongings in their dormitory. They took some time to settle in, and soon the room was filled with chatter. The students introduced themselves to one another, sharing pleasantries and gossiping about their families and interests.

William was placing his belongings when a boy approached him. "Hi, I'm Chris, Chris Thompson. You must be William, right?" said the boy, extending his hand.

"William Dawkins, buddy," William replied, shaking his hand.

"Where are you from?" Chris asked.

"London. And you?" William said.

"Manchester," Chris replied.

They both started talking about their families, hobbies, and sports. Chris revealed that he was a big fan of Quidditch, and his favorite team was England. William, aware of Quidditch from his knowledge in his past life, feigned ignorance, saying he didn't know much about it since he was Muggle-born.

As they conversed, William discovered that Chris came from a wizarding family. His father, Elliott Thompson, worked for the Ministry of Magic. Hearing this, William saw an opportunity. He was aware of the impending wizarding war and knew that valuable information could be gained from Chris. Despite his knowledge of the Ministry of Magic, William pretended to be ignorant, using the excuse of being Muggle-born to ask questions.

Their conversation continued until they realized it was time for bed. They both got into their beds, exhausted from the day's events, and soon drifted off to sleep, ready to face the adventures that awaited them at Hogwarts.

As William lay in bed, he reflected on the day's events. The grandeur of the Great Hall, the sight of Dumbledore, and the magic of the feast had all made a lasting impression on him. He was excited about the future and the friendships he would make. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, knowing that this was just the beginning of his magical journey.