Chapter 20

Days went by, and the anticipated Quidditch tryouts finally arrived. The students taking the test were a bundle of nerves and excitement, with William, Minny, and Chris among them. It would be a lie to say that they weren't thrilled. The stands were filled with Ravenclaw students, both juniors and seniors, some there to pass time, others eager to witness the trials. The test would take place on the Quidditch pitch, a hallowed ground for many in the wizarding world.

The air was electric with anticipation as the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team arrived on his broom, followed closely by the rest of his team. The captain, Andrew Livingston, was a sixth-year student and the team's seeker. Andrew was tall, with shoulder-length black hair that gleamed in the sunlight and piercing green eyes that seemed to miss nothing. His broom, a Comet 180, was one of the best in its class. He hovered above the pitch for a moment, surveying everyone with a sharp, analytical gaze.

Andrew descended gracefully, his broom barely making a sound as it touched the ground. He stood tall, his presence commanding the attention of all present. With a confident smile, he began his introduction. "Welcome, everyone. I'm Andrew Livingston, captain and seeker of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Allow me to introduce my teammates."

He gestured to a sturdy boy with sandy hair and a friendly grin. "This is our keeper, Joshua Blackwood, a fifth-year student." Joshua gave a nod and a wave, his eyes twinkling with camaraderie.

Next, Andrew pointed to a pair of identical twins, both with blonde hair and mischievous smiles. "These are our beaters, Emma and Ethan Whitaker, also in their fifth year." The twins exchanged knowing glances and smirks, clearly relishing their reputation.

Andrew then turned to a tall, athletic girl with short, curly hair. "This is Carmela Jones, our lead chaser and a sixth-year student." Amelia nodded, her demeanor serious and focused.

He finally gestured to a boy with short brown hair and a calm, determined expression. "And this is Michael Harris, our second chaser and a fifth-year student." Michael gave a brief nod, his eyes meeting those of the hopefuls in a silent challenge.

Andrew's gaze swept over the crowd once more. "Now that you know us, let's begin." He proceeded to explain the game of Quidditch in detail. "Quidditch is played by two teams of seven players each. The positions are three chasers, two beaters, one keeper, and one seeker. The chasers are responsible for scoring goals by throwing the quaffle, the red ball, through one of the opponent's three goalposts. Each goal is worth ten points."

He paused to let the information sink in before continuing. "The beaters protect their teammates from the bludgers, which are the two large black balls. Their job is to hit the bludgers away from their team and towards the opposing team, using bats. The keeper guards the goalposts, preventing the other team from scoring. Lastly, the seeker's role is to catch the golden snitch, the small gold ball with wings. Catching the snitch earns the team an additional 150 points and ends the game."

Andrew moved to a large box and opened it, revealing the four types of balls used in Quidditch. He held up the quaffle first. "This is the quaffle. It's used by the chasers to score goals." Next, he lifted one of the bludgers. "These are the bludgers. They are enchanted to fly around and try to knock players off their brooms." Finally, he picked up the golden snitch. "This is the snitch. The seeker's job is to catch this to win the game."

He looked around at the eager faces. "Any questions?" The silence that followed was a testament to his thorough explanation. "Good. Now come here."

Andrew started marking four lines on the pitch. "I want you to line up at these markings according to the position you want to try out for. If you want to try more than one position, you can stand in line for that position. When that position is over, you can go to the other line."

The test began, and everyone followed Andrew's instructions. Many tried their best, but not everyone succeeded. William, Minny, and Chris decided to go last, giving them time to observe and strategize. They had a plan to ensure they passed the test. When their turn came, the three chose to try out as chasers. Chris and Minny, both purebloods, had a good understanding of broom riding, while William's natural talent made him the fastest among them.

The trio took to the air, passing the quaffle to each other in precise formations, showcasing their teamwork. They dodged the bludgers with impressive efficiency and used hand signals to communicate, a strategy they had practiced beforehand. William's speed and agility were particularly noteworthy, and the crowd watched in awe as the three worked seamlessly together.

Andrew's eyes narrowed as he observed them, impressed by their coordination and ingenuity. After evaluating them, he called them down. "Congratulations, the three of you will be the chasers of the main team," he announced immediately.

There was a moment of stunned silence before the trio broke into joyous hugs. The crowd erupted in applause, but Andrew's teammates were less enthusiastic. They approached him once the crowd dispersed. "Andrew, you can't do this. How can you replace our current three chasers with those three? I understand they have a very good teamwork, but they lack experience."

Andrew faced his team with unwavering confidence. "Do you trust me?" he asked. They nodded reluctantly. "Then trust me when I say this: those three will definitely bring us the inter-house Quidditch cup," he said with a devilish grin.

His teammates exchanged uncertain glances but ultimately remained silent, swayed by the conviction in Andrew's eyes. The decision was final—William, Chris, and Minny were the new chasers of Ravenclaw, much to the delight of the house. The test ended, and everyone returned to their rooms, excited for the new chapter in Ravenclaw Quidditch.

Those who had passed the test were instructed to come every morning for Quidditch training. As they left, the buzz of excitement was palpable. The Ravenclaw team had new blood, and their future looked promising.