Chapter 6: The Road to Becoming a Big Boss Starts with Copying Books

Chapter 6: The Road to Becoming a Big Boss Starts with Copying Books

"I've gotten started! Hahaha... I've gotten started!"


  A boisterous laugh echoed across the training ground.

  Gu Changsheng turned his head to look.

  A young man who should be about the same age as him was looking down at his palm, and then looked up to meet everyone's gaze.

  "Fellow brothers and junior brothers, watch!"

  The young man was full of vigor and vitality at this time, and his black hair and clothes were gently fluttering.

  Following the feeling that the blood and qi in his body were still there.

  The young man swiftly perform a falwless set of Cloud Palms.

  The applause was accompanied by the sound of breaking wind from time to time!

  This is the power blessed by blood and qi.

  The so-called "getting started" means that you can sense the blood and qi in your body from martial arts and use it. When the blood and qi in your body accumulate to a certain level, you can officially step into the ranks of the inferior warriors!

  Getting started is the first step to becoming a warrior!

  "Congratulations, Brother Guan Yan!"

  Several people who are familiar with the young man congratulated him.

  In fact, getting started is not difficult. The difficult part is how to accumulate blood and qi in your body after getting started, and officially break through to become a warrior.

  This requires persistent hard training. If you can't persist, you will never become a real martial artist in your life.

  Such people who only know a few moves are akin to numerous crucian carp in the river.

  If a person has a good martial arts foundation, a lot of meat supplements, and special medicinal materials and secret recipes... these can greatly shorten this process.

With a solid foundation in martial arts, ample meat supplements, and access to special medicinal materials and secret recipes, one can significantly shorten the training process.

Although this is the case, Gu Changsheng keenly observed that after experiencing Guan Yan's Cloud Palm, the others seemed to be exerting themselves even more.

One word captures the essence of it - relentless!

As fatigue threatened to overwhelm the training ground, Gu Changsheng wasted no time in pushing them further.

Even martial arts training requires a balance of effort and rest. Having already dedicated a considerable amount of time to practice today, he harbored genuine concerns about overexertion.

"If I can't continue, I won't. My well-being is important."

Moreover, being immortal, why subject himself to unnecessary strain?

No one dared to challenge him on this.


  Stepping on the afterglow of the setting sun, accompanied by the sunset.

  Gu Changsheng was walking home with his head down, his arms slightly bulging.

  These were a few pounds of pork he had just bought when he passed by a butcher's shop .

  There was no other way, the consumption of martial arts training was too great.

  And his body was originally weak, and if he didn't take good care of it, Gu Changsheng was afraid that he would suddenly catch a cold one day.

  There was a hint of doubt in his calm eyes as he lowered his head.

  Because he found that he had walked so far, from the inner city all the way to the south of the city, but he had never seen any refugees in the city.

  It was as if the refugees in the daytime had never appeared in this city.

  And when Gu Changsheng was about to get home, it was still the same street in the daytime, the familiar intersection.

  He finally understood what happened in the city during the day... He really met a great man!

  The masters in the city were kind-hearted, and they couldn't bear to see the refugees suffering from hunger and cold.

  So, with a word from the masters, all the refugees were driven out of the area where Yuzhou City was located.

  The refugees who came later could only stay outside the city and were not allowed to enter the city.

  Basically, they were left to fend for themselves.

  What a great way to say "out of sight, out of mind".

  If this isn't a compassionate living Bodhisattva, then what is this?!

Whenever Gu Changsheng thought he had grasped the world's complexities, his understanding would be refresh once again. When it vome to disappointing its people, the Chu State had never failed in this regard!

This Great Chu State was remarkable!!


Night descended, cloaking everything in datkness.

  Gu Changsheng leaned on the chair and read by lamplight.

  The lights were still on in the courtyard.

  The culture of this other world in some aspects is actually quite brilliant.

  For example, the "miscellaneous books" he was reading in his hand were the best-selling ones in the bookstore. The sales volume of all the books in the bookstore was even slightly greater than the Confucian classics.

  It was not the autobiography of a big shot, but the ultimate fantasy of a poor scholar and a down-and-out warrior.

It was similar to the published novels in his previous life.

  Especially the miscellaneous books about the rivers and lakes and warriors.

  Maybe it's because it really exists in reality!

  So this kind of miscellaneous books has always been the best-selling in the market.

  As for the content, it's basically about a rare talent, an occasional encounter, and the acquisition of a world-famous magic skill, followed by the favor of various beauties, and then the attention of various big shots in the rivers and lakes...

  And in these miscellaneous books, it will more or less carry a lot of Xuande style!

  In his previous life, it couldn't pass the review!

  Gu Changsheng's purpose of flipping through these miscellaneous books is not to have nothing to do.

  It can be predicted that in the next three months he will spend almost all his daytime in the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall, practicing martial arts.

  The income of the bookstore in these three months will immediately show a cliff-like decline.

  It is likely to be close to nothing.

  But whether there is income or not, the cost of practicing martial arts in the future cannot be too low.

  And the savings left by the original body... There is not much left, and it can't support him for too long.

  Therefore, making money is now very urgent.

  What can he do?

  He doesn't know how to burn glass, and he doesn't dare to take it out even if he knows.

  White paper, strong liquor, these seem to have been available on the market in Chu.

  Moreover, he also doesn't know how to do it...

  As the three old things that time travelers have made a fortune, I am ashamed that he doesn't know any of them.

  He thought about other things again and again, and finally found that it was still not possible.

  It's all a dead end!

  Only copying books is something he is good at.

  It just so happens that there is a bookstore that he opened himself, and it won't attract too much attention.

  This may not make him rich overnight, but for Gu Changsheng, getting rich overnight is a heresy! A steady stream of income is the real way!

  As long as it doesn't attract attention, it's the best!

  So, Gu Changsheng didn't hesitate any more and wrote the words "Swordsman" on the white paper.

  He didn't remember the original plot, but it didn't matter, he was just borrowing the name of the book.

  He still remembered the more famous characters in the book very clearly, changed the background story of the book, and mixed in some plots and famous characters from other martial arts novels.

  With all the experience and routines of the online literary world in his previous life, even if he wrote it in a restrained way and added a lot of words, it was a dimensionality reduction attack.

  I don't know how many years ahead of the Chu State in this era.

  Just kidding, this book, I'm afraid it can be written until the Great Chu grows cold, but the book will endure!

  Besides, can the work of scholars be likened to mere called water?

  Bah, that's nothing short of excellence!

  Master, it seems to be like him, so particular about details.

  The dense small words soon filled several pages.

  As the sky outside gradually darkened, he rubbed his aching wrist and put away all the white papers with satisfaction.

  Tomorrow, we will continue!