Chapter 7: One Month Later

Chapter 7 One Month Later

  During the day, I went to the martial arts hall to practice martial arts, and at night I went home to copy books to make money.

  Time passed quickly in a fulfilling and busy environment.

  Before I knew it, a month had passed quickly...

  Gu Changsheng had long guessed that his martial arts talent might not be very good, but he hadn't anticipated it being this inadequate.

  After over a month of effort, he finally got through the Cloud Palm!

  [Name: Gu Changsheng]

  [Talent: Immortality]

  [Age: 18]

  [Martial Arts: Cloud Palm - Membrane Chapter (0/10 for beginners)]

  [Skills: Confucianism (70/100 for beginners)]


  "Phew... But thankfully, I finally suceeded."

  Gu Changsheng looked at the Cloud Palm that had been included in the attribute panel, let out a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face that could not be hidden.

  "Congratulations, Junior Brother Gu, you finally got through the Cloud Palm."

  Senior Brother Lin Jun, who was familiar with Gu Changsheng on the training ground, walked towards him quickly and congratulated him after hearing that Gu Changsheng had made a breakthrough.

  "There's nothing to congratulate. I've been in the martial arts school for more than a month, and I've only just barely gotten started...

  My martial arts aptitude is really... Alas! It's hard to describe!"

  Gu Changsheng sighed and smiled bitterly.

  Lin Jun was stunned when he heard this. This was very true. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

  Indeed, among so many people in the martial arts school, there are not many who can practice the Cloud Palm to the entry level in more than a month.

  It can be said that such martial arts aptitude, even if it is not the worst type of martial arts, is at least relatively poor.

  But after being stunned for a while, Lin Jun still comforted him:

  "Aptitude is not necessarily that important. Junior Brother Gu, don't be too discouraged. As long as you study hard and persevere, you still have the hope of advancing to become a martial artist."

He said.

  With the martial arts aptitude shown by Gu Changsheng.

  If he was just an ordinary person who could persist in practicing martial arts for a lifetime without slacking off, he wouldn't dare to say that he would become a first-rate martial artist, but it would be no problem for him to break through to become a third-rate martial artist.

  Even achieving second-rate warrior wasn't entirely out of reach.

  Unfortunately, people are not machines, and the blood in the body will slowly decline with the passage of time. There are not many people who can persist like this for a lifetime.

  According to Gu Changsheng's own estimation, he still needs to persist in martial arts for about ten years, or even more years, before he can enter the realm of a third-rate warrior.

  However, the current state of Chu... resembled an elderly man on his deathbed, emanating an aura of decay.

  Not to mention the current incompetent emperor Anping, anyone who comes will be powerless to save the situation... It is running all the way downhill, and it may explode at any time with just a spark.

  Thinking of this in his heart, Gu Changsheng frowned and could only take one step at a time. Once the situation is not right, he will immediately pack up and run away! He will definitely not look back!

It was just noon, and there was still a lot of time in the day. In the following time, Gu Changsheng continued to familiarize himself with the Cloud Palm, which he had just started.

  He could now sense the blood and qi in his body, which was a sign that he had mastered the art of martial arts!

  The blood and qi surged and blessed his palms.

  I have to say, this feeling was quite good.

  His clothes fluttered, and the wind whistled in his ears.

  He seemed to have returned to his childhood, with a wooden sword in his hand.

  None of the acres of rapeseed flowers could escape his "sharp" swordsmanship.

  But later, a gorgeous woman with even more profound martial arts skills than him appeared. The aura she exuded shocked him so much that he could no longer lift his sword.   

  Then he was brought up by the back of his neck.

  He was held down and beaten by the woman...

  He had dreamed of traveling the world with a sword! Now, he has indeed come to a world where warriors and the martial arts world coexist.

  In fact, he has already embarked on the path of becoming a warrior.

  But this martial arts world is too dangerous...

  Let's wait until he has mastered the martial skills and is invincible! At that time, he will go out with a sword!

  Many pictures flashed in Gu Changsheng's eyes.

  With emotion, but soon turned into determination.

  All the past is gone!


  After returning home from the martial arts hall, at the door of his house, Gu Changsheng saw a figure that made him feel familiar from a distance.

  "Brother Gu, you are finally back!"

  The owner of the voice was named Zhou Hui. Like him, they were all students of the State of Chu.

He seemed to be more familiar with his original body before, but after his original body died, Gu Changsheng was busy practicing martial arts and had less social interaction.

  "Brother Zhou, have you been waiting for me here?"

  Gu Changsheng opened the door of the bookstore and invited Zhou Hui in, asking in confusion.

  Zhou Hui nodded: "Yes, I have been waiting for you here for a long time, just waiting for you to open the door.

  Brother Gu, what have you been busy with recently? Many times when I passed by here during the day, I saw that the door of your bookstore was not open."

  Gu Changsheng's footsteps paused slightly, and he frowned and said: "Alas... You know my health has not been very good. After a serious illness, I suddenly felt that I should exercise more.

  So, I went to the martial arts hall in the city to learn some martial arts recently."

  Even if he wished to conceal it, his visits to the martial arts hall were bound to be discovered.

  So, it doesn't matter if he said it.

  "Hiss... Brother Gu, you are so deeply in love!"

  Zhou Hui seemed to have misunderstood something. He looked at him with an expression of surprise and shock, and then with a little emotion.

  He recited a poem to him on the spot:

  "Ask how deep love is, you will know it in a dream after a serious illness!"


  Miss Liu got married-Gu Changsheng was seriously ill-after recovering from the illness and went to the martial arts hall to practice martial arts.

  What's more coincidental is that the person Miss Liu married was also a martial artist!

  Gu Changsheng was momentarily dumbfounded before comprehending Zhou Hui's implication

  He couldn't help but be speechless. To be honest, he had almost forgotten the figure of Miss Liu. Only after Zhou Hui said this did he remember it.

  It's a pity that since she got married, Miss Liu has never come to buy books again.

  Gu Changsheng secretly lamented, not because of Miss Liu's marriage—that had been his former self's unrequited love, what did it matter to him, Gu Changsheng?

  Rather, he felt a little regretful for losing a big customer.

  "Hey, is this a new book?" Zhou Hui said softly, picked up a miscellaneous book called "Swordsman" from the bookshelf, and asked Gu Changsheng.

  Gu Changsheng immediately became interested, this was the first customer since his book came out.

  "It's a new book. It was written by a man called Taoyuan Hermit. It's really a great book. It's fascinating, gripping, exquisite, and hard to put down. It always makes people marvel."

  Gu Changsheng boasted without blushing or beating his heart. He boasted a lot.

  And that Taoyuan Hermit was obviously himself.