Chapter 8: Is this a talent that humans can possess?

Chapter 8: Is this a talent that people can have?

"Tao Yuan, a sanctuary amidst the chaos.

  They say, greatness finds solace in the city, while the humble seek refuge in the wilderness.

  Though having a bookstore may not equate to finding Tao Yuan, it bears no resemblance to peach blossoms either.

  Yet for Gu Changsheng, who found himself here after traveling back to the beginning of the year, it's a sanctuary he can't dismiss.

  After all, it provides him with shelter and sustenance, however modest. It's far better than being one of the many struggling outside, with an uncertain future."

  After all, it is also a place where he can stay. No matter how bad it is, he can always fill his stomach, which is much better than those disaster victims outside who are in danger of losing their lives every day.


  Today, I sold a book and earned 80 coins!

  After sending off Zhou Hui, who "can write poems and song", Gu Changsheng looked at the sky outside and felt that it was almost dark, and no one would come to buy books.

  He picked up a big pot of rice and steamed the pork left over from yesterday.

  After more than a month of martial arts and food supplements, this body is obviously much stronger than when he first crossed over.

  He has now entered the martial arts and mastered the qi and blood in his body.

  Although he is only a younger brother among the warriors, and can't even be called a warrior, but an ordinary person who knows a few moves.

  But now, it's tough for one or two unarmed men to get close to him!!

  During the day, although he told Brother Lin Jun that his bones were very poor, it was hard to describe... It seemed that he didn't have much hope to become a warrior.

  But in fact, Gu Changsheng was not depressed at all, and he had no doubt that he would enter the realm of warriors.

  What if his bones were weak?

  Time is always the best teacher.

  He will not grow old. In other words, his body will always remain at its peak, and his qi and blood will not decline with time.

  Becoming a real warrior is just a matter of time!

  He has been in the martial arts hall for more than a month, but he has never seen the owner of the martial arts hall.

  It is conceivable that people like him who come to the martial arts hall to learn martial arts are not so much here to learn, but rather to buy a second-rate martial arts book. The martial arts hall is only responsible for providing a little guidance and a place to practice martial arts.

  Fifteen taels of silver, a second-rate martial arts book!

  For Gu Changsheng, this is also worth it!

  As for the deadline for paying the fee in two months, whether he can stay in the martial arts hall and become a formal disciple of the martial arts hall.

  Gu Changsheng has no expectations and does not take it seriously.

  He entered the martial arts hall just to get a martial arts book, and his goal has always been clear.

  "The next step is to concentrate on breaking through and becoming a low-level martial artist, and run the bookstore well by the way."

  Gu Changsheng thought about his future and muttered to himself.

  Now he has less than three taels of silver left.

  If he doesn't run the bookstore well, he will be out of money after leaving the martial arts hall in two months.

  He's worried that by then, he'll have already sold the small piece of land the Gu family owns outside the city.

  Gu Changsheng did have this plan a long time ago, but he just kept it to himself out of habit, and planned to wait for a while.

  Thinking of another news brought by Zhou Hui, Gu Changsheng shook his head.

  Another year of the imperial examination of Chu is coming.

  Of course, he will definitely not participate. It would be foolish to do so at this point.

  And he did not bother to persuade Zhou Hui, there was no need.

  If he followed the life trajectory of his original body, perhaps he would have successfully passed the imperial examination in a few years.

  However, by his thirties or forties, like the previous generations of the Gu family, including his great-grandfather, grandfather, and father, who were all scholars, he would have been too late.

  People say that there are four scholars in the Gu family! Of course, the premise is that the State of Chu can still hold on until then.

  But he is not the original body, and Gu Changsheng is also very sure that the original body has passed away, and there is no regret, reluctance... or obsession left in his body.   


  The next day.

  Gu Changsheng arrived at the Chuyun Martial Arts School in the inner city with a light step.

  He found that there were many people gathered at the entrance of the martial arts school.

Curious, he approached the crowd, slipping his hands into his wide sleeves, where he had sewn two large bags of lime.

They were almost the size of a purse, and they could be used at any time. They could be opened with a light unbutton, which was very convenient.

  Although it seemed that there was no danger, it did not prevent him from being prepared.

  There were several burly men in the crowd wearing uniform clothes with green snakes embroidered on them. They were led by a strong man with a knife. His temples were bulging. He was a warrior at first glance, and he was very aggressive.

  In front of these people, facing the entrance of the martial arts school, there was a pale corpse.

  "Green Snake Gang!"

  Looking at the iconic logo of a green snake coiling and sticking out its tongue, the name of this gang flashed in Gu Changsheng's mind instantly.

  The Green Snake Gang is also a well-known gang in Yuzhou City. Like the Double Blade Sect in the south of the city, it is one of the four major gangs in Yuzhou City.

  Gu Changsheng frowned. He didn't know what was going on. He was confused. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure in the crowd. He leaned over and touched the man.

  "Brother Luo..."

  "Ahem... Brother Gu!" Luo Dayong was watching with great interest in the crowd. Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name in his ear. He looked up and saw that it was Gu Changsheng. He coughed twice in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

  After all, he was more or less watching the joke of his own martial arts hall, and he was caught in the act.

  "Brother Luo, do you know what's going on?"

  Gu Changsheng seemed to have not seen the scene just now and was still asking him.

  Luo Dayong, like him, learned martial arts in the martial arts hall. However, he was usually more talkative. He actually had a good relationship with many people in the martial arts hall, and the same was true with Gu Changsheng.

  At least, he knew that this person existed in the martial arts hall.

  "Tsk tsk... Brother Gu, you probably don't know!"

  Luo Dayong clicked his tongue twice. Speaking of this, he immediately became interested. His expression was vivid, and he said to Gu Changsheng in a vivid way: "Do you know the Xiao Huan in our martial arts hall?"

  "Xiao Huan?"

  Gu Changsheng immediately thought about it. He had a good memory and quickly remembered this person. He

  should be a newcomer who has just come to the martial arts hall for a few days. He usually behaves in a low-key manner. Even when practicing martial arts, he hides in a corner alone, just like when he first came to the martial arts hall.

  As for more, Gu Changsheng couldn't think of it.

  However, since Luo Dayong mentioned Xiao Huan, it was obvious that the matter in front of him should be related to Xiao Huan. Just wait for him to continue.

  Sure enough, Luo Dayong didn't wait for him to answer, and couldn't wait to continue to talk to him:

  "Xiao Huan just entered the martial arts hall ten days ago, but you definitely don't know why he entered the martial arts hall! It is said that he had offended a small leader of the Green Snake Gang in the north of the city, and had to enter the martial arts hall to avoid trouble..."

  "Huh?! What kind of protagonist template is this?!"

  Gu Changsheng was very shocked, opened his mouth slightly, and was speechless for a moment.

  What is this if not a genius?

  He has only practiced martial arts for ten days in total, and he may have practiced the Cloud Palm to the entry level in three or four days. Compared with him, who needs more than a month to get started...

  On the dark and windy night yesterday, Xiao Huan chose to kill the small leader of the Green Snake Gang with his own hands.

  Unfortunately, a single mistake was still discovered.

  But no matter what, even if there was an element of sneak attack in it, this small leader had been practicing martial arts for many years, but was killed by such a person who had just stepped into martial arts. It was incredible!

  If someone hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe it!

  There is such a talent for martial arts in the world? !

  Gu Changsheng said that he didn't quite understand. Is this really a talent for martial arts that a person can have?

  The fake protagonist - he is submissive, cautious, and ready to run away at any time!

  The real protagonist - a martial arts genius, who doesn't care about life and death, and will fight if he doesn't accept it!