Chapter 16: Live Action MC

Chapter 16 Live-Action MC

  "You... you are actually... a warrior?"

"Why waste so much time talking when you can just kill someone," Gu Changsheng said calmly, his expression unchanged.

A corpse with a face full of resentment slowly fell in front of him.

  Perhaps because he was planning to escape this time, he brought a few more items.

After leaving the city, he was spotted and followed.

Unfortunately, that person was just a rookie who could sense qi and blood. He knew a few tricks, but he was not a warrior. He had the intent to kill and rob, but he lacked the strength.

He couldn't even withstand a few of Gu Changsheng's palm strikes.

  Gu Changsheng checked several times to confirm that the person was truly dead and not pretending to be dead to trick him. Only then did he finally step forward and begin to search the corpse.

  "Be more careful in your next life, and don't rob people anymore," Gu Changsheng whispered as he searched the corpse.

  For the dead, he didn't mind chatting with them a little more.

  Of course, the premise is that the person is dead.

  The first time he killed someone, he didn't feel uncomfortable, perhaps because of his personality, or perhaps because he had really adapted to the rules of this world.

  "Bah! Poor bastard!"

  After carefully inspecting the corpse, Gu Changsheng confirmed that he hadn't missed anything.

He also discovered a small amount of silver on the corpse, less than two taels.

that's all?

No wonder the person resorted to robbery.

  "Yuzhou City is gradually descending into chaos," Gu Changsheng remarked casually as he pocketed the silver, glancing back at Yuzhou City before sighing.

  He didn't feel anything when he was in the city before.

But now, outside the city, it's really chaotic.

  No matter what kind of order, it is always better than no order.

  Gu Changsheng has walked this road into the mountains many times, and he is familiar with it.

  Outside the mountains, it's not too deep. There are also many refugees who have fled into the mountains. They usually gather together. On the outside, they form several gathering places of varying sizes, which are also the prototypes of villages.   It's obvious that he is not the only one who thinks of escaping from the world in troubled times.

  In troubled times, they would hide in the mountains and wait until the world was pacified again before descending. Alternatively, they might opt to stay and not leave.

This is also the choice of many people out of helplessness. However, the mountains can only accommodate a limited number of people. Venturing further inside is very dangerous and not a place ordinary people can easily access.

 Therefore, in troubled times, although the world is vast, most people still have nowhere to escape. They can only go with the flow and struggle hard in this troubled world. It is said that it's better to be a dog in peacetime than a person in troubled times.

Gu Changsheng looked at these people from a distance. He had no intention of staying here.   

Although this place is also in the mountains, it's still too close to the outside world. It's possible that it will be affected by external influences.

 He chose a direction and continued to venture deeper into the mountains. Gradually, there was no trace of any human existence in the environment around him.

  Gu Changsheng found himself in a relatively secluded spot, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and discovered the supplies he had brought into the mountains over the years, bit by bit.

  It wasn't that he didn't want to go further in, but rather that venturing deeper might pose some danger.

  Warriors may be much stronger than ordinary people, but there are still beasts that can threaten them. This location is secluded but not excessively remote—just right. With food on hand, there's no need to panic.

The food that Gu Changsheng has accumulated little by little over the years is enough for him to eat for two whole years if he eats it alone.   

  In addition, among the supplies he had stored before, there was also a complete set of pots and pans, various herbs, salt, cloth, seeds, pens, ink, paper, and a series of other things that looked messy.

  He hid all of these in a cave near the ground.

  Surrounded by mountains on all sides, this cave had been meticulously sought out—a Feng Shui treasure he had long searched for amidst these mountain ranges.

  There was a stream passing by not far away, and the water in the stream was so clear that you could see the bottom. You

could even see fish swimming in the water with your naked eyes from the surface of the water.

  At the entrance of this cave, he could even cultivate a few acres of land in the future when he had free time. Regardless of the yield in the past few years, having some harvest was better than nothing.

  Perhaps the only drawback was that the space in this cave was a bit small.

  All added up, it was estimated to be only about 30 or 40 square meters.

  But compared to the advantages here, these were minor inconveniences.

  He estimated that he would have to spend many years there gradually.

What would it feel like to "wait for eighteen years in a cold kiln"?

  Gu Changsheng shook his head, dismissing the strange idea from his mind.

  He put away all the good things he brought into the deep mountains this time.


  Gu Changsheng had originally imagined living in this secluded mountain forest, perhaps leading a serene life of picking chrysanthemums by the eastern fence and leisurely admiring the southern mountains.

  No matter how disturbing the outside world is, I will ignore the world and be at ease.

But when he actually moved in on the first day, he realized his mistake.

And it was a big one!

There was only a layer of straw beneath the cold mat, nearly touching the ground. The air he breathed was raw and natural. Fortunately, being a warrior, he was more resilient to the cold.

  That night, Gu Changsheng secretly made up his mind that he must make a bed when he got up tomorrow.

  Otherwise, no one could endure it daily. He spent sleepless nights, unable to find rest.

  As dawn approached, the light was still dim. Gu Changsheng rose from his bed, cooked a large pot of rice, and hastily filled his stomach with a few pieces of bacon.

  Then he took the axe and went straight to a lucky tree outside.

  It took a lot of effort to chop down the tree.

  There was no skill, just strength.

  But after chopping down the tree, Gu Changsheng was shocked to find that... he had no idea where to start.

  He didn't seem to know how to do carpentry.

  There was no other way, he could only force it and make do with it.

  Otherwise, could he go outside and bring back another bed?

  Finally, after wasting a whole day, relying on his superb skills, he barely made a wooden "bed", if that could be considered a bed.

  A piece of board with four legs, what is this if not a bed? !

On the third day, Gu Changsheng stood on higher ground, surveying the empty wasteland ahead, which was full with weeds, and felt a sense of heroism. This was his kingdom

  He planned to reclaim all these wastelands and plant food.

  He had hoes and shovels for farming, and everything was ready.

  Days passed by, and Gu Changsheng didn't know what was going on. He was gradually becoming busy as a dog.

  Hunting, farming, carpentry, brewing, fishing, collecting herbs...

  He seemed to be becoming more and more versatile!