Chapter 17: Daily Life in the Mountains

Chapter 17: Daily Life in the Mountains

  During the first year in the mountains, Gu Changsheng learned a lot and became much more relaxed.

  He was squatting in the fields. Although his appearance had not changed much, his beard was quite noticeable, and his hair was casually fixed with a long hairpin.

  He has gradually gotten used to life in the mountains.

  Although he is alone, he does not feel lonely.

  Back then, our old Gu was also a famous handsome young man in the surrounding area!

  His eyes were still bright, and his right hand gently held a wheat plant that was about to mature. In front of him were several acres of sparsely growing golden wheat.

  The seeds were sown when he first arrived. For several months, he worked hard and diligently to clear the land, cultivate the soil, fertilize the fields, weed, and apply fertilizers.

  As a result, when the time for harvest arrived, the fields were still lush with grass but sparse with bean sprouts.

  Tsk tsk...

  Gu Changsheng clicked his tongue twice, but he didn't feel discouraged.

  After all, wheat has grown more or less in this field, hasn't it? Plant more for a few years, and it will improve steadily.

  I don't know what the current situation outside. Is the State of Chu already destroyed? But I think it shouldn't be.

  But everything has nothing to do with him. I don't know how many years I have to lived in the mountains, So what does the chaotic world have to do with me?

  He will continue to hide here, regardless of how chaotic it is outside...

It's impossible for it to affect him.

  "Wait five or six years, go to the refugee villages outside to inquire about the news... Forget it, let's wait ten years before we talk about it," Gu Changsheng said, washing his hands with water.

He decided to play it safe; after all, time was his own, and there was no need to rush.

  As a reflection of history, after great chaos, great order often follows.

In the fourteen states of the Chu Kingdom, no one knows who will emerge to rebuild the mountains and rivers as this ship teeters on the brink of collapse.

Who will determine the destiny of this vast world?

Yet, the green mountains remain steadfast, and the sunset paints the sky red several times.


  Gu Changsheng held a medical book in his hand, comparing it with the various herbs he found in the mountains in front of him. He frowned, deep in thought.

  When he was in Yuzhou City, he searched for several different medical books.

  He also asked people for advice.

  When I have nothing to do, I always open it and read it.

  Practicing martial arts can make people strong, but reading can make people wise.

  After so many years, despite lacking practical experience, his medical knowledge was at least theoretical mastery level.

  Serious diseases may not be curable, but minor ailments shouldn't be fatal, right?

  Gu Changsheng himself isn't too sure since he hasn't treated any patients yet.

  The body of a warrior is much stronger than that of an ordinary person, and the corresponding physical fitness, immunity, etc. are much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

  Anyway, after so many years, since he practiced martial arts, he has not had any illness again.

  In the past six months, through experimenting with various herbs in the mountains, Gu Changsheng's medical skills have increased significantly, although he is still considered an amateur.

  But this also led Gu Changsheng to a conclusion: If he wants to create an herbal formula with no side effects, it may cause a slight aging effect upon application it on people.

  This is far beyond the capability of his current medical skills.

To achieve it, it is necessary to combine herbs and cosmetics.

  "Then let's call it Gu's Old Prescription." Gu Changsheng gave it a name.

  Gu's Old Prescription!

  Because he didn't possess the art of disguise, this could be deemed as a substitute for it.

It might not be beneficial to others, but it proved invaluable to him.

And it was indeed very useful!

Of course, it was merely a fledgling concept or idea.


  Immersed in medicine, the whole afternoon passed quickly. Gu Changsheng glanced at the sun that was about to set and put the book down.   

  He rubbed his sore eyes and eyebrows with both hands.

  His head was slightly lowered.

  Suddenly he noticed the wooden table and wooden chair under his buttocks, and looked at his own "small yard". It was ventilated on all sides, not blocking any wind and rain, cold in winter and hot in summer.

  There was only a circle of simple wooden fences outside.

  It was very mismatched, and he always felt that something was missing.

  Well, one day when I have time, I can consider building another house in the yard, a warehouse, or a small pavilion.

  Gu Changsheng thought to himself.

  Really, survival in the wilderness!

  Give him some time, maybe he can build a paradise here.

  When he was free, Gu Changsheng took a leaf and blew it at his lips. The sound was beautiful, ethereal and ethereal, as if a person was flying in the clouds with a sword.

  Of course, this was Gu Changsheng's own feeling.

  In fact, it was very unpleasant.

  Just think about it, what kind of nice sound can be made by just a leaf.

  And he is still so amateur!

  "Silly roe deer?"

  After the song had ended, Gu Changsheng set the leaves aside and gazed at the peculiar creature standing before him.

There was a hint of curiosity in its large eyes as they met his.

  That thing looked like a deer but not a deer, like a sheep but not a sheep, plus the silly eyes, isn't it a silly roe deer?

  "Hurry up and boil water, thank nature for the gift!"

  A smile spread across Gu Changsheng's face almost instantly.

"Since you've brought the goods right to my doorstep, it would be impolite of me not to accept them."

  He finally understood what was missing in his yard.

A lack of poultry!

No wonder it always felt incomplete!

But, would consuming this creature affect people's intelligence?

  Gu Changsheng's heart inexplicably had this question.

  It's not that he was suspicious; he was genuinely concerned.

After all, this creature looked so stupid!

He was about to prepare the pot, boil water, and fetch a knife, but it didn't even attempt to flee.

  It continued to chew happily, oblivious to what it was eating, and trailed behind him on its four little hooves.

Its two big, silly eyes observed his every move with curiosity.

It watched as he started the pot, boiled water, and sharpened the knife.

  Gu Changsheng: "..."

  Ah, this.

  Ah, you

  This, this, this...

  I'm almost embarrassed by it.

  I don't know what to do anymore!

  Forget it, let's keep it for a few days. The wheat in the field is almost ripe and will be harvested soon. Then it can be used as feed for the deer!

  Silly roe deer: "???"

  Just like that, Gu Changsheng, who lived safely in the deep mountains and old forests, had an extra livestock in his home for no reason.



  Living in the mountains, he would never leave the mountains in troubled times.

  As time passed, with all kinds of wars and chaos engulfing the outside world—wars, smoke everywhere, blood flowing like rivers, and mountains and rivers broken—it truly couldn't affect him.

  Facts have proven that as long as you don't set out to cause trouble and stay in one place, the chances of getting into trouble will be extremely low!

  indeed, It works!

  - Gu Changshengliu, the Immortal Lord of The Enlightened Way.