Chapter 24: Gu Changsheng, the Master of Chuyun Martial Arts Hall

Chapter 24: Gu Changsheng, the Master of Chuyun Martial Arts Hall

  Three months later, Senior Brother Lin Jun was buried with great ceremony.

It was also at this time that Gu Changsheng realized that his body was like a broken rag doll full of scars and hidden diseases, which was shocking.

  If he had not been sustained by medicine, he would have died long ago.

After entrusting Chuyun Martial Arts Hall to Gu Changsheng, perhaps because he had let go of the heavy burden in his heart, Lin Jun passed away.

Only Gu Changsheng was left, feeling perplexed.

  "Lin Jun... Senior Brother."

  In the martial arts training ground, Gu Changsheng stood with his hands behind his back, just like the master of the martial arts hall back then, but he sighed deeply in his heart.

  He would never have thought that he would become the master of this martial arts school by accident.

  He would fulfill his promise to Senior Brother Lin Jun by continuing to uphold the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall.

  At least he would train a third-rate martial artist, and then choose to die at a suitable time.

  This might also be Senior Brother Lin Jun's calculation.

  After all, in his eyes, Gu Changsheng is not young anymore.

  How many more years can he live than him?

  The martial arts school will continue to be passed down in the end.

  A martial arts school is a small sect.

  While some martial arts schools are passed down from generation to generation within families sharing the same surname, others are transmitted from masters to apprentices. Chuyun Martial Arts school follows the master-apprentice tradition.

  But whether this is Senior Brother Lin Jun's calculation or not, Gu Changsheng will complete it.

  A gentleman's promise is worth a thousand gold!

  As an immortal, Gu Changsheng takes his promise very seriously.

  Because he doesn't know if there is cause and effect in this world.

  In the awe-inspiring eyes of several martial arts newcomers in the training ground.

  Gu Changsheng left with his hands behind his back, and the two long strands of hair on his temples were completely gray.

  He looked exactly like the master of the school when he learned martial arts.

  Gu Changsheng was holding a thick book in his hand.

  Inside it was the complete content of the Cloud Palm.

  There were also several prescriptions that were very suitable for practicing the Cloud Palm.

  There were prescriptions for sensing qi and blood to those used by first-class warriors.

  [Name: Gu Changsheng]

  [Talent: Immortality]

  [Age: 44]

  [Realm: Flesh and Blood (Third-rate Warrior)]

  [Martial Arts: Cloud Palm - Flesh and Blood Chapter (Great Accomplishment 3/150)]

  [Skills: Confucianism (Mastery 40/150) Medical Skills (Mastery 36/150) Finger-Flicking Divine Arts (Mastery 85/100)]

  Gu Changsheng was a mediocre doctor who had never cured a disease or saved a life.

  All his medical skills were focused on Gu's old Prescription.

  That is, the art of disguise, which can be said to have gone astray.

  He learned martial arts at the age of eighteen, broke through to the martial artist in six years, and became a third-rate martial artist in fourteen years. Now, at the age of forty-four, he has just entered the flesh and blood.

  If he was just an ordinary person, no matter how hard he studied and practiced, he wouldn't have had the possibility of breaking through to the second-rate martial artist in this life.

  Having a weak foundation is cruel.

  Unfortunately, he is not an ordinary person.

  Instead, he is an immortal species!



  Shao Yue, Wei Min, and Li Hengfeng all bowed to Gu Changsheng. These three are the only three formal disciples left in Chuyun Martial Arts School.

  There are two inferior warriors and one entry-level warrior who has achieved great success in Qi and Blood.

  The martial arts school will accept new formal disciples in the future, and Gu Changsheng does not plan to accept disciples himself, but will be responsible for training them well.

  He does not want to get involved in karma if he can. This is why he did that to Ye Lan and his sister.

  Among them, Li Hengfeng is the only one among the three who is not a warrior yet. He is currently responsible for guarding the gate of Chuyun Martial Arts School, also known as the gatekeeper.

  Shao Yue and Wei Min are both inferior warriors.

  They are also responsible for teaching people who come to the martial arts school to learn from them to practice Cloud Palm.

  Regarding Gu Changsheng being personally appointed by Lin Jun to take over the position of the head of Chuyun Martial Arts School,

  these three people were very tactful and did not object.

  In the world of warriors, the strong are respected and the accomplished are the teachers.

  Not to mention that Gu Changsheng is older than them.

  Even in terms of martial arts realm, he was much stronger than them.

  A third-rate martial artist was not something they could oppose.

  Gu Changsheng asked them to come here to understand the current situation of the martial arts school. By the way, he also took the time to instruct the three people on their martial arts training.

  Unconsciously, he acquired the knack for envisioning grand ambitions without any formal guidance.

  After all, he has become the person he hated back then!

  Compared with when he was practicing martial arts in the martial arts school, the current Chuyun Martial Arts Hall is really down and out, and is no longer one of the three major martial arts halls in Yuzhou City.

  In the past, there were new people coming to the martial arts hall to learn martial arts almost every day.

  But now, there are only less than ten people a month.

  This may be because the world has just been pacified, but it is also inseparable from the fact that the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall is no longer as good as before.

  The fees collected are barely enough for the four people in the martial arts hall to practice.

  It may be enough.

  The cash assets currently owned by the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall are almost negligible.

  Such a large martial arts school, but only a few hundred taels of silver.

  The most important assets are the complete set of Cloud Palm martial arts and the overall building of the martial arts school located in the inner city of Yuzhou.

  The location is not too bad and covers a large area.

  It is definitely a high-quality asset!

  "Hengfeng, if I remember correctly, you should have been in the martial arts school for three years, right?"

  Gu Changsheng drank a sip of tea, the sun poured on his graying long hair, and the whole person had an indescribable quietness and warmth.

  This temperament is like the good years, making people feel at ease and kind.

  "Master, it's been three years and six months."

  Li Hengfeng looked very respectful. After thinking seriously, he clasped his fists and answered:

  "At that time, there was still chaos and war. I followed my fellow villagers to escape from the control of King Qian to Yuzhou. We encountered chaos and war on the way.

  After I got separated from my fellow villagers, I fled here.

  Later, when I entered the martial arts school to practice martial arts, I was finally able to find a place to settle down here thanks to the favor of Master Lin."

  The story is not exciting, but for Li Hengfeng, it can be called ups and downs, and it is an indelible memory

  in this life. This is also the experience of many people in troubled times.

  Fortunately, everything is over!

  In more than three years, the blood and qi have been greatly developed, but there is no feeling of breaking through the warrior.

  Gu Changsheng then offered him a few more words of encouragement, urging him not to lose heart, emphasizing that hard work will pay off, and highlighting the importance of diligent study in martial arts training.

Then, he engaged in a very cordial conversation with Shao Yue and Wei Min.

Now, he could paint a bright future for them.

"What future will eventually belong to you!"

  From this point of view, he is already a mature master.

  The master of Chuyun, Gu Changsheng!