Chapter 25: So, his name is Wu Song?

Chapter 25: So, his name is Wu Song?

  With Gu Changsheng's strength as a third-rate martial artist, it is not too difficult to keep the current Chuyun Martial Arts School, but if he wants to make the martial arts school return to the status of one of the three major martial arts schools in Yuzhou City, this is impossible.

  Gu Changsheng finds it embarrassing not to reveal his strength.

This responsibility should be shouldered by the next generation of school masters, not by him, who is already considered an "old man."

His sole responsibility is to inherit the martial arts school.

  He will die at a more appropriate time.

  Just like the choice of Senior Brother Lin Jun, the martial arts school will be handed over to the next school master.

  Where the martial arts school will go in the future has nothing to do with him, who has already "passed away".

  Whether it is prosperous or declining, he can actually accept it.

  The rise and fall of this world is common sense. Dynasties will fall, let alone others.

  The fact that someone like him exists is truly an anomaly.

  Gu Changsheng's hair on his temples was moving gently in the wind.

  He is already in his forties.

  He looked at the backs of the three people leaving with a calm look.

  If nothing unexpected happens, the next headmaster will most likely be one of these three people, but it is not certain.

  After many twists and turns, just like he himself did not expect, he would become the headmaster of a martial arts hall. It is really unpredictable.

 Gu Changsheng is now contemplating how many years he has left to live.

  Ten years? Isn't this too fast... Perhaps fifteen years, twenty years would be just right.

  There is no one else who has to count on their fingers how many years they can live.

  Except for him, there is no one else.


  I wonder if the people in the martial arts world of Yuzhou City have nothing better to do.

  Gu Changsheng has only been the headmaster of Chuyun Martial Arts Hall for a few days, and he already has an inexplicable nickname.

  Chuyun Hand, Gu Changsheng.

  This made Gu Changsheng, who wanted to keep a low profile, very angry.

  Don't let him know who did this.

  Otherwise, he will really go to the person's grave to have a "good" chat.

  In fact, the martial arts world of Yuzhou City is not big, but it is not too small.

  Chuyun Martial Arts Hall is not completely unknown in this city.

  A second-rate warrior is already the top in this city.

  The sudden appearance of a third-rate warrior is impossible not to attract attention.

  At least, the Hanshan and Benlei martial arts halls, which were once as famous as the Chuyun martial arts hall, are very concerned about the current situation of the Chuyun martial arts school.

  This also indirectly shows that the trouble that Gu Changsheng once guessed is true.

  Cloud Hand is the title of the masters of the Chuyun martial arts hall in successive generations.

  Now it belongs to him.

  Although there are some troubles, they are not too big. In the past few years when the Chuyun martial arts school declined, there are only two major martial arts halls left in Yuzhou City.

  Hanshan and Benlei.

  They are also called one punch and one knife!

  In addition, there are several second-rate and third-rate martial arts halls that are not meeting the standards.

Gu Changsheng has no intention of letting the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall return to the top three martial arts halls.

  As long as the Chuyun Martial Arts School can maintain a low profile, it should not encounter significant trouble.

  The reshuffle in troubled times did not make these families fall together.

  There are almost no major changes in the top families and forces in the city.

  This shows that the warriors' self-protection ability is indeed good.

  No matter how many times the flags on the walls of the dynasty change, these forces and families based on martial arts are very similar to the ancient noble families in his previous life.

  Dynasties rise and fall, but noble families remain forever!

  If the master of the Izumo Martial Arts School hadn't committed suicide, the Chuyun Martial Arts School might not have declined to its current state.

Consequently, Gu Changsheng might not have attained his current position.

This highlights a cause-and-effect relationship, where there is a cause before there is an effect.

  Gu Changsheng put down the invitation card in his hand with a calm expression.

  There were several more in front of him.

  To be honest, he didn't know any of the people who sent the invitation cards.

  No one cares about hard work, but once you become a third-rate warrior, everyone in the city will know about it.

Gu Changsheng had already planned not to step out of the martial arts school until he "died of old age" or reached the realm of a second-rate warrior.

  He is now in the great accomplishment of flesh and blood, and is particularly proficient in the finger-flicking magic. He is not a weakling among third-rate warriors.

  He is a strong one!

  But if a second-rate warrior were to attack him personally, he would never be his opponent.

He harbors no grudges against others on weekdays and is not acquainted with many warriors. Though it's unlikely that a second-rate warrior would attack him.

  But it's always right to be cautious.

  After all, you can never guess what's in other people's minds.

  Maybe there is a psychopath?

  Or someone attacks him because of the matter of Chuyun Martial Arts school?

  No matter how unlikely it may seem, it's still possible.

Gu Changsheng won't stake his life on others.

Even if it's a low probability event, gambling too much can be fatal!

Gamblers end up losing their lives!

  Maybe Gu Changsheng has paranoia.

  Just like a piece of unwanted attention, he always feels that there will be demons who want to harm him!


  "So, his name is Wu Song?" Gu Changsheng said while looking at the young man in front of him.

  Wu Dalang, with white hair and beard, is standing next to the young man at this time.

  Maybe it's because of Gu Changsheng's current identity.

  He is a famous warrior.

  He was already hunched over and looked very old, and he seemed a little embarrassed. He no longer had the naturalness he had when he first met Gu Changsheng.

  "Changsheng... I won't make it difficult for you. We will pay you enough for learning martial arts. But, can you get more guidance..."

  Wu Dalang, who had known Gu Changsheng for many years, said a little embarrassedly.

  "Uncle Wu." Gu Changsheng patted his shoulder gently to make him feel at ease.

  He looked at the young man named Wu Song.

  "Do you really want to learn martial arts?"

  "Yes!" The young man of the Wu family nodded heavily.

  "Then do you know how hard it is to learn martial arts?" Gu Changsheng asked again. The young man shook his head, not knowing.

  "Whether it is windy or rainy, or in the cold winter, with heavy snow and hail, you must study hard every day and not slack off for a day." Gu Changsheng said slowly.

  "Yes, Erlang can endure hardships. Please Uncle Gu... Please help me!"

  Wu Erlang Wu Song looked at him with determination.

  It was just like Gu Changsheng when he came to the martial arts hall to study.

  Wu Dalang was looking at Wu Song with a look of relief.

  At his age, there was nothing he couldn't let go of. If there was anything, it might be the younger generation that he couldn't let go of. Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed to let Wu Song come to the martial arts hall to learn martial arts.

  You have to know that the expenses of learning martial arts are not much easier for the Wu family than for Gu Changsheng at the beginning. It is also a huge amount of money.

  "Wei Min, take him down, give him a set of clothes and martial arts, and teach him more."

  Gu Changsheng could see that the Wu family's second son, Wu Song, was not just talking, this kid might really be able to endure hardships.