Chapter 29:Promised to Be the Best in the World

Chapter 29: Promised to be the best in the world

Two months later, outside Yuzhou City.

  The young man dressed in black suddenly turned around.

  It has been a long time since I last saw this handsome face.

  This man is Gu Changsheng.

  He departed without bidding farewell to anyone, opting instead to leave behind a letter before slipping away unnoticed.

  I don't know when I will return, or maybe I will never come back.

  "Let's find a place to hide and become a first-class warrior first."

  Gu Changsheng pulled the veil on his head and got on the horse.

  With a sword on his waist, he looked like a chivalrous knight.

  As the horse went away, Yuzhou City behind him gradually disappeared.


  Gu Changsheng did not plan to continue hiding in the deep mountains outside Yuzhou City.

  Instead, he would change to another mountain and hide and become a first-class warrior first.

  After all, the mountain range outside Yuzhou City is also known by the siblings Ye Lan and Ye Nan.

  It is not just his deep mountains and old forests.

  In the southwest of this Xuan country, the most abundant thing is mountains.

  Qingmo City.

  Gu Changsheng was just going to buy some supplies for Gou Shan in this city, but when he passed a certain street, he suddenly couldn't move.

  "Young Master~ Come and play."

  "Sir, come in and play~"

  "This young master is so handsome..."

  In this brothel called Red Sleeves, the constant sound of women gives a lively athmosphere.

  As a gentleman, Gu Changsheng shouldn't have stayed at this door for too long.

  But she called me Young Master!

  Reluctantly, he allowed himself to be led inside by the girl grasping his arm.

Once, I harbored dreams of traversing the world with a sword in hand. But fate intervened, leading me to forsake my sword, abandon my horse, and ultimately suffer an injury to my waist.

  "Madam, call out your courtesan!"

  Today, with nothing on my agenda, I indulge in the melodies of the brothel.

After decades of martial arts practice, am I not entitled to such pleasures?

Let the music play, let the dance begin!

Gu Changsheng, Gu Changsheng, do you recall the young lady from the Liu family by Daming Lake all those years ago?

I don't recall!

Ah, that's quite alright.


  But a month later, Gu Changsheng was kicked out of Red Sleeves.

  His clothes were still messy.

  Five hundred taels of silver didn't last a month?

  So expensive?!

  Furthermore, he wasn't granted any free favors!

How heartless and ungrateful, he even called her "Little Sweetie" last night.

With his handsome face, he's utterly clueless!

Sooner or later, Red Sleeves will go out of business!

Gu Changsheng remarked in frustration.

  He hated two kind of people the most in his life: those who obtained things for free, and those who refused to grant him the same privilege!

  "What do you mean by invincible in the world, lonely as snow, but you still left with your waist supported?"

  The window of the attic above suddenly swung open, revealing a radiant and captivating face. With her delicate fingers lightly covering her lips, she smiled brightly at him and spoke with amusement.


  Gu Changsheng looked up at the girl, raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.

  He lowered his head and straightened his now messy clothes.

  He didn't bother to argue with this woman at all.

  "If you, sir, want to take me with you..."


  The girl had just finished what she was about to say when Gu Changsheng interrupted her.

  It was a fleeting relationship, only about romance.

  How could you be so serious?

  Does he look like a big complainer?

  Oh, woman!

  Although you can get my body, you can never get my heart.


  Outside Qingmo City.

  Gu Changsheng reached out from the hair tied up on his head, took out two silver needles as big as wooden sticks, and threw them behind him with the magic of flicking fingers.   

  Only two thuds echoed as the individuals collapsed to the ground, followed by silence.

  I don't know if he's cursed.

  Every time he went to hide in the mountains, he would encounter this kind of robbers.

  They followed him all the way from the city to the outside of the city.

  He was waiting for someone, but what were these two waiting for?

  Inspecting corpses is akin to opening a mystery box; you never know what you might find inside.

  "Eighteen Spring Palace Pictures? Bah! What the hell?"

  Gu Changsheng felt ashamed when he saw the things in the picture.

  I dare not look at it!

  The world is deteriorating, and people's moral compasses are not as strong as they once were!

  Gu Changsheng quickly read the contents of the painting, memorized the knowledge in his heart, and learned a lot... Bah! He learned a lot!

  He put the silver he touched into his pocket naturally.

  Then he threw these sundries together and burned them.

  The thing that ignited the fire was a kind of tasteless but flammable potion that he accidentally invented when he was preparing Gu's prescription recipe.

  Only a small bottle is needed, and it will burn violently when it encounters fire, and the effect is no worse than the gasoline in his previous life.

  It is indeed a necessary auxiliary for wandering around the world, killing people and robbing goods, and destroying corpses.

  After studying medicine for so many years, he has not learned how to save people.

  Instead, he has gone further and further in this kind of medical skills of killing people.

  It feels like he is succumbing to darkness!

  He may not excel at saving lives, but he certainly knows how to hasten their transcendence.

  You're welcome, please call me the transcendent hero.

  Gu Changsheng took a look at the charred bodies of the two people.

  Suddenly, he felt he was overly generous. To prevent people from becoming prey to wild beasts, he even purchased a bottle of "Burning Passion Potion" out of his own pocket, earning the gratitude of the local people. Without his intervention, there might have been a sinister outcome!

  These two people who robbed and looted and ended up facing this living King of Hell are also in for eighteen lifetimes of bad luck!


  Humming a little song, Gu Changsheng continued to go to the direction of the mountains outside Qingmo City.

  He has extensive experience living in the mountains.

  After all, he was a tough guy who had spent twenty years in the mountains.

  It was nothing special, just a matter of practice.

  Gu Changsheng was just like going home on the road in the mountains, walking on flat ground.

  After going deep into the mountains, Gu Changsheng found a very suitable place on a hillside with a relatively gentle slope.

  There were broken cliffs and greenery in front of the door.

  Between the cliffs were rivers like rivers and beautiful waterfalls.

  Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the scenery of the four seasons may be different.

  Just look at this beautiful scenery of nature more every day, and you can live at least ten years longer!

  Uh... This doesn't seem to work for him...

  But even if it's just to keep your mood happy.

  Choosing to settle down here is worth it!

  Soon, misfortune befell the trees in this mountain.


The sword light moved like a shadow, smooth and swift.

He chopped down the big trees one after another as if cutting rapeseed flowers.

  This time he stayed in the mountains just to break through the first-class warrior.

  Practice the Cloud Palm to perfection.

  In fact, he doesn't like fighting and killing.

  The several times he killed people, it was because others were reckless and had first set their sights on him.

  Perhaps the nature of human beings is internal strife.

  Where there are people, there will be a world of martial arts.

  Only in these deep mountains and old forests, far away from the world, can one avoid being disturbed by others.

  Gu Changsheng does not know how many years this time of seclusion will last.

  But everything should be done after breaking through to the first-class warrior level.

  The so-called first-class, the first-class in the world, this is the realm of the founder who can open a sect.

  Throughout history, reaching the realm of a first-class warrior has been achievable only by true geniuses.

Although Gu Changsheng doesn't consider himself a genius, he's determined to achieve it through sheer determination.

  - You must know that when he was young, he had lofty ambitions and promised to be the best in the world.