Chapter 30: Why did Your Majesty rebel?

Chapter 30: Why did His Majesty rebel?

  Just when Gu Changsheng was in seclusion in the mountains, quietly practicing and preparing to surprise everyone.

  During this period, the world of Xuan Kingdom was particularly lively.

   The Xuan Emperor who had ruled the world for more than ten years.

  Perhaps he was in his twilight years, or perhaps he wanted to pave the way for future emperors. In any case, his reputation after death could not be preserved, so he started a large-scale massacre.

  He began by focusing on the court, targeting loyal officials who had aided him in conquering the dynasty.

One by one, he compelled them to decide between hanging themselves with white silk or drinking poisoned wine.

Those who are clever or deceitful often face a grim fate, as their cunning or trickery eventually brings about their downfall.

  After cleaning up the court, the Xuan Emperor set his sights on the martial arts world.

  Perhaps he felt that the martial artists in the martial arts world would also pose obstacles to the imperial power.

  The entire Xuanwu Division came out in full force, led by four martial artists who had already reached the innate level of martial arts.

  They began to travel accros rivers and lakes!

  For a time, the whole Xuan Kingdom was in panic.

  People thought that this would set off another bloody dispute.

  But what is surprising is that the several martial arts sects that were the first to bear the brunt of the attack in Xuan State actually chose to be cowardly first.

  Facing the court henchmen who surrounded them, they displayed great spinelessness, obediently offering various martial arts and secrets passed down by their ancestors for many years. It was as if they were paying homage to their ancestors!

  Each of these martial arts had been famous all over the world!

  The worst would probably be martial arts at the level of Cloud Palm.

  And the sects that were disobedient and chose to resist stubbornly were almost entirely cut down and destroyed.

  For a while, I don't know how many warriors were hunted and killed.

  The world of Xuan State, which had been stable for more than ten years, was shaken severely.

  And no one knew how many years this impact would last.

  But at the same time, the influence of the Xuan State court reached a level that Chu State could only dream of achieving.

  It can be said that the king's words make the world bow!


  This is the new capital of Daxuan after re-unifying the world of the fourteen states.

  The capital spans hundreds of miles, bustling with a constant flow of people, magnificent and spectacular, featuring the Imperial Palace at its heart.

  "I hope your majesty can put away your murderous heart! It has only been a dozen years since my Great Xuan Dynasty ruled the world. In the chaotic times, the people are suffering. We need to start anew!" In the

palace hall, the newly crowned champion Ying Daozheng was slightly drunk and spoke loudly to the incomparable figure at the top.

  It can be seen and heard that he is really brave.

  Although Emperor Xuan pacified the chaotic times and ended the separatist rule of the warlords.

  But now, his reputation in the world is not very good.

  He is almost equal to the tyrant of the ages.

  Such an admonition in front of such an emperor.

  This is not a question of bravery at all, but that he has no intention of surviving after the admonition.

  The hall was silent at this time, except for these two people.

  Everyone else in the hall was scared and had already crawled on the ground.

  And the figure standing on the upper steps slowly turned around.

  A hint of expression could be faintly seen through the crown.

  Black clothes with dragon patterns, twelve tassels of the emperor.

  "Can warriors also be considered civilians?"

  Emperor Xuan's voice echoed in the silent hall, and everyone could hear it clearly.

  "Warriors rely on strength and martial art, but they often break the law! In my Xuan country's fourteen states, which state in the world lacks sects or families, akin to local princes, who plunder the state capital's wealth for their own gain?"

  "I would like to ask, is this world my world, or theirs?"

  Emperor Xuan's words sounded very heartbreaking, but also very true.

  There is basically nothing wrong with it.

  It's just that everyone has become accustomed to it.

  Warriors, or rather, big sects and big families, share the world with the dynasty.

"Why did His Majesty choose to rebel?!"

This is likely the question many warriors are asking now.

  Emperor Xuan.

  A founding emperor.

  Emperor Xuanshi!

  He exhausted all the martial arts in the world to establish the Xuanshi Arsenal.

  Even if he is still alive, he can suppress the whole world.

  But after his death, these martial arts sects that seem to be well-behaved and obedient, and those big families distributed in various states and counties, will inevitably face some backlash.

  This world belongs to everyone in the world, not to you, the emperor.

  For these sects and families, perhaps you can add this sentence, the world belongs to families, sects, the court, and the people...

  Rivers will dry up, lakes will disappear. Only the hearts of people who have been passed down from generation to generation are difficult to change. So Gu Changsheng will never try to change the world.

  Instead, he will adapt to this world.

  He will only say, ah, yes, yes, you are right.

  very right.


  Perhaps, after who knows how many years, a new legend will appear in the martial arts world.

  Xuanshi Arsenal!

  In the past, Emperor Xuanshi gathered martial arts from all corners of the world and established a repository that housed countless secret manuals of martial skills. Possessing it meant wielding the power to conquer the world!

  This is a scene that is likely to happen.

  Many treasure legends that are now passed down in the martial arts world are all from this.

  For example, there are treasures that can make people supernatural powers.

  Those are just the most basic legends.

  Even more impressive are treasures that hold the power to conquer the world.

  But no one has ever seen anyone who can really dominate the martial arts world and unify the world after getting it.

  Legends are just legends. Even if all the magical skills were laid before a talentless individual, they would never master them in their lifetime.

  Gu Changsheng: "???"

  He doesn't quite agree with this sentence.

  I suspect you are implying me, but I have no evidence.

  It is too difficult to break through to the first-class warrior.

  He has been hiding himself in the mountains for ten years. Since advancing to the second-class warrior realm, he has made only slight progress in cultivating his internal organs.

  Gu Changsheng estimates that it will take at least ten years to break through to the first-class realm!

The path of a warrior is a rigorous and comprehensive system with no shortcuts.

Everyone progresses step by step like this.

However, given his talent, it would be miraculous if he succeeded.

  Gu Changsheng sat cross-legged on the cliffs. Before him stretched a long waterfall, surrounded by lush greenery, blooming spring flowers, and a vibrant atmosphere.

He remained so still that he almost seemed like a part of the scenery. As he pondered, he counted on his fingers and realized he hadn't left the mountain in ten years.

Afterward, Gu Changsheng returned to his nearby wooden house and changed his clothes.

  Under the black clothes was an ordinary face. He might not be discovered even if he was thrown into the crowd.

  He used the Qinggong to walk on the waves and walked freely between the mountains and forests.

  In addition to practicing the Cloud Palm, he also practiced the Finger-Flicking Divine Art and the Treading on the Waves.

  Now, both of them have entered the state of great success.

  If he did not hide and exerted his full strength.

  The scene would likely unfold with Gu Changsheng sprinting ahead, while nearly imperceptible silver needles shot swiftly behind him.

Even if confronted by a few second-rate opponents, stopping him would prove challenging, possibly resulting in their demise.

  This is frustating!

  Why is he full of such sinister means?