Chapter 42: Time is the most beautiful confession

Chapter 42: Time is the most beautiful confession

  Mu Wan finally became his wife.

And he became her husband.Perhaps this is what home feels like.

Gu Changsheng doesn't know if he can be a good husband.

But he will try to adapt and shoulder his responsibilities.

However, he will hold her hand and grow old with her.


  The wind and rain came suddenly that night and finally stopped in the middle of the night.

The branches of the flowers, plants, and trees in the yard were soaked by the storm.

Water droplets quietly gathered on many green leaves...


  The next day.

The sun was high in the sky.

The huge master bedroom looked quite disheveled.

The things on the floor were scattered messily.

There were round fans, headdresses, silk stockings, bellybands...

Since they were not used, why not put them away?

Why throw them all around?


Gu Changsheng slowly opened his eyes with a lazy voice.

The dazzling sunlight made him squint slightly.

  To be honest, it was so early in the morning that when he opened his eyes and found a very beautiful woman beside him, he was slightly startled. Then he realized.

  Oh, I'm married!

  Although I may not be used to it yet, it's okay; I will get used to it slowly in the future.

  Gu Changsheng turned his head and looked at the beautiful and cold lady in his arms.

  She is really beautiful, and it feels like she is exactly what I like.

Moreover, her body is so soft!

  Gu Changsheng's eyes gradually became gentle, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

  Looking at her long eyelashes that trembled slightly...

  their foreheads touched each other, and he pinched her crystal white face.


  After a long time.

  Mu Wan, who was out of breath, finally pushed him away.

  Her black hair was messy, forming a sharp contrast with her snow-white skin.

  Mu wan buried her little head and said in a muffled voice: "Why don't you get up?"

  This voice had no trace of coldness; it almost melted into Gu Changsheng's heart.

  Love, love.

  "Husband, please get up first!" Mu Wan whispered.

  Gu Changsheng couldn't understand. He had seen everything.

Why was she so easily shy?

Unable to figure it out, he simply stopped thinking about it.

  He shook his head, reached out and took a black Taoist robe from the side, stood up straight, and put it on, ready to change.

  Mu Wan showed her little head at this time.

  She whispered to him, "I think...husband should wear white clothes."

  When she said the word husband, she spoke very softly and paused.

  Obviously, it was not just Gu Changsheng who was not used to it.

  She, who had just married, was also the same.

  "I will listen to you," Gu Changsheng turned around, his eyes full of warm smiles, with a hint of indulgence in their depths.

  There is still plenty of time; please give me more advice for the rest of my life.

It's not just words.

Holding your hand, growing old together.

This is a rare love and romance between husband and wife in the world.

It is also the most beautiful time to declare love.


  The white Taoist robe has landscape and cloud patterns and brocade on it.

  There is also a sachet tied around the waist, which emits a faint fragrance.

  After Gu Changsheng put it on, he felt that it fit perfectly.

The young man resembled jade, unrivaled in this world.

"Am I handsome?" Gu Changsheng turned around in front of Mu Wan and asked her.

"Very handsome!" Mu Wan replied with a smile in her eyes.

"My lady has excellent taste," Gu Changsheng praised, his words carrying a double entendre.


  The sun was shining brightly in the yard, high in the sky.

  Gu Changsheng was sitting on a recliner at this time.

  In his hand, he was flipping through a book.

  This is the innate method!

  The essence of a warrior sensing the blood and qi in the human body is just the process of strengthening the blood and qi, grinding the skin membrane, strengthening the flesh and blood, strengthening the internal organs, refining the bones, and unblocking the meridians.

The innate way is in the blood and qi.

When martial arts reach their peak, the body becomes unified, and the essence becomes whole.

  The blood and qi can be transformed into innate internal force.

  This internal force flows through the meridians and flows throughout the body.

  The process of innate warriors' cultivation is actually the whole process of constantly strengthening this innate internal force in a person's body.

  Because the cultivation methods of innate warriors are very different.

  Therefore, Gu Changsheng does not need to change the skills and start over.

  He can directly choose an innate skill to break through directly.

  According to his own estimation, it may take one or two months to cultivate the first ray of innate internal force.

  This can already be called an innate warrior.

  Although it is only the weakest among the innate warriors.

  After that, what needs to be done is to continuously strengthen the innate energy in the body.

  As for whether his identity as a martial arts genius will be exposed?


  Because Mu Luoxian can only see that he is a first-class warrior.

  But he doesn't know that he has already been a first-class perfection.

  That is what the martial world commonly refers as a top warrior.

  According to Mu Luoxian's estimation, it will take him many years, or even more than ten years, to break through to the innate realm of warriors.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be considered part of the entire Youzhou, which includes the famous Tianshui City.

Instead, he would belong to the entire fourteen states of Xuanguo!

  "Qi and blood are truly the foundation of a warrior. They will accompany a warrior's martial arts throughout his life, even in the innate realm,"

Gu Changsheng concluded as he closed the book on innate methods.

"The contents of all innate method are nearly identical."

  There is no difference between high and low, but the location of the meridians is different, and the first ray of innate energy refined is also slightly different.

  But in essence, they are all the same.

  Why are there so few in the martial arts world?

  He traveled through most of Xuan Country, and only got it because he married Mu Wan?

  This is even more normal!

  Information blockade!

  Those big sects will never want to see a Innate warrior appear and challenge their status.

  As long as you don't achieve Innate, no matter how amazing you are.

  In the eyes of these big sects, their status will not be shaken.

  In a word, everyone below Innate is an ant.

  Emperor Xuanshi: "???"

  For the Grandmaster, this sentence may also be applicable.

  "I don't know how my cheap father-in-law got so many Innate methods."

  Gu Changsheng had this doubt in his heart.

  He pondered for a long time before considering an outrageous possibility.

Could Mu Luoxian be a professional grave robber?

No one knows, but this thought has actually led to the formation of a major organization that will become famous worldwide in the future.

——The Thief Sect!