Chapter 43: Emperor Xuan's Reluctance and the Tragic Life of Mu Luoxian

Chapter 43: Emperor Xuan's Reluctance and the Tragic Life of Mu Luoxian

  At this time, the Mu family.

  Mu Luoxian, who was collecting a black pigeon, suddenly sneezed inexplicably.

  He rubbed his nose, confused.

He took off the letter tied to the leg of the black pigeon.

  He looked around and secretly frowned.

"Could it be that Emperor Xuan really wants to kill them all?" he thought to himself, pondering deeply.

After contemplating for a while, Mu Luoxian whispered softly.

  At the same time, he remained highly vigilant.

If the situation turned unfavorable, he would swiftly flee with his daughter and son-in-law.

It was evident that the father-in-law was also well-versed in worldly matters!


  But on the other side of the wall, the Xiao family.

It's as if a light cloud veils the moon, drifting like snow blown by the wind.

Mu Wan's sword posture is exceedingly graceful and beautiful.

  Holding a thin sword in her slender jade hand in the courtyard,

She resembles a fairy from the Moon Palace descended to the mortal world.

Her skirt fluttered, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

  Chang'e must regret stealing the elixir, with the blue sea and sky weighing heavy in her heart every night.

  Gu Changsheng was lying on a rocking chair woven with vines, holding a book in his hand, and looking at Mu Wan's figure practicing sword.

  This sword posture should only be seen in heaven, how often can it be witnessed in the mortal realm?!

  He felt like Hou Yi in the myth.

  Mu Wan was the Chang'e in the Moon Palace...

  He was afraid that she would suddenly abandon him and ascend to heaven!

  Of course, this was just Gu Changsheng's thought.

  My wife, what's wrong with praising her a few more times?

  What's wrong? !

  After practicing a set of sword skills, Mu Wan exhaled lightly and stood with a sword on her back.

  When she turned around, she saw Gu Changsheng patting the recliner for her.


  "Husband?" Mu Wan walked over curiously.

  Gu Changsheng didn't say anything, but just hugged her in his arms.

  He took a deep breath of her fragrance.


"It tickles," Mu Wan exhaled softly as she leaned into his arms.

  A hot breath hit her snow-white neck directly.

  "Hug." Gu Changsheng whispered softly in her ear.

  This is life!

  One person, that can only be called a residence.

  A place with two people is a home!


  Xuan Capital.

  The overall appearance is pitch black.

Inside the majestic and solemn palace hall,

The lights are bright!

There are two figures standing in the hall at this time.

  On the upper steps, this generation of Emperor Xuan is clad in a dragon-patterned imperial robe.

The twelve tassels on his forehead obscure his expression, and he wears the Emperor's sword at his waist.

  "The Mu family is really lucky. They actually found a good martial arts seedling. After Mu Luoxian's death, I'm afraid there will be another innate martial artist."

  The Xuan Emperor smiled slightly.

  The Xuan Emperor smiled faintly.

"A centipede may be dead, but it's not stiff."

"The Mu family seems unlikely to fade into obscurity."

He finally commented.

  "Your Majesty, do you want your subordinates to eliminate all remnants of the Chu royal family?"

  At the bottom of the steps, inside the hall.

  The figure with a very strong aura asked respectfully.

  "No need."   

  Emperor Xuan waved his hand and looked at the sky outside the palace.

  "Although the ancestor of the Mu family in the world of immortal cultivation has been dead for more than a hundred years, there are still some lingering relationships in the sect. It would not be wise to break the rules and kill them all."

  "Besides, the ancestor has also issued an immortal decree that they must not be killed."

  "The current branches of the Mu family have all declined to this point and will no longer have any impact on our Great Xuan. Just continue to pay attention to them on a daily basis."

  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  Hearing the word "ancestor", the figure in the palace immediately knelt on the ground.

  Under the ancestor's decree, he dared not say another word.

  "By the way, have there been any spiritual roots in the recent generations of the direct lineage of the Xuan family in the mortal world?"

  Emperor Xuan suddenly asked.

  The figure in the palace shook his head and said, "No."


  Emperor Xuan sighed, waved his hand, and asked him to leave.

  "Spiritual roots, spiritual roots!"

  "Don't look at martial arts talent, natural beauty, and secular power, it's all destined by heaven!"

  "I don't know how many spiritual roots can appear in my Xuan family?"

  At this time, he was the only one left in this huge hall.

  The hand clenched tightly around the sword at his waist.

"I only have this Xuan Kingdom, but I truly refuse to accept it!"

"Without stepping onto the immortal path, mortals are nothing but ants after all..."


  Ever since Gu Changsheng's first-rate martial artist realm was exposed by Mu Luoxian.

  I don't know how many martial artists in Tianshui City were stunned.

  These are all easy to say. The key issue is that there are always some female warriors who, seemingly confident without reason, often wander in front of the Xiao family, pretending to coincidentally encounter him and flirt.

  What kind of person is Gu Changsheng?!

How much do they look down on him!

Haven't they heard that "Xiao Fan" is a well-known gentleman!

An innocent young man, he has never even been to a brothel!

I, Xiao Fan, can swear to heaven that I have never been to a brothel.

I have never listened to music in a brothel!

Because his name is not Xiao Fan, his name is Gu Changsheng!

  Gu Changsheng and Mu Wan still have a very close relationship.

  After seven days, accompany Mu Wan home to visit her father-in-law.

  It is called a visit, but in fact it is just a procedure.

  In a family where a daughter is married, the daughter will bring her husband home to visit her parents after seven days.

  This is also a custom that has been passed down in Xuan State, even Chu State, and many previous dynasties.

  But there is only a wall separating the Xiao family and the Mu family.

Usually, they can see each other when they look up or down.

Just taking one step will bring them to the Mu family.

Is there any faster way to visit relatives than this?


  Mu Luoxian swiftly dismissed the two immediately after finishing the meal.

He felt as if he were chewing on wax throughout the meal.

He couldn't bear these two individuals; it was even more unbearable than being with his mother!

  Looking at the backs of the two people leaving hand in hand, he seemed to suddenly begin to understand his father-in-law's feelings back then.

What was the issue behind that disapproving look he received?

"The demon-slayer boy eventually became a demon!"

However, no matter how challenging it was at the beginning, now, everything can't be undone...

The person is gone!

Mu Luoxian's eyes dimmed a little, and he sighed deeply in his heart.

  When he was born, the State of Chu had already disappeared.

As the grandson of the Great Chu, he remained the center of attention.

He didn't enjoy the privileges he should have had, nor did he escape the hardships he was destined to endure.

It was a tragic life.

However, recently he seemed to realize that the oppression from the new dynasty was gradually easing.

Perhaps it's time to consider transforming the state into a family affair.

Let the Mu family rise again.

Little do people know that many of the prominent sects in the Xuan Kingdom are actually descendants of the royal family from a bygone dynasty.

This is a relatively well-kept secret.