Chapter 47: Moon-Watching Pavilion Master and Hidden Moon Swordsman

Chapter 47: Moon-Watching Pavilion Master and Hidden Moon Swordsman

Gu Changsheng, looked at the increasingly distant and cold figure.

He suddenly felt a pang of distress.

  But all he could do was silently accompany her.

  Just like before, only he could extricate himself from this kind of situation.

  If it weren't for him, I don't know what Mu Wan would be like now.


  Time never diminishes beauty.

  They first met when Gu Changsheng was traveling the world in search of the innate method.

  At that time, they were only twenty-one or twenty-two years old, in their youth and prime.

  Now, in the blink of an eye, they have been together for twenty-five years. Twenty-five years of knowing each other and accompanying each other.

  However, flowers will bloom again, but people will never be young again.

  Time is like a long river with no end in sight.

  In a place where no one notices, it keeps flowing forward.

  When people come to their senses and realize this in shock,

  they find that it is too late to turn back.

  Gu Changsheng could already see a few strands of white hair quietly emerging among Mu Wan's black hair. The contrast between the two made them particularly conspicuous.

  A soft spiritual energy emerged from his hand.

  Upon entering Mu Wan's body,

  it was like a stone sinking into the sea, silently.

There was no reaction to the spiritual energy at all.

  Even though he was mentally prepared, Gu Changsheng still sighed deeply.

  Forget it... He sighed three times in a row.

  It was evident that his current mood was not as calm as it seemed.


  In the main pavilion of the Moon-Watching Pavilion,

  there are two people leaning against each other.



  "Husband should have become a world-renowned figure, a peerless genius known throughout the world, but you have been with Wan'er for so many years. I want to ask, husband, do you regret marrying Wan'er?"

  "No regrets, fame, to me, is more like a burden and shackle. But marrying you is the luckiest thing in my life."

  "Do you really think so, husband?"

  "I'd be a dog if I lied to you."

  Gu Changsheng joked with her in a gentle tone.

  But his words were not really a lie.

  If it weren't for Mu Wan, he would probably have only recently entered the Innate realm, or perhaps he might not have even reached it yet.

  Moreover, becoming an immortal cultivator?

  "My wife, you should have more confidence in yourself!"

  "Hehe... Being able to marry you, husband, is also the luckiest thing for Wan'er..."

  "Then let's both live well."

  Gu Changsheng's tone at this moment was truly gentle and tender...

  He truly had no regrets about his life.

  Not at all!

  If he could do everything again, he would definitely choose the same path.

  Maybe it would be even simpler!


  It once dominated Youzhou for fifteen years.

  Ten years later, the Moon-Watching Pavilion cultivated another innate warrior.

  Mu Wan and Gu Changsheng chose to retire at this time.

  The two found a mountain where they would not be easily disturbed.

  In this mountain, they lived a simple life, with Gu Changsheng farming and Mu Wan weaving.

  Everything seemed so peaceful.

  Standing at dusk during leisure time, smiling and savoring the warmth of the porridge.

  This year, Gu Changsheng reached the second level of Qi refining.

  He often secretly infused the spiritual energy he refined into Mu Wan's body.

  Although she did not possess spiritual roots, spiritual energy still had a beneficial effect on regulating her body.

  The effect of spiritual energy was indeed profound and magical.

  For instance, it could alleviate the hidden ailments in her body from her martial arts practice.

  It should also help prolong her life.

  Although the two are no longer in the martial arts world, there are many legends about them in the martial arts world.

  The Master of the Moon-Watching Pavilion and the Hidden Moon Swordsman.

  Because Gu Changsheng's sword posture is very graceful and ethereal, as if wielded by a sword from the sky.

  Few people can compel him to use two swords.

  Graceful as moonlight, yet harboring hidden murderous intent.

  Therefore, he earned such a title.

  And it is unknown how many years this story will be passed down.

  Just like the tale of the Nine Swords Knight and the Piaomiao Fairy from days gone by.


  In an ordinary courtyard, many figures are busy.

  This is a covert force that has only emerged in Youzhou in recent years.

  The Thief Sect!

  And this force was naturally founded by Gu Changsheng.

  Its origins stemmed from a sudden inspiration when he was speculating about Mu Luoxian's identity.

  Although he ultimately guessed incorrectly, and very mistakenly so.

  Yet, this did not prevent him from actualizing the notion born of this mistaken guess.

  The Thief Sect appeared just over ten years ago, and now it is fairly well-established.

  The purpose behind founding this force is to seek traces of immortal cultivators or to locate the immortal world.

  Additionally, it aims to find items belonging to immortal cultivators.

  To achieve these goals, it is inevitable to travel extensively, searching all corners of the world, or even directly excavating tombs belonging to others.

So, the name "Thief Sect" originates from this.

The thieves have now almost become a professional grave-digging team. Every day, no one knows how many large and small tombs they will identify and excavate.

  Only things with certain value are taken away.

  The remaining tombs are left intact, and even those raided by the thieves will be resealed.

  They pay attention to the principle of "there's a way to steal."

  Members of the Thief Sect do not appear openly in the world.

  To achieve these goals, they face inherent dangers.

  Searching for items belonging to immortal cultivators is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

  Except for Gu Changsheng, who is a cultivator himself, no one else can definitively identify the artifacts used by immortal cultivators.

  The thieves can only collect items that resemble, might be, or are possibly similar to those used by immortals.

  No one knows how many years it will take to find one.

  But time is the least of Gu Changsheng's concerns.

  Anyway, he himself would never engage in such dangerous activities.

  To hide behind the scenes and enjoy the fruits of his labor, isn't that nice?

  Gu Changsheng was dressed in a flowing black robe, with a large mask covering most of his face, standing with his hands behind his back.

  He looked like a villain now.

  If he didn't chuckle "hehehe," it would be a waste of his costume.


  Seeing the sudden appearance of the master, Mojin, one of the four elders of the Daomen, hurriedly bowed.

  The Thief Sect has four elders: Mojin, Banshan, Xiling, and Faqiu.

  This may reflect Gu Changsheng's peculiar taste.

  Unfortunately, no one can fully understand it.

  In the past year, the Thief Sect has collected a plethora of items resembling those used by immortals, which are quite miscellaneous. These include fans, flower umbrellas, torn paintings, jade bracelets, hairpins, and broken swords...

  After Gu Changsheng confirmed each item one by one, he discovered that none of them were correct.

  But he didn't feel disappointed; this was normal.

  Patience was key; eventually, he would find what he sought.

  In the past, he had spent most of his time in the thief sect, except when he was accompanying Mu Wan.

  The thief sect is now on the right track.

  From now on, he just needs to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor.