Chapter 48: The Tomb of My Beloved Wife Mu Wan

Chapter 48: The Tomb of My Beloved Wife Mu Wan

  Time flies, and the days and months pass by like a shuttle.

  The trees in the mountains wither and turn green again, and I don't know how many years have passed.

  This year, the mountains are full of lush greenery.

  The sun sets, and the sky is full of sunset glow.

  Children are herding cattle in the small village at the foot of the mountain.

  They lie on the green grass, gazing at the beautiful scenery of the sky.

  But they don't know that, at this moment, on the top of the mountain, there is also a strong man who has reached the pinnacle of the mortal world. The girl in his arms is also watching this scene.

  "I'm sorry," Mu Wan said softly to him.

  Both of them are old now, and Gu Changsheng's hair has turned gray.

  His face has unknowingly become covered with wrinkles.

  But there is still a warm smile in his eyes, as warm as jade in the past.

  Feeling the breath in his arms dissipate bit by bit, a few tears suddenly slid down his cheeks.

  The means of spiritual energy input now seem to be completely useless.

  "Husband, are you crying?"

  A tear slid down Mu Wan's cheek. She raised her hand with difficulty and gently wiped the tears from Gu Changsheng's eyes, saying softly, "Husband, don't cry..."

  "Yes, don't cry," Gu Changsheng nodded, his voice choked with emotion.

  However, the tears in his eyes could not be stopped.

  "Husband, you must take good care of yourself in the future... Don't be too sad about my departure. I've already made several sets of clothes for you..."

  The sunset and the sunset glow of this day were truly beautiful, but this was the last time the two of them would snuggle together and gaze at each other.

  "Hehe... Husband, I have been with you for most of my life, but I have not been able to give birth to a child for you. Do you regret being with me?"

  "No regrets." Gu Changsheng seemed to sense something, and his heart trembled violently.

  The world seemed to become a little strange and dim at that moment.

  "Husband... Do you regret..."

  "I don't regret it." Gu Changsheng hugged Mu Wan tightly, tears streaming down his face.

  Mu Wan finally left him.

  But the one who really needed to say sorry was not Mu Wan.

  It was him.

  That day, Gu Changsheng held her the whole night.

  He whispered to her about the past.

  He told her everything they had experienced since they met.

  It wasn't until the dawn of the next day that Gu Changsheng truly realized what true loneliness in the world is.

  At that moment, he felt more lonely than ever before.


  The tomb of my beloved wife Mu Wan.

  Gu Changsheng buried Mu Wan in the mountains.

  In this beautiful place, she should never be disturbed by anyone.

  I don't know how long he stayed quietly in front of this tomb alone.

  When he returned home and opened the door

  He could still see many remnants of his and Mu Wan's life together in the past.  But from now on, no one will stand beside him at dusk.

  No one will smile and ask him again, "Is the porridge warm?"

  Once you have seen the sea, you will never see just water again. Apart from Wushan Mountain, you will never see such clouds again.

  I am indifferent to admiring flowers this time, partly due to practicing Taoism and partly because of you.

  All I see are memories.

  All I dwell on are memories of the past.

  After opening the door, he found himself alone.


  A few years ago, certain events took place, and now it has been ten years.

  A decade later.


  Gu Changsheng took the letter tied to the leg of a pigeon.

  He wrote a few replies and then let it fly.

  After so many years, he has now reached the fourth level of Qi refining.

  Moreover, he could clearly feel the thinness of the mundane spiritual energy.

  If he relied solely on the spiritual energy that slowly drifted between heaven and earth in the mundane world, he could only advance to the sixth level of Qi refining at most.

  He would never be able to reach the late stage of Qi refining in his lifetime!

This wasn't just a question of survival; the spiritual energy was simply insufficient.

  Perhaps when he reached that realm and cultivation level, the spiritual energy he absorbed and refined would not be sufficient compared to what he consumed.

  [Name: Gu Changsheng]

  [Talent: Immortality]

  [Age: 200]

  [Realm: Qi refining level 4, innate warrior]

  [Kungfu: Hunyuan Five Elements Kungfu (Qi refining level 4 85/100)]

  [Spells: Spirit Eyes (Mastery 75/100) Object Drive (Mastery 65/100) Fireball (Minor Success 30/150)]


  "Wan'er, I'm going to pursue my path. When I come back next time, I don't know how many years it will be."

  Gu Changsheng sat next to the grave with the words "My beloved wife Mu Wan's tomb" written on it, holding a gourd in his hand, looking up at the sky from time to time, and taking a sip with a sense of melancholy.

  In the past ten years, he often came here to talk to Mu Wan.

  Usually, he would stay for an entire day.

  However, this time, he came to say goodbye to her.

  After so many years, the thief sect has been established for decades.

  Although none of the items of the immortal cultivators were found.

  However, several places similar to where the immortal cultivators were located have been discovered.

  As for whether they are genuine, we can only say that it is very likely.

  But we cannot be 100% sure.

  Anyway, Gu Changsheng would never allow himself to test it personally.

  How many lives does he have? How dare he take such risks?

  As for whether it is the method of the immortal world, it is actually quite simple.

  Find a few more fortunate "new immortal cultivators" to explore the path.

  Wouldn't he know?

  As for the rarity of spiritual roots?

  He doesn't believe that there is not one among a thousand people! Then

  among ten thousand people, one hundred thousand people...

  there will always be a person with spiritual roots, right?

  After drinking a pot of wine, Gu Changsheng patted his butt and stood up.

  He stood there and watched for a long, long time.

  "Wan'er, take care."

  Finally, Gu Changsheng whispered to himself, his tone was very gentle.

  When he comes back next time, I don't know what the scene will be like.

I don't know how many years it will take, I hope you won't miss me for a long time.


  The Thief Sect

  Gu Changsheng, who hadn't been here in over ten years, almost didn't recognize it.

  And this entire room filled with "junk."

  People who don't know might think the thieves' den is just a rag collector!

  With the spiritual eye technique activated, all the objects seemed to have lost their colors.


  Suddenly, Gu Changsheng let out a light exclamation.

  His eyes fixed on a brocade bag-like object.

  Under the gaze of the spiritual eye technique, other things appeared like black and white photos, but this brocade bag-like object resembled a color photo, occasionally emitting a faint light.

  Amidst lifeless objects, only you stand out!

  It was hard for him not to pay attention!

  Could this be the legendary storage bag?

  This thought flashed through Gu Changsheng's mind.

  Although he had never used it, he knew about how it worked.

  He held it in his hand, and the moment spiritual energy came into contact with it,

  This brocade bag-like object unexpectedly opened.

  Sure enough, it was just as he had anticipated.

  This is a standard item for cultivators.

  - Storage Bag!