Chapter 49: There is a person in the girl's heart.

Chapter 49: There is a person in the girl's heart.

  I wonder which Taoist friend left this?

  That person should be dead, right?

  Gu Changsheng held the storage bag in his hand.

  A smile appeared on his face.

  In the past, Jiang Taigong fished, and those who were willing to take the bait took it.

  Now, there is an immortal from another world who has been alive for decades and has finally obtained the immortal items!

  Let's see what's inside?

  The bag's opening was flipped upside down, and the object-moving technique controlled the storage bag.

  The things inside were released one by one.

  There were two egg-sized stones with rich spiritual power. These should be the spiritual stones used by immortals.

  There was also a technique that can only be practiced to the fifth level of Qi refining.

  Azure Sky Technique.

  But at the end of this technique, there were two spells that Gu Changsheng did not possess yet: the light body technique and the spiritual rain technique.

  In the end, there was only a bottle of unknown black powder with an unknown function.

  As for me, my favorite thing to open is blind boxes!

  Gu Changsheng put these things back into the storage bag.

  He tied the mouth and threw it into the interlayer of his wide sleeves.

  This time, the harvest was rich and worth celebrating.

  But the most valuable thing should be the storage bag itself.

  At least, from now on, he finally doesn't have to travel with big bags.

  This is what it means to cultivate immortality!

  Which immortal cultivator would be like him?

  Changing homes is just like a refugee fleeing famine!



  In the backyard of the thief sect, Gu Changsheng stood in the wind with his hands behind his back, clad in a black robe.

  The special mask on his face was highly textured.

  After decades, almost all of the four elders of the thief sect have been replaced.

  But their code names remain the same as before.

  Mojin, Banshan, Xiling, and Faqiu.

  "Well done."

  Gu Changsheng opened his mouth and praised in an aged voice.

  He had been the sect master or the sect ancestor twice before.

  He was very knowledgeable about sect operations.

  He could outline grand plans and employ various skills.

  The thief sect, a hidden organization founded by him, has been on the right track.

  Gu Changsheng did not want to interfere too much.

  As long as he can find the immortal world and the items of the immortal cultivators, it will be fine.

  This is also the purpose behind his founding of the thief sect.

  And indeed, it has turned out as he initially thought. Over decades, Daomen dispatched people from all over the world to verify.

  Finally, three locations resembling the immortal world were discovered.

  However, only he can truly confirm whether they are genuine.

  Because no mortal can enter these three places.

  Once you step inside, you will encounter white fog.

  You can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hand, and there is no sun or moon overhead.

  People continue walking, and after several days and nights, they become completely exhausted and near death, returning to the place where they first entered the white fog.

  This is very much like the formation used by immortal cultivators!

  Therefore, these three places are very likely to be the immortal world!

  At the very least, there should be immortal cultivators within them.

  Next, what Gu Changsheng has to do is to find a few more new immortal cultivators to explore the path for him.

  Additionally, cultivate his own cultivation in this mortal world to the utmost extent.

  Reach a state where there is no room for improvement.

  And these two things can be done simultaneously.

  I don't know how many years it will take.

  Since Mu Wan's death, he has almost lost his sense of the passage of time.

  It's just a string of numbers.


  Although the ancestor of the Mu family has been dead for an unknown number of years, the Mu family still exists in the world of immortal cultivation, with several branches still present in the mortal world.

  The current Moon-Watching Pavilion serves as the private force of the Mu family.

  Why didn't he go directly to the Mu family, a prominent immortal cultivation family, through the mortal world, or through his father-in-law Mu Luoxian back then?

  Gu Changsheng had also seriously considered this choice.

  But in the end, he chose to give it up.

  For the Mu family in the world of immortal cultivation, he was not surnamed Mu after all, and there might not be much difference between him and an outsider.

  Besides, when he came into contact with the immortal cultivation techniques, he was already quite old.

  Although he didn't know what his spiritual roots were like, anyone could tell that he had limited potential.

  And this might also reveal his true age.

  It's not worth pursuing an opportunity that might not be much different from being alone in the world of immortal cultivation.

  Maybe there was a reason to accompany Mu Wan for the rest of her life.

  But he himself was not too sure!

  He didn't know where the love started, but it was deep and lasting.


  Jimo City,

  with its long streets bustling with activity during the daytime under a clear sky.

  People were bustling about, calling out for goods, buying, and selling, creating a lively atmosphere.

  At the end of this long street, there was a long table.

  Next to the long table stood a white sail with the words:

  "The hexagram cannot be calculated, and the secrets of heaven cannot be fully revealed.

  If it is destined to happen, it will happen. If it is not destined to happen, don't force it."

  Beside this white sail, there was an old man in a white robe.

  He looked very venerable and was closing his eyes to rest.

  This man is Gu Changsheng.

  After receiving the storage bag left by the Taoist friend from the thieves, he began his journey to find the lucky "new immortal cultivators".

  Because using only the spiritual eye technique, it is impossible to determine whether a person has spiritual roots.

  One can only attempt to input a wisp of spiritual energy into the person's body.

  If this wisp of spiritual energy elicits a reaction, it indicates the presence of spiritual roots in the body.

  But if there is no reaction, then it is just a mortal.

  Therefore, in order to detect the spiritual roots more conveniently, he turned into a fortune teller.

  Usually, he travels around, wandering the world and reading people's fortunes.

  He doesn't know if he is unlucky or if spiritual roots are truly rare in the world.

  Along his journey, he has read fortunes for hundreds of people—men and women, young and old—but he has not found anyone with spiritual roots.

  "Hey, fortune teller! How much do you charge for this fortune telling?"

  A crisp voice sounded in front of him, and Gu Changsheng finally opened his eyes, which had been closed for rest.

  He glanced at the little girl who appeared like a maid in front of him.

  He also looked at the woman standing behind the maid.

  "When I tell fortunes, I don't talk about money, but about fate," Gu Changsheng said.

  He stood up and stretched his body.


  "Yes, after the fortune telling, the lady can decide the appropriate fee," Gu Changsheng said casually.

He tells fortunes solely to find people with spiritual roots in this world, not to support himself. Therefore, he doesn't care about the amount of the fee for fortune telling. Even no money is fine.

"Eh? You're quite an interesting fortune teller," the master and servant immediately became interested upon hearing this.

  "First fate, second fortune, third geomancy, what can the lady tell?"

  "Can you tell... marriage?" The girl said softly with a slightly blushing face.

  She stretched out a snow-white wrist.

  "...There is a person in the lady's heart."