Chapter 60: You Understand Exploitation

Chapter 60: You Understand Exploitation.

  When I met fellow Daoists on the road, they all looked bleak and miserable.

Although this war seemed to be going well, the outer spiritual field planting area, which had been abandoned, suffered extremely heavy losses.

  In the spiritual field area, it is also the area with the largest number of people in this market.

  Almost all the dead Daoists were casual cultivators.

  After this beast tide, I wonder how many Daoists died?

  It is inevitable to feel the grief of our kind, as those who share the same fate will mourn together.

Gu Changsheng's neighbors on both sides seemed to have died.

  After the beast tide, Liu Changqing still did not return.

Needless to say, his fate is already sealed.

After all, he fell on the path of seeking the Dao.


  Gu Changsheng sighed lightly, his expression unreadable.

Anyway, his thoughts were complicated and hard to describe.

After the war, the spoils of war distributed by the Origin Sword Sect had been handed out.

Each person received ten spirit stones and thirty kilograms of monster meat.

  This year, the spiritual rice that the spiritual fields needed to hand over to the market was generously exempted.

  The battlefield was inside these spiritual fields.

  The fields that had been planted for a year were destroyed before they could be harvested.

  But Origin Sword Sect would not lose money.

  What losses did the beast tide bring to Origin Sword Sect this time?

  It seems that there was none. On the contrary, it brought countless corpses of monsters.

  The beast tide only ravaged the spiritual fields at most.

  It stopped outside the market.

  Most of the people who died in the subsequent fighting were casual cultivators.

There were not too many corpses that really belonged to Origin Sword Sect disciples.

  Moreover, this also served as an opportunity to temper all the disciples of the sect.

  This wave, Origin Sword Sect can be said to have won!

  The corpses of thousands or even tens of thousands of monsters would be worth at least hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, and only a small part of them would be distributed to casual cultivators.

  However, there were just too many casual cultivators who died.

  As a result, the population of cultivators in the market has dropped sharply.

  Origin Sword Sect has been prepared for this.

  It was announced in a very high-profile manner that in the near future, a "foundation building pill" would be put up for auction in the Qingyun Market.

The Foundation Building Pill can significantly increase the success rate of foundation building for late-stage Qi refining stage cultivators.

After taking the Foundation Building Pill, even if the foundation building fails, it will not result in death.

  It can be said that it is the most coveted thing for countless Qi refining stage cultivators.

  Now this news has spread like crazy throughout the Qingyun Market.

  Even in the cultivation world of the countries around Xuan Country, it is still spreading rapidly.

  Next, it is estimated that many cultivators will flock to this Qingyun Market.

  Unfortunately, he is not even in the late stage of Qi refining yet.

He can only watch from a distance, unsure of how far away he is from foundation building.

  Gu Changsheng came out of the management office of the market with a bag in his hand. In it were the spoils of war uniformly distributed by the Origin Sword Sect.

  Ten spirit stones and thirty kilograms of monster meat.

  If you add the spirit rice that survived in his own spiritual field.

  The estimated value is about 20 spirit stones.

  This is not too little.

  At least, many casual cultivators are very satisfied with this.

  They are all individuals who are used to being exploited. If one day, they can be exploited less, they will feel happy and overjoyed.

The Origin Sword Sect Sect still understands the principle of sustainable development.

  They did not pull up the individuals with their roots.

The Origin Sword Sect understands exploitation!


  Gu Changsheng's cabin has been rebuilt by him.

  And his storage bag was buried in the spiritual field.

  Precious materials from more than ten monsters.

  At least, it will be worth one or two hundred spirit stones.

  It is even richer than his wealth before the beast tide.

  Unfortunately, it cannot be used now.

Wait for another ten, twenty or thirty years, and sell it slowly bit by bit, and it will probably be fine.

  Anyway, Gu Changsheng is not in a hurry. I have the advantage of staying alive!

  This beast tide also made him see the gap between sect cultivators and casual cultivators.

  Not only can sect cultivators have a storage bag each.

  There are also magic weapons that match their own realm.

There is also the understanding of magical essence, the mastery of skills, and so forth.

The gap in all aspects is too significant.

Gu Changsheng suddenly recalled the words of the Yuanjian Sect disciple.

  "Casual cultivator, a dog-like creature."

  The knowledge of this world is too closed.

  Sect cultivators benefit from the guidance of their predecessors, the accumulated knowledge of generations within the sect, the mastery of various immortal cultivation techniques, and numerous other experiences that are typically acquired through continuous learning and exposure.

  As for Casual cultivators, they can only rely on themselves.

  Every resource is hard-won.

  Perhaps, they are all obtained by risking their lives.

  As for the sources of experience and knowledge, they are even fewer and more scattered.

  This is why, when fighting with monsters, the difference in casualties between casual cultivators and sect disciples is so exaggerated.

  If given the choice, who wouldn't want to become a sect disciple?

Who would choose to be a casual cultivator over becoming a sect disciple?

Isn't it because they can't join an immortal sect that they become Casual cultivators?!

  Gu Changsheng once pondered whether he could measure up to cultivators in the late stage of Qi refining.

Now it appears he was viewing the world from a limited perspective.

If not for the extraordinary nature of the Hunyuan Five Elements, and the exceptionally pure and potent mana refined from it, he would likely be just an ordinary casual cultivator at the sixth level of Qi training now.

  The Hunyuan Five Elements is a complete Qi refing period technique.

  It was taken from the library of his father-in-law Mu Luoxian.

  Although Gu Changsheng still doesn't know where the Mu family stands in the world of immortal cultivation, it can influence the change of dynasties within a mortal dynasty.

The Origin Sword Sect doesn't seem willing to do so.

It's likely that only sects superior to the Origin Sword Sect would dare to intervene in mortal politics.

Like the Nascent Soul Sect, which controls territories spanning dozens of countries in the mortal world!

The combined area of these countries may rival or even exceed the small, fragmented realm from his previous life!

  And the Chu State existed for four or five hundred years.

  It can be seen that the ancestor of the Mu family at that time was very likely a Golden Core cultivator.

It can be seen that the origin of the Hunyuan Five Elements is not small.

As a technique practiced by ordinary members of a Golden Core family to cultivate Taoism,

it surpasses the techniques practiced by countless casual cultivators.

  "It's hard to be a casual cultivator." Gu Changsheng sighed.

  But if he could start over again, he would still make the same choice.

Rather than embarking on an uncertain path, it's better to choose a relatively brighter road.

  Besides, is his current situation really that bad?

If he works harder, in another 20 or 30 years, he will get the inheritance of a talisman maker!

  Before and after the auction of the foundation-building pill in Qingyun Market,

  Gu Changsheng didn't plan to go out again.

  He worked hard at home to practice, striving to enter the late stage of Qi refining as soon as possible.