Chapter 61: Three Thousand Sword Immortals in the Market

Chapter 61: Three Thousand Sword Immortals in the Market

  Feeling the spiritual power in his body that had only slightly increased.

  Gu Changsheng opened his eyes and exhaled slightly.

  He estimated that it would take more than ten years before he could step into the seventh level of Qi refining, which is the late stage.

  Such talent... must be four or five spiritual roots.

  My bones were weak when I practiced martial arts, and my spiritual roots remain poor now that I've become an immortal.

Doesn't that mean my pursuit of immortality has been in vain?

  Gu Changsheng stood up and patted his sleeves.

  He complained to himself.

  Leaning against the door of his house, he gazed at the sword peak that resembled a fairy opening the gates of heaven with a sword, its pointed summit piercing into the sea of clouds.

  At this time, the foundation-building pill is probably already being auctioned there?

  I don't know which lucky person will get this foundation-building pill.

  Can he successfully build the foundation in one go?

  Anyway, when he is about to build the foundation, he will definitely plan for the foundation-building pill.

  The most crucial aspect of the foundation-building pill for him is not just its ability to increase the success rate of reaching the foundation-building stage, but its assurance that if Qi refining fails, the practitioner will not perish immediately.

This is very important!

Especially critical!

Attempting foundation-building at only the seventh or eighth level is essentially courting death!

  The spiritual energy in his body is now very pure and strong, the foundation is solid, and his realm is stable, thereby increasing his success rate by two levels.

In his prime of youth, with his immortality secured, there will be no decline in his body over time. This alone guarantees him an additional level of success.

  Add it up, it is estimated that when he reaches the perfection of Qi refining.

  At the very least, there will be a three-level foundation-building success rate, which is already very high.

There are countless cultivators in the world who are striving to build their foundation with the mentality of dying if they fail, but there are very few who can succeed.

  A foundation-building pill costs 20,000 to 30,000 spirit stones.

  Not to mention casual cultivators, even the children of sects and immortal families, there are not many cultivators who can afford the foundation-building pill.

  Since ancient times, cultivators have always possessed a Taoist spirit willing to sacrifice their lives in pursuit of the Tao.

Just like Liu Changqing.

However, not everyone meets death.

Throughout history, there have been many tragic and heroic cultivators, alongside a few who were old and sinister.

  Gu Changsheng also understood a truth after entering the world of immortal cultivation.

  Immortals do not live with ordinary people.

  It is not just that the spiritual energy in the mortal world is thin.

  In the eyes of immortal cultivators, are ordinary people still human?

  Even if they die, they must die in the world of immortal cultivation.

  One could endure darkness if they had never experienced light.

  The immortal cultivators who can live in the mortal world are all cultivators who have lost their Taoism, and cultivators who are about to die and just want to return to their roots after death.

  And this is why it is so difficult to find immortal traces in the world.


  There is no time in immortal cultivation.

  Anyway, the yield of spiritual rice in Gu Changsheng's spiritual field changes every year.

  From 1,120 to 30 kilograms per mu in the first year.

  In the second year, it was less than 100 to 200 kilograms per mu.

  In the third year, the yield per mu returned to normal, and it was slightly higher by more than 20 kilograms.

  The fourth year, the fifth year, the sixth year, the seventh year...

  Year after year passed, and the spiritual field was harvested year after year.

  Until this day, in the cabin.

  A wave of spiritual energy suddenly emanated from Gu Changsheng's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  He suddenly saw the cyclone in his Dantian.

  This is called inner vision in the world of immortal cultivation, and it is also the sign of a cultivator in the late stage of Qi refining!

  He has just reached the late stage of Qi refining at nearly three hundred years old!

Others of his age, unless deceased, would typically have already formed a golden core.

This is because foundation-building cultivators generally cannot live that long.

  He has been practicing Taoism for nearly a century and a half, more than two decades.

  Today, he has finally entered the late stage of the Qi refining period.

  Gu Changsheng didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.   

  Perhaps both laughing and crying?

  But no matter what, he finally became a late-stage cultivator.

  Among the group of casual cultivators, he can be called a "great cultivator".

  Now, another 10 or 20 years have passed.

  The beast tide that hit Qingyun Market in the past has long been forgotten.

  No one will mention the beast tide of that year.

  Time will smooth out all the big and small things in this world.

If he slowly sells the materials from the more than ten monsters he had hidden before, it won't cause any waves.

  Add to that the spiritual stones he has saved from farming for so many years.

  It is obviously more than enough to exchange for a first-level talisman master's inheritance.

  Although farming is good, it's a pity that you can't make a fortune from it!

  The entry threshold of the spiritual plant cultivator is too low. As long as you are a cultivator, you only need to have hands and can use spells.

  Or these four arts of cultivation with certain technical difficulties.

  Alchemy, weapon refining, formations, and talismans.

The entry thresholds alone are enough to discourage most cultivators.

From today onward, he will prepare for his foundation building.

Busy and occupied, he still cannot escape the shattered spirits of this world.

Gu Changsheng hooked the two strands of long hair on his temples and stretched.

  "Well, no wine again."

  He looked up at the gourd, but not a drop of wine fell.

  He shook his head slightly and tied the gourd back to his waist.

  He walked down from the entrance of the tunnel.

  I saw that the first floor of the tunnel was a basement mainly used for brewing wine.

  There were many large and small wine jars in it.

There were both ordinary wine and spiritual wine.

  The age of ordinary wine was very high, and the spiritual wine was only more than ten years at most.

  Gu Changsheng lifted a jar of ordinary wine that was almost three hundred years old. A clear arc appeared in the air and fell into the gourd with incredible precision.

  "It's great!"

  Gu Changsheng raised his head and raised the gourd to drink, and laughed a few times on his face.

  He didn't know why, but he suddenly wanted to laugh.


  Gu Changsheng spent more than a year to finally sell off his treasured materials bit by bit in the market.

  Just like what he had learned in the preparatory class, there was no wave at all.

  Qingyun Market is a market for cultivators with thousands of cultivators.

  No one knows how many spirit stones will be traded here every day.

  The materials of his more than ten little monsters are sold in batches every year. Who would care about where they come from?

  Qingyun Market was opened up by Origin Sword Sect.

  This sect can be heard just by the name.

  Almost all of them are sword cultivators, and the market will naturally be affected.

  In Qingyun Market, the number of sword cultivators always remains the highest.

There are precisely 3,000 sword cultivators in the market, no more and no less.

  340 whole spirit stones.

  Pile up in front of him like a small mountain, with a strong visual impact.

  Even the spiritual energy in the air has become a little richer at this time.

  Gu Changsheng took a deep breath and put the spirit stones back into the storage bag.

  After nearly twenty years of entering the world of immortal cultivation, I have finally accumulated enough spiritual stones.

  From now on, please call me the Master of Talisman Making.

  - Li Guanshan!