Chapter 62: Profound Yang Talisman Record

Chapter 62: Profound Yang Talisman Record

  In the casual cultivation area, there are also talisman master inheritances for sale.

  However, it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

  It cannot be said that they are all fake, as some are quite real.

However, in the key parts, people may hold back certain details, or even several.

Alternatively, they may make it mysterious.

  In comparison, Gu Changsheng would rather spend dozens of spirit stones and go to a regular store in the market to buy the inheritance of a first-level talisman master.

  At least it can guarantee that this talisman master's inheritance is real.

  And you can also become a first-level talisman master through self-study.

  Three hundred spirit stones are almost spent, so what difference can these dozens make?

  Really, it won't be much different.

  Gu Changsheng was covered in a white robe.

  He walked past several shops in the market.

  His cultivation in the late stage of Qi refining was undoubtedly revealed. Finally, he stopped in front of a building that looked like a palace.

  The figure in the robe raised his head slightly.

  He took a look at the three characters written by the foundation-building cultivator.

  ——Wanfa Hall.

  Wanfa Hall is not only in Qingyun Market.

  It is said that it exists in many markets of immortal cultivators.


  "What do you need to see?"

  "Fellow Daoist, please bring the Profound Yang Talisman Record to me."

  Gu Changsheng said in a low voice under the robe.

  "No trouble, you can read it. There are many books about talisman masters in my Wanfa Hall. There will definitely be one that will satisfy you."

  Gu Changsheng took the Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  It is said that you can read it casually, but in reality, it contains only an introduction.

  The rest is a summary and description of the overall content of this Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  In general, this whole book is mediocre.

  There are only seven different methods of drawing talismans.

There is only one first-grade upper-grade talisman, and three first-grade middle-grade and lower-grade talismans.

  At this time, inside the huge building of Wanfa Hall.

    The sun shone brightly.

  The walls were adorned with numerous books and techniques that gleamed.

  Gu Changsheng, clad in a white robe, stood within the building.

  He was flipping through various talisman drawing books from time to time, and was selecting them carefully with a focused look.

  But after choosing for a long time, he still felt that the Ptofound Yang Talisman Record was the most suitable for him.

  It might not have been the best among them, but it was certainly a good fit for him.

  It didn't even mind its simplicity!

  What reason did Gu Changsheng have to dislike it?

  He couldn't afford it because it was too awesome.

  The Profound Yang Talisman Record was worth three hundred spirit stones.

  Gu Changsheng also bought some spirit ink needed to draw talismans in the area where the casual cultivators set up stalls.

There was also a talisman pen that was only of the first-grade lower grade.

  He didn't buy talisman paper because the Wanfa Hall gave him ten stacks of first-grade lower grade talisman paper.

  During this trip, Gu Changsheng spent a total of three hundred and thirty-five spirit stones, leaving him with only five spirit stones left.

  If Wanfa Hall had not provided him with ten stacks of first-grade lower talisman paper, he wouldn't even have been able to keep the five spirit stones he has left.

  It is well known in the world of immortal cultivation that a stack of talisman paper is equal to ten pieces.

  The value of these talisman papers is about ten spirit stones.

  Yes, the Wanfa Palace is very good at dealing with people, no wonder the business is so big!


  Gu Changsheng did not stay in the market for too long.

He hurried back to his home, he was already impatient.

  Not long after he entered the world of immortal cultivation, he contemplated learning the art of talismans.

Unfortunately, he was always short of money, and it wasn't until today that he finally realized it.

Over the years, he often dreamed of the moment he would become a talisman master.

He imagined effortlessly drawing a stack of talismans, surpassing all cultivators in the world.

No one could defeat him once he takes out his talismans!


  Burning incense, bathing, changing clothes.

  Gu Changsheng did this whole process meticulously.

  This is also a kind of ritual sense of making talismans mentioned in Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  Although it may not be useful, the psychological effect of the cultivator is also a key factor that can affect whether a talisman can be successfully made.

  Gu Changsheng changed into clean clothes and took a bath again.

  Then he sat cross-legged in front of a table and began to adjust his state of mind.

  Try to make yourself enter a state of "empty self and nothing".

  It is mentioned in Profound Yang Talisman Record that talismans are a manifestation of the Great Dao to the outside world. If the state of mind can be similar to the Great Dao of heaven and earth.

  When a cultivator makes a talisman, the success rate will be greatly improved.

  Although Gu Changsheng cannot do this, he can still be calm and natural.

  When practicing meditation, achieving this pure state of mind is essential.

  For a novice talisman maker, it's advisable not to be unconventional.

  Simply follow the standard talisman-making methods in the world of immortal cultivation.

  The right time and state of mind are very important!

  This is also repeatedly emphasized in the Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  These three hundred spirit stones are really not wasted!

  Just then, a breeze swept through, causing the window of the cabin to creak, while the rice in the spiritual field outside swayed gently with the wind.

  Gu Changsheng opened his eyes suddenly, the time has come!

  He picked up the first-level low-grade magic tool talisman pen on the table in front of him.

  Spiritual power poured into it and stained the spiritual ink on the side.

  Pausing on the talisman paper, thinking for a while, and then began to carefully outline and draw on this talisman paper.

  The talisman he drew is called the Light Body Talisman.

  The effect is similar to the Light Body Technique. It is one of the three first-level low-grade talismans on the Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  It is also the only spell that Gu Changsheng is very proficient in among these three.

  As a talisman master, how can you make a talisman if you don't know the spells on the talisman you carved yourself?

  So, if you want to make a talisman,

first of all, the talisman master must be able to master this spell proficiently.

  Then, it is possible to make this talisman.

  It can be seen that every talisman master is a master of spells behind him.

  In short, the magician!

  Gu Changsheng's operation looks very fierce.

  But as expected, an accident occurred.

  He had just started to draw and had not made a few strokes.

  This talisman paper instantly caught fire in front of him!

  Gu Changsheng had already prepared to throw the burning talisman paper to the ground and put it out.

  As for the reason, there is no need to say more, he can think of a lot.

  Among the four major arts of cultivating immortals, which novice has not come this way?

  This is normal.

  If you don't practice and waste hundreds of thousands of talisman papers, you still have the nerve to call yourself a talisman master?

  No matter how talented you are, you can't succeed at once!

  This world does not allow such a powerful existence!





He practiced from the afternoon till the dawn of the next day.

  Gu Changsheng himself didn't know how many pieces of talisman paper he had wasted.

When his spiritual energy was exhausted, he sat cross-legged to replenish it.

In the meantime, he waited for a suitable moment to make a talisman.

  However, until the dawn of the next day, he had not succeeded once.

  Rubbish talismans, ruining my life!

  Hey, where is my sword? !