Chapter 63: Those who do not plan for eternity are not worthy of planning for the moment

Chapter 63: Those who do not plan for eternity are not worthy of planning for the moment

  "Shameless boy, you insult me ​​too much!"

  He pulled out his floating sword from the storage bag.

  The sky was already pale.

  After working all night, Gu Changsheng, who had not succeeded once, looked quite haggard.

He drew his sword and glared at the Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  A real man lives between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and live under others for a long time? !

  The mess on the ground was the ashes left by the burning talisman paper.

  Gu Changsheng's mentality was almost broken by it, commonly known as, unstable Taoism.

  Do you want to try whether my sword is still sharp? !

  The process of making talismans in the Profound Yang Talisman Record seems to be, first this, then that, and finally, hey, just put the pen down and it's done.

  It seems that as long as you have a hand, it will be fine, and there is a lot of useless nonsense.

  But in reality, attempting it proves the method is excessively challenging!

  He couldn't do it!

  He explored by himself and stepped on almost every possible pitfall.

  Gu Changsheng also has a small notebook to record his experience.

  It records the mistakes and gains and losses of his talisman making.

  Until now, he has not been able to draw a complete pattern, and it seems that he is still a long way from successfully making a talisman.

  Making talismans in the world of immortal cultivation is like storing one's skills on talisman paper.

  There are two difficulties.

  First, the talisman master himself must be able to master this spell proficiently.

  At the very least, it is estimated that he must reach the level of minor success on the panel.

  Second, he must stimulate the spiritual energy in his body, use this skill in his body as a template, and bless it on the talisman pen, so that he can successfully draw all the patterns represented by this spell on this talisman paper.

  The entire process must be natural and precise.

  Not one stroke more, nor one stroke less.

  There can be no room for error whatsoever. Even the timing of creating the talisman, the entire process of drawing it, knowing precisely where the talisman pen should mark, and when to draw each pattern—all of these are extremely important.

  Gu Changsheng is stuck at this step now.

  His light body technique is perfect, so he naturally meets the first condition of drawing the talisman, but the second condition is to draw the pattern of the talisman.

  This is too difficult, it's simply inhuman!

  His current mentality is not suitable for continuing to fight with the talisman.

  Gu Changsheng gathered all the talisman paper ashes on the ground, put them into the storage bag, and then counted the talisman paper he had left.

  Not more, not less, there were exactly seven stacks of first-level low-quality blank talisman paper left.

  In other words, he has failed to draw a total of 30 times.

  Although the harvest is not small, it is still far from success.

  In one night, not counting other things, the price of these talisman papers alone is three spirit stones, which only brought him some experience in making talismans.

  This seems to be no different from throwing them away.

  Or burn them one by one in front of him.

  Gu Changsheng's heart ached at this moment, so distressed.

  As a person who is used to being poor, when has he ever been so extravagant?

  This is not extravagance, this is just using spirit stones to accumulate experience!

  No wonder people say that every successful person who cultivates the four arts of immortality has accumulated countless spirit stones behind the scenes to succeed.

  This is true.

  Although talent is important, resources are more important!

  Without the accumulation of resources, no matter how talented you are, you can't expect to be successful.

  The current waste is worth it for Gu Changsheng.

  Anyway, he has an unlimited life span, and he will be able to earn it back one day.

  After becoming a talisman master, earning spirit stones will be much easier than it is now.

  Overall, it's worth it—very worth it, indeed!

  In Gu Changsheng's heart, this is how he comforted himself...

  How many spirit stones can you earn from farming?

  Even if he were as capable as those ruthless big brothers, planting twenty acres of spiritual fields by himself, abstaining from food and drink for a year, and not spending anything wouldn't be a problem.

At most, he can earn more than twenty spirit stones.

  And this amount is equivalent to the minimum earnings of a certified talisman master.

  It is very clear which of these two paths is better.

  It is clear at a glance, and even a fool knows how to choose.

  Gu Changsheng sat in front of the door to gather his thoughts.

Then he closed the door, returned to his house, and took out the Profound Yang Talisman Record to study it.

There are seven methods of drawing talismans documented in this record.

It's like having seven spells to learn.

But he has already mastered two of them.

  Light body technique and fireball technique, and he doesn't know the other five spells yet.

  They are, the first-class defense spell and spirit armor technique.

  The first-class middle-class gold sword technique and forbidden spirit technique.

  The first-class lower-class cleaning technique and meditation technique.

  The most important one for him is the first-class spirit armor technique.

  Among the spells he has mastered now, there are escape, auxiliary, and attack spells, but there is indeed no defense spell.

  If all these five spells can be mastered, it will be a great supplement for him.

  So, he really made a good deal by buying this Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  It was sold to him at a low price of 300 spirit stones.

It was estimated that he was the only

one who could buy a spell that he had not mastered yet.

  Other cultivators who wanted to buy a book of talisman drawing would buy the kind that they were familiar with and mastered, rather than specifically choosing the kind that they did not know yet.

  The life span of a Qi-refining cultivator is only 120 years at most.

  And this is only the longest life span they can live in an ideal world.

  In fact, most Qi-refining cultivators find it difficult to live to be 100 years old.

  When they reach the age of 60 and still cannot build a foundation, the success rate of establishing one drops sharply each year, becoming increasingly slim over time.

  Therefore, cultivators always have a feeling that time is running out.

  How can they waste time at will?

  It is because he, a long-lived species, does not care about the passage of time. He takes his time, not rushed, and plans slowly.

  A time unit is several decades or even hundreds of years.

  Those who do not plan for eternity are not worthy of planning for the moment!


  Time passed slowly. Gu Changsheng, who was originally a homebody, became even more of a homebody after he started his talisman-making career.

  After using up all the one hundred blank talisman papers, he still could not draw a successful light-body talisman.

  The five spirit stones in the storage bag were no longer safe.

  He bought five stacks of blank first-grade lower talisman papers.

  Perhaps it was because he was really penniless now.

  In addition to being poor, he now had nothing!

  This time, he obviously took better care of it.

  Every time before he started drawing, he would dip a pen in ink on a piece of ordinary white paper and start to draw it himself several times.

  Then, he would officially start to draw the real talisman based on his feelings.

  Without anyone to teach him, he could only do it alone, stumbling, groping forward step by step.