Chapter 64: Welcome to the World of Talisman Masters

Chapter 64: Welcome to the World of Talisman Masters

  On the path of cultivating immortality, he stumbled, feeling his way through the dark, advancing slowly and with difficulty along the immortal road.

  He had heard other Taoists speak of the brilliance of geniuses!

  Unfortunately, he was merely a humble individual with no power or connections.

  Gu Changsheng spent ten years honestly farming.

He also calmed down and quietly pondered the way of talismans.

  Every year, the harvest from the spiritual fields would be used by him to buy blank talisman paper.

  Over the past ten years, there have been hundreds of talisman papers that spontaneously combusted in front of him.

  There were probably not a thousand of them!

  Until this day, as he finished writing very smoothly.

  A touch of light flashed on the talisman paper, and then disappeared.

  Gu Changsheng was stunned at this time, staring at the talisman blankly.

  There was no spontaneous combustion, and the spiritual power pattern was very complete, natural and self-contained.

  This is...

  a first-class low-grade talisman, a light-body talisman?!

  Gu Changsheng's hand holding the talisman pen was already slightly strained.

  Ten years!

  In fact, if he had enough talisman paper, he wouldn't have used it for so many years.

  But that's how it is for casual cultivators, they can only rely on themselves for everything.

  [Name: Gu Changsheng]

  [Talent: Immortality]

  [Age: 308]

  [Realm: Qi refining level 7]

  [Kung Fu: Hunyuan Five Elements Kung Fu (Qi refining level 7 57/100)]

  [Spells: Spirit Eye, Object Drive, Fireball, Light Body, Spirit Rain (Perfect) Fossilization (Great) Spirit Armor (Mastery) Golden Sword (Mastery) Forbidden Spirit (Mastery) Cleansing (Mastery) Meditation (Mastery)]

  [Skills: Talisman Master - Light Body Talisman (Entry 0/10)]


  There was an additional profession of Talisman Master on the skill column of the panel.

  If he was just a novice in the way of talismans before, then now, after successfully making the first talisman in his life, he is already an apprentice in the way of talisman masters.

  At least, the panel recognizes his identity as a talisman master.

  Gu Changsheng seemed to have never seen such a perfect talisman.

  It was too perfect!

He meticulously noted this sensation for the next time the wind would blow.

When it did, he grasped the breeze and lifted the talisman pen in his hand, his movements flowing as smoothly as water.

  Unfortunately, he couldn't pinpoint where the mistake occurred again, and the talisman paper spontaneously combusted.

  Perhaps the hardest thing in the world is to make the breakthrough from zero to one.

  After successfully drawing a talisman, his success rate soared up by who knows how many times.

Out of twenty, he could succeed from time to time.

  Although he was still losing money.

  This kind of talisman of the first-level lower grade can be worth either two or one spirit stone.

  As long as the success rate of the talisman master does not exceed the third level, he is actually losing money.

  Because the competition between the same talismans is so fierce!

  At this time, Gu Changsheng's success rate is not even at the first level.

  It can be said that the more he practices, the more he loses.

  However, correspondingly, his experience and success rate are also increasing.

  Other talisman masters can achieve success rates of three, four, or even five levels.

  Isn't it all achieved through persistent effort like this?!

  All the blank talisman papers were used up again, and Gu Changsheng finally ceased drawing. He took a moment to inspect the only four light body talismans that remained.

  In just this round, he lost at least four spirit stones.

So, these four light body talismans hold significant value.

Unfortunately, no matter how valuable they are, each is still worth only two spirit stones.

  Among the first-level talismans commonly used in the cultivation world, the first-level low-grade light body talismans are relatively easy to sell.

  Because after the cultivators leave the spiritual veins, the spiritual energy in the world will become thinner and thinner, and it will take a long time to replenish the spiritual energy in the body.

  Of course, you can also use spirit stones to replenish it.

  But this will also take a certain amount of time.   

  If you don't want to waste your spiritual energy, talismans will definitely be a good choice.

The light body talismans that are often used to travel and chase enemies, naturally, the usual consumption will go up all of a sudden.

  It can't be said that every cultivator who frequently hunts monsters outside possesses one, but most cultivators tend to carry a few extra on their bodies.

  They are afraid that if the spiritual energy in their bodies is depleted, they won't even be able to escape.

  They would be left defenseless, only to be slaughtered.


  Gu Changsheng sorted out his current assets.

  In fact, he didn't have much assets. Only the "back-up" he prepared for himself before was still of some value.

  Two magic weapons, four light body talismans, ten first-level medium-grade offensive talismans, one first-level high-grade defensive talisman, and three pills, the rejuvenation pill.

  Selling all these talismans and pills should be worth more than 30 spirit stones.

  Although there will certainly be some loss of spirit stones, it can be reluctantly accepted.

  The spiritual rice in the spiritual field this year has just been harvested, anyway, it can't be counted on.

  And using these things to exchange for more than 300 blank talisman papers.

  This way, he can further refine his proficiency in the art of talismans.

  At the very least, his success rate should see some improvement.

  Gu Changsheng can't wait for the next year. He's afraid because despite gaining some experience, his success rate is still below the first level. He's unsure if he'll still have the opportunity next year.

  He is now at the seventh level of Qi refining. In the market, as long as he is careful not to stand out, it's difficult to encounter any danger.

  Therefore, these backup plans are dispensable.

  In exchange for gaining experience and increasing his success rate in the art of making talismans, he sees an opportunity to make substantial profits in the future.

  This is the principle of the "fish and bear's paw"—you can't have both.

  There must be sacrifices to achieve gains.

  He aims to reach the third level of success rate in talisman making as soon as possible.

  If he continues to lose money like this, he can't bear it.

  In fact, every time he loses money, his heart hurts.

  It really hurts!

  These spirit stones are all blood and sweat.


  A first-class low-grade talisman master must be able to draw three low-grade talismans.

  Moreover, he must ensure that the success rate will not be lower than the third level.

  This is a true talisman master.

  And Gu Changsheng can only draw the light body talisman now.

  However, when he draws other types of talismans in the future, it will not be as difficult as it is now!

  The difficulty will be how to improve the success rate.

  He exchanged these back-ups for thirty-five stacks of blank talisman papers.

  Three hundred and fifty sheets!

  If he cannot draw seventy talismans, he will lose money.

  Seventy sheets can only barely cover the minimum requirement.

  This doesn't include the cost of the spiritual ink.

  If the talisman ink used in making the talismans is factored in, it will be a loss if there are fewer than ninety sheets!

  It's incredibly lucrative!

  Is this the world of talisman masters?!

  He often heard people say how profitable the way of talismans is.

  He hadn't felt it before.

  But now that he's truly stepped into it, he realizes just how lucrative it really is!

  If these talisman papers are used up again, and there are no more spirit stones,

  Then he can only...

  Gu Changsheng glanced at his waist.

  Don't get me wrong, that's the storage bag.

  The floating sword seemed to be trembling at this moment!

  ——Welcome to the world of talisman masters!