Chapter 65: How Much Sorrow Can You Have

Chapter 65: How Much Sorrow Can You Have

   However, the world of talisman masters is not easy to break into.

  Especially for a pure novice talisman maker like him.

  Thirty-five stacks of talisman paper were used to make only thirty light body talismans.

  The success rate of talisman making was barely stabilized at about one level.

  It can be said that he is now losing a lot of money making talismans.

  On average, for every two talismans he made, he would lose a spirit stone.

  He couldn't even break even, and earning spirit stones by making talismans seemed like a distant dream for him.

  What dream? Daydreaming!

With the fall of the last stroke, the tip of the pen was gracefully put away.

  Then the firelight was reflected in Gu Changsheng's eyes.

  He was even accustomed to it, and his eyes seemed calm.

  "The force of this stroke is still too light," he muttered to himself as he put away the pen. Finally, he reflected on his efforts and summarized his progress.

  After half a month, all 350 pieces of talisman paper were used up, but only 30 complete talismans were successfully drawn.

  These are worth about 15 spirit stones.

  After counting with his fingers, he lost 20 spirit stones in the past half month!

  Not only did the talisman paper run out, but the spirit ink was also exhausted.

  However, compared with the talisman paper, the spirit ink made of spirit sand and monster blood is much cheaper. The cost of drawing once is about the same as one broken spirit, which is just one catty of spirit rice.

  "Huh?" Gu Changsheng, who was cleaning the talisman pen, suddenly frowned.

  He had become quite arrogant lately. One catty of spirit rice was enough for him to eat for several days, and losing one spirit stone didn't seem like much to him.

  What kind of family does he come from to be so arrogant?

  Has he been a little too arrogant recently?!

  [Skill: Talisman Master - Light Body Talisman (Entry 3/10)]

  You can only increase your experience by making ten talismans.

  Although this is useless.

  "Panel, panel, you are already a relatively mature attribute panel, you should learn to add points!" Gu Changsheng smiled.

  However, in that smile, there was a bit of bitterness.

  Among the four arts of cultivating immortals, even the most popular way of talismans requires a significant number of spirit stones to cultivate talent.

  No wonder there are not many skilled talisman makers among casual cultivators.

  If you start counting from the time when he started saving money, it took him thirty years to finally learn the way of talismans. Moreover, it seems that the day when he will stop losing money is still far away!


  A sigh, containing many emotions.

  Asking how much sorrow one can have, it is like a river of spring water flowing eastward.


  Gu Changsheng already has a good idea of ​​his talent for making talismans.

  It is displayed on the attribute panel very correctly and clearly.

  If he only relied on the thirty light-body talismans in his hand, even if he sold them all and replaced them with blank talisman paper, and continued to work hard on the art of talismans, he still couldn't break even.

The success rate of making talismans would probably still be around the first level.

  There might be a little more success rate.

  But if he wanted to truly break even, or even reach the third level.


  Gu Changsheng glanced at his storage bag.

  The Floating Shadow Sword and the Turtle Spirit Shield, two magical instruments for attack and defense.

  He had spent fifty-five spirit stones on them before.

  Although they are now second-hand magical weapons.

  Even the Floating Shadow Sword is slightly curled.

  But adding the two together, it shouldn't be a problem to sell for forty spirit stones.

  Adding these thirty light body talismans brought back another fifty-five spirit stones, equivalent to more than five hundred sheets of first-level low-grade talisman paper.

With so many pieces of talisman paper, if he sells the ones that he has successfully drawn, and continues to work hard, he can draw at least a thousand times.

It is possible to stack his success rate of drawing light body talismans to two or even three layers.

  At the very least, it should not be a problem to achieve a balance between income and expenditure.

  People always face many choices in their lives.

Some are important or insignificant.

  And Gu Changsheng naturally chose to sell them.

  He used them to get by, but he had been relying on them for thirty years.

The low-grade magic weapon is too inferior for his current cultivation level.

  It cannot be said to be dispensable, but it is also relatively useless.

  The magic weapon is two small levels lower than his own realm.

  If he fights with cultivators of the same realm, it is better not to have a magic weapon!

  At least it will be very convenient when running away!


  "Fellow Daoist, I have talismans, magic swords, and shields here. Are you sure you don't want to know more?"

  In the area where casual cultivators set up stalls, Gu Changsheng, dressed in a black robe, was squatting on the ground, smiling at a passing cultivator.

  The stall fee in the casual cultivator stall area also requires spirit stones.

  One spirit stone a month, very expensive!

  But the prices of these items were too low, and there was a significant gap between them and Gu Changsheng's own expectations. It would be better to set up a stall and sell them himself.

  "Fellow Daoist, your magic sword..."

  "It hasn't been used many times, Fellow Daoist, look at the patterns on the sword body, how complete it is, and the spiritual energy input is so smooth."

  Although the age of the floating shadow sword may be older than that of the young cultivator, it did not prevent Gu Changsheng from trying hard to fool him.

  He really didn't use the floating shadow sword many times, but he only chopped more than ten monsters at once.

  It's not a big problem!

  But the key is that he sells it cheaply, not twenty-five, not twenty-three, just nineteen spirit stones, take it home immediately!

  There is nothing wrong with repairing and using it for decades.

  Finally, after Gu Changsheng gave him two more light-body talismans, he finally sold the floating shadow sword that had accompanied him for nearly thirty years.

  Gu Changsheng reluctantly watched the young monk leave.

  This was the first magic weapon he had ever used in his life.

  If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to become a talisman master as soon as possible, and then save money to prepare for his future foundation-building journey,

  he would definitely not be willing to sell it.

  This is perhaps the reason why you can only gain if you give up!


  After setting up the stall for half a month, Gu Changsheng finally converted all of his things into spirit stones, and he got two more than he thought.

  Sure enough, he still had to have this kind of money without middlemen to make a profit.

  This time, he truly had nothing left to sell.

  In addition to poverty, which had accompanied him year after year, day after day, he had nothing!

  Since he started making talismans, it seemed he had always been short of spirit stones.

  No, it should be that since becoming an immortal cultivator, he had always been short of spirit stones, even when he was still a mortal.

  Now, he has to prepare for the future foundation building.

  Thinking about the expensive price of a foundation-building pill, he felt a twinge of pain in his liver.

  He feared that he would struggle to keep from running out of spirit stones in the future.

  When will I ever be rich?!