Chapter 71: My days of setting up a stall in the market.

Chapter 71: My days of setting up a stall in the market.

  The better spots in the market stall area are all occupied.

  People may have been setting up there for decades.

  It is impossible to grab the spots with the most pedestrial traffic.

  The remaining spots are all very ordinary.

  Gu Changsheng paid the stall fee, one spirit stone.

  He can set up a stall here within a month.

  He found a spot near the corner and spread a one-meter-long cloth on the ground in front of him. On the cloth, he placed four stacks of talismans.

  A first-level medium-quality fireball talisman.

  A first-level low-quality light body talisman, a cleansing talisman, and a calming talisman.

  He also brought a small stool that was more than one finger high and sat on it.

He put his hands in his wide sleeves, eagerly hoping that someone would come to buy.

  From today on, he also became a person who could set up a stall.

  He finally made it and became a talisman master!

  Although he was only a first-level low-talisman master, there were not many of them among the casual cultivators. At least he was a technical talent.

  After a hundred years of hard work, I want to build a foundation!

  If I can't build a foundation, I will wait another hundred years!!


  "Fellow daoist, how much do you sell these talismans?"

  Finally someone came to ask, and Gu Changsheng immediately became excited.

  "The lower-grade talismans are two for one spirit stone, regardless of the category.

The fireball talisman costs one spirit stone. If you buy more, you can get a discount. If you buy five, you will get a talisman of the same level for free."

  "So expensive?!"

  The young monk looked at the four stacks of talismans and shook his head.

  "What's expensive? Fellow daoist, this is the price in the market, you can't find cheaper!"

Gu Changsheng saw that the business was about to fail, so he hurriedly spoke up, trying to retain it, and persuaded him:

  "Besides, Fellow daoist, the quality of my talismans is guaranteed!"

  Gu Changsheng's hand "slapped" and slapped the identity token issued to him by the market on the cloth in front of him.

  "Spiritual plant cultivator?" The young monk said, looking at him with a face full of question marks.

  "Sorry, I got it wrong." Gu Changsheng smiled awkwardly and turned the identity authentication token over again.

  On the back was written, "First-level lower-grade talisman master. "

  These are very eye-catching words!

  "See, fellow Daoist, certified by the market, formal talisman master, quality guaranteed, these are definitely very qualified talismans!"

  Gu Changsheng said incessantly but with a little pride.

  He didn't know why he was so proud, and many people fell for this.

  And this young monk was obviously such a person.

  He was taken down directly by him.

  Although he only sold a light body talisman.

  But this can be regarded as a good start.

  Gu Changsheng thought so in his heart.

  In fact, in his current storage bag, there are still many things that can be taken out and sold together.

  Let's not talk about those miscellaneous things, there are four magic tools alone.

  It's a pity that the origins of these things are not so clean.

  Gu Changsheng planned to sell them slowly in the future.

  Anyway, he was not in urgent need of spiritual stones.

  After selling a talisman, no one came to ask for it for a long time.

  Gu Changsheng looked at the stall next to him with envy.

  This was a stall owner selling robes.

  Robes are also a kind of refining tool.

  They are just different from ordinary magic tools.

  He saw that although the other person had only sold one like him, the profit from the robe was much greater than his.

Those who could afford this thing were all wealthy cultivators.

  Unlike making talismans, the profit was so low!

  The profit was really too low.   


  The sun was setting in the west, and he finally closed the stall.

He only sold five talismans in a day.

  One fireball talisman, three light body talismans, and one cleaning talisman.

  As for the profit...

  He was just getting started with the fireball talisman, and he lost a lot of money to draw it.

  Let's not talk about it!

  Even if the fireball talisman is excluded, the total profit of the remaining four talismans is less than one spirit stone.

  If the negative income brought by the fireball talisman is added,

  he barely broke even after setting up the stall for a day, and even lost a few broken spirits.

  But no matter what, this is better than farming.

  And it is much better.

  It can make people see a bright future!


  After returning home, Gu Changsheng didn't even have time to rest.

  He hurried to the spiritual field and cast the spiritual rain spell on his three acres of land several times.

  Generally, it's best to use the spiritual rain spell to irrigate one acre of a spiritual field three times a day—morning, noon, and evening.

However, if you can irrigate more at once, it's acceptable to skip irrigation for two or three days in a short period of time.

  However, this will inevitably affect the final harvest of the spiritual field.

  It will definitely yield much less spiritual rice than other people's spiritual fields throughout the year.

  If you water it less than usual, the spiritual rice will gradually begin to wither, and even in the end you may not be able to pay the minimum of one acre of spiritual field.

  That would be too tragic!

  Every year, there are many monks who are delayed for many days due to various reasons, resulting in the spiritual rice in the spiritual field not being irrigated in time.

  Then there is no one to help irrigate, resulting in a significant reduction in the output of the spiritual field.

  Finally, because they do not have enough spiritual stones, they cannot pay the minimum of one acre of spiritual rice that the market must pay.

They are forced to be sold to the market to mine.

  When all the debts are paid back, they will be released again.

  According to many monks who were sold to mine, it is not a place for people to stay there! !

  How many monks were so high-spirited before they went in.

  But after coming out, there was no light in their eyes from then on!

  Most of these guys often go out to the market to hunt monsters.

  It's too difficult, even more difficult! !

  So, no matter who you owe spiritual stones to, you must remember not to owe the spiritual stones to the market.

  Gu Changsheng carefully irrigated the spiritual rice in his own spiritual field.

He was still thinking about setting up a stall in his mind, hoping that tomorrow would be better!

  Unfortunately, this would disappoint him.


  The second day of setting up the stall was not even as good as the first day!

  Only four talismans were sold in total, even one less than the day before.

  Gu Changsheng had just sent a customer away and glanced at the sky, which was already a little dim.

  Sitting on his small stool, he looked eagerly.

  That was the whole person explaining what it meant to look forward to it.

  Unfortunately, no one came to buy talismans until the end of the day.

  Life is not easy, Gu Changsheng sighed.

  He had just finished cleaning up his stall, holding the small stool wrapped by the stall in one hand, and patting his butt with the other hand.

  Just as I was about to go home,

  a voice suddenly rang out.

  "Fellow daoist, please stay..."