Chapter 72: Strength to pull mountains and courage to conquer the world

Chapter 72: Strength to pull mountains and courage to conquer the world.

  This sentence is simply poisonous. Who the hell dares to stay?

  Gu Changsheng quickened his pace and didn't even turn his head to look back.

  "Hey, fellow Daoist, hey, fellow Daoist!"

Seeing that he didn't seem to hear, the monk quickly stepped forward and stopped in front of him:

"Fellow Daoist, are you a talisman master?"

  "Fellow Daoist, are you talking to me?"

  Gu Changsheng blinked, holding a small stool in one hand and putting the other hand in his pocket, and asked with a puzzled expression.

  "Yes, if there are no other talisman masters here."

  The monk had a dignified appearance and a majestic demeanor, and he was wearing a robe.

  Perhaps he saw the doubt in Gu Changsheng's eyes.

  He smiled gently and said, "Like fellow Daoist, I am also a talisman master."

  [Bu Denglou, a first-level mid-grade talisman master! ]

  "Let me introduce myself. I am Bu Denglou. I am currently a first-class middle-grade talisman master and belong to the Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild."

  Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild?

  What the hell is this?

  Gu Changsheng's eyes were filled with more and more doubts.

  Are there talisman masters who have a guild? !

  No, he had never heard of it.


  After Bu Denglou's explanation, Gu Changsheng almost understood what was going on.

  There is indeed a talisman master's guild in Qingyun Market.

It was once founded by a second-class talisman master from the Orihin Sword Sect.

  However, this guild is extremely loose.

  It doesn't even have a regular station in the market.

  The reason why he didn't know about this before was because he wasn't even a formal talisman master.

  Almost all the casual cultivators and formal talisman masters in Qingyun Market

have joined this guild.

  The purpose of the guild is just to facilitate everyone to exchange information.

  Various talisman-making experiences, various talismans, and so on.

  Usually, they will communicate once every six months.

  And the price of talismans in the market cannot be lowered any further.

  Apart from that, there is nothing else.

  It is better to say that it is a rule that everyone abides by tacitly than to say that it is a guild.

  It is not only the case with talismans, but also with magic tools and elixirs.

  Gu Changsheng listened thoughtfully, but he was used to being cautious and did not directly agree to join the talisman master guild.

  He planned to talk about it after confirmation.

  It is really difficult for a person to practice hard in seclusion.

  If he can communicate with other talisman masters frequently.

  Learn from each other's strengths and summarize his own experience in drawing talismans.

  It should be very useful to him.

  It is impossible to become a true master of talismans by relying on a talisman record, a talisman pen, and a few talisman papers.


  After two days of setting up the stall, only nine talismans were sold, less than a stack.

  At his current level, the profit will not be very high.

  But in the future, his success rate will increase.

  The more skilled you are at making talismans, the better you will get.

  After all, talismans, like elixirs, are just daily consumables.

They are not as durable as magic tools, but not as expensive as elixirs.

They can barely be considered "good value for money".

They are usually consumed in large quantities.

  A steady stream of water, accumulated over time, can wear away a stone.

  Most importantly, this will not attract too much attention.

  It fits his way of hiding very well.


  Gu Changsheng had just returned to his home and finished some daily chores.

  Watering, weeding, and checking the growth of the spiritual rice seedlings.

He had just cooked a pot of spiritual rice.

  Suddenly, he heard a cry from outside.

  Gu Changsheng could see it through his small window.

  It seemed that there was a "demon beast" walking slowly but carelessly in the spiritual field area outside. The pace was extremely arrogant.

It formed a very sharp contrast with his cautiousness.

  "No, where did the monster beast come from in the market?"

  Gu Changsheng frowned, and a touch of spiritual energy quickly gathered in his eyes.

  The two pupils changed color in an instant, as cold as water.

  The world seemed to have faded its color at this moment, and only the fluctuations emitted by the spiritual energy could be detected.

  Under the gaze of the spiritual eye technique, the spiritual energy in the market was revealed, especially the spiritual vein at the peak of the second level on the mountain, which was as colorful as a long river.

  The spiritual eye technique is actually a very practical spell.

  Most spiritual creatures can be observed by the spiritual eye technique.

  And this even includes the cultivation and realm of a cultivator.

  It's OK as long as the gap is not too big.

  But generally no one would stare at others like this.

  This behavior, in his previous life, is no less than:

  What are you looking at? ! !

  A first-order late-stage demon beast, the silver-armored bear!

  Unfortunately, it is dead.

  As for why the corpse can move, it is because it is being carried by someone.

  Moreover, he is very familiar with this figure.

  Gu Changsheng slowly retracted his gaze and shook his head.

  As the figure of the demon beast approached, it can be seen that under the corpse of the demon beast, there is a relatively petite figure, who is walking with great strength and invincibility.

  That's right, this person is Gong Hongye, Fellow Daoist Gong.

  It's only been two days since he left the workshop, a first-order late-stage demon beast.

  How many days does it take for him to set up a stall to sell talismans!

  Half a year? ! A year? !

  Anyway, it's about the same!

  Gu Changsheng sat back in front of the stove and poured out a bowl of pickled vegetables from the jar beside him, preparing to have a bite tonight.

  But at this moment, a piece of monster meat suddenly flew in from outside his small window.

  It was estimated to be the size of his arm, and must be 20 to 30 kilograms.

  Gu Changsheng was a little stunned, and looked at Gong Hongye outside through the small window.

  "Little brother, sister will treat you to monster meat."

  The two looked at each other, and Gong Hongye blinked at him and said with a slight smile.

  After thinking about it, Gu Changsheng took the monster meat.

  Then he used the object control technique to drive more than 20 broken spirits to throw at her.

  "I don't have the habit of eating other people's food for free, just consider these as what I bought."

  The voice said calmly and gently.

  He didn't know the price of the first-grade upper-grade monster meat.

  After all, he had never been so extravagant.

  If he wanted to buy, he would buy the meat of the common first-grade lower-grade monsters.

  But I think these broken spirits should be enough, right?

  Let's just treat it as a luxury meal today. If we save some money, we might be able to eat several meals.

  Outside the window, Gong Hongye glanced at him and accepted the broken spirits.

  When she turned around, her red lips slightly raised.

She walked away with big and carefree steps.

  Perhaps, this kind of lifestyle would be very casual and open.

  She and Gu Changsheng are really a very sharp contrast.

  One lives freely and boldly, while the other lives cautiously.

  There is no right or wrong, just some different ways of seeking the truth.