Chapter 73: Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild

Chapter 73: Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild

  There are not many formal talisman masters in the Qingyunfang City Talisman Master Guild.

  As a gathering place for formal talisman masters,there are only thirty or forty people here now.

  After repeated confirmation several times, Gu Changsheng found that the Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild was indeed the same as Bu Denglou said.

  It was even more relaxed than he said.

  There was not even a permanent manager of the guild.

  And the president was just a second-level talisman master of the Origin Sword Sect in name only.

  Usually he didn't care about the things here.

  Everyone was busy with their own things, and there were few times a year to get together and communicate.

  It seemed that there were only thirty or forty people coming to this gathering, which was a little small, sparse, and not a lot of people.

  But this was actually more than half of the members of the Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild!

  There were only fifty or sixty formal talisman masters in the guild, plus other talisman masters in Qingyunfang City.

  It can be concluded that among the many cultivators in the entire Qingyun Market, there are about sixty or seventy formal talisman masters.

  To be honest, listening to them communicating there, Gu Changsheng felt that he was a little out of place now, and his face was full of question marks from time to time.

  He seemed like a husky mixed in with a wolf pack.

  And the reason why he can become a formal talisman master now is that he has worked hard with a book of Profound Yang Talisman Record.

  This way is already wild and can't be wilder.

  And Profound Yang Talisman Record is not a very high-end method of drawing by talisman masters.

  In fact, it is just a very ordinary book of talisman drawing.

  He didn't even know what many of the things these people communicated were.

  But the experience of various talismans, as well as various strange experiences.

  It is indeed a lot of experience, and he hurriedly wrote them down in his mind.

He plans to write them on the small notebook to review and digest them after returning.

  Gu Changsheng, dressed in white, drank a sip of spiritual tea.

  His eyes lit up.

  It tastes good, I love it!

  This is probably the first time he has drunk the spiritual tea of ​​immortal cultivators.

He usually doesn't even want to drink it!

  He has to eat a pound of spiritual rice in several days.

  How can he afford to drink such expensive spiritual tea? !

  Not only is the spiritual energy in the body quickly and easily digested.

  It's not much. It's estimated that such a big pot of spiritual tea is not enough for the spiritual energy he refines in a day.

  It seems to have a calming effect.

  These spiritual stones are not wasted.

  That's right, the gathering of the Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild is paid by everyone.

  What kind of Talisman Master Guild is this? !

  Isn't this clearly a group of talisman professionals gathering on an AA basis! !

  "Fellow Daoists, let me introduce this to you. This is the disciple that the president of our Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild has just accepted not long ago. He is an inner disciple of the Origin Sword Sect and a first-level mid-grade talisman master. He is Xu Lingdong, Fellow Daoist Xu!"

  "Fellow Daoist Xu is young and promising!"

  "Fellow Daoist Xu is already a first-level mid-grade talisman master at such a young age. He will definitely not be an ordinary person in the future. It really makes us ashamed."

  With the arrival of this first-level mid-grade talisman master of the Origin Sword Sect, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became very lively.

  And Gu Changsheng did not do anything special, just echoed the voices of the crowd.

  The disciple of a second-level talisman master is indeed impressive.

    As a second-level talisman master, first of all, he must be a foundation-building cultivator!

  Even a disciple of such a person is a big shot for the casual cultivators!

  Even if there are many first-level top-grade talisman masters in the field.

  Not to mention, he is an inner disciple of the Origin Sword Sect.

  Sect cultivators seem to be naturally more than a head taller than casual cultivators.

  Surrounded by the crowd was a young cultivator wearing a precious robe.

  He looked only in his twenties, about the same age as Gu Changsheng, with a golden magic sword inserted in his crown sword.

  He looked quite handsome.

  Although his tone was very calm and approachable.

  But Gu Changsheng could see that in his eyes, there was still a kind of high-handed feeling that was difficult to hide.

  After all, he was still too young.

  Of course, maybe he didn't intend to hide it at all.

  He was definitely not the only one who could see this look and emotion.

  But no one showed it.

  "They are all old shady people who are good at hiding their true intentions!"

  Gu Changsheng glanced at the Daoist friends around him and said to himself.

  There are all kinds of people in the world of immortal cultivation. There will always be people with wisdom and old shady people. They may always be the most numerous cultivators in this world of immortal cultivation.


  Let alone, this inner disciple of Origin Sword Sect, as a disciple of the second-level talisman master, Xu Lingdong, is really good at making talismans.

  Gu Changsheng also knows how to make this talisman.

  The fireball talisman is very common among the first-level medium-quality talismans.

  But the time when he made the talisman was not the most suitable time for the fireball talisman.

  Moreover, the drawing method is very different from Gu Changsheng.

  The movements are smooth and the strokes are done in one go without any pause. It is a perfect success in just one go, and the talisman is natural.

  There is no problem in beating Gu Changsheng in making talismans .

  Gu Changsheng frowned and thought about all the actions Xu Lingdong had just made. It seems that there are many things worth learning from him.

  But thinking about it carefully, he didn't even know how to learn.

  Brain: I think I can learn it by watching!

  Hand: You can learn it by watching!

  But anyway, this gathering of the Talisman Master Guild opened his eyes and he gained a lot of experience.

  Sure enough, reading thousands of books is never as good as traveling thousands of miles.

  A master is not a master who works in isolation, but a master with an eternal apprentice heart.

  Gathering, communicating, observing, listening, and exchanging.

  There are many good things in the final exchange meeting.

  Unfortunately, Gu Changsheng can only watch helplessly.

  He can't afford it!

  It's not that he can't afford it, but he is reluctant to do it.

  It feels not worth it.

  These people really have spiritual stones!

  He has only been setting up the stall for less than a month, this is simply incomparable.

  Coming out of the gathering place, Gu Changsheng looked up at the sky.

  He found that it was only in the afternoon.

  He can still set up the stall for a few more hours, and he can't miss it.

  As the saying goes, a little bit adds up to a lot, and a little bit of sand makes a tower!

  Besides, the stall fee is not free, right?

  It costs one spirit stone a month!

  If he doesn't go, he will feel that he is losing out!

  Gu Changsheng took out a piece of cloth from his wide sleeves.

  There is also a small cushion under his buttocks.

  His sleeve is like Doraemon's pocket.

  You never know what he can take out of it for you.