Chapter 74: Ye Fan, I want to eat meat

Chapter 74: Ye Fan, I want to eat meat

  "Hey, little brother, you are setting up a stall here again?"

  Gu Changsheng accidentally met Gong Hongye in the middle of the stall, and opened his eyes that were closed for rest.

  He glanced at her, his lips moving slightly as if to say something, when suddenly he heard, "Little brother Ye Fan, call me sister. If you do, I'll buy a talisman."

  Gu Changsheng swallowed the words back when they came to his lips.

  A real man lives between heaven and earth, how can he accept such a big insult? !

  There are too many perverts in this world of immortal cultivation now.

  Boys should also remember to protect themselves when they go out.

  Gu Changsheng counted the spirit stones in his hand, not more, not less—fifteen spirit stones. Then he put them all away.

  "Fellow Daoist Gong, have you just come back from hunting monsters again?"

  A real man can bend and stretch, isn't it just a few calls of sister?

  As a person, you can't give up spirit stones for dignity.

  "Yes, I just sold the monsters and saw you setting up a stall here."

  Gong Hongye stood in front of his stall, a magical long knife at her waist, looking heroic. Her red hair flew in the wind, giving off a strong queenly aura.

  "Fellow Daoist Gong, you should go out of the market less to hunt monsters during this period. I heard that there are second-level monsters outside recently, and many Fellow daoist have been killed."

  Gu Changsheng sat cross-legged and said with concern.

  "I can't compare with you, little brother. You can make talismans and earn spirit stones just by sitting here, while your big sister only has this little bit of spiritual power and cultivation to speak of," Gong Hongye said, blinking and smiling.

  "Making talismans can't earn much spirit stones, and I'm just sitting here for nothing all day." Gu Changsheng sighed and said.

  "Then your sister won't hunt monsters, little brother, you support me."

  "Forget it. Just ignore what I said," Gu Changsheng immediately replied, shaking his head.

  Watching Gong Hongye leave, Gu Changsheng put his hands in his sleeves and sat cross-legged on the futon behind the stall.

  He raised his head slightly, watching the people coming and going from time to time.

  He was looking forward to it.

He had been setting up a stall here for more than half a month, and his income had been very stable.

  The many talismans sold today cannot be counted.

  Because he sold them by accident with his own ability.

  If he only counted the profit from setting up a stall for a normal day. It would take him about two hundred years to afford a foundation-building pill.

  Taking into account the profoundness of the talisman in the future, it would take more than a hundred years.

It takes two to three lifetimes for an ordinary Qi refining cultivator.

  But he only needs to change one or two vests.

There are people selling robes, monster meat, secret wine, spiritual herbs, various spiritual objects and minerals, miscellaneous things, cultivation skills and spells, magic tools, spiritual fish and rice...

  This world is bizarre in the eyes of mortals.

  Many cultivators can even practice while setting up a stall.

  But Gu Changsheng can't do this.

  He closed his eyes and rested his mind, simply focusing on relaxation.

I wonder how resilient these people are to practice in such an environment.

He won't, as he feels insecure and his heart naturally becomes restless.

  Of course, you can also use the meditation talisman to calm your mind.

  But how is this different from closing your eyes and covering your ears?

And practicing just once would result in a loss.

  People of our generation who practice Taoism, what we practice is to live as long as the heaven and earth.

  What we seek is a clear mind!

  Cultivating the mind is also very important for immortal cultivators.

  Because immortal cultivators also have this thing called the inner demon.

  Immortal cultivators with weak minds can't go far on the immortal road.


  "How could you be injured so badly?"

  Gu Changsheng frowned and looked at Gong Hongye lying on the bed.

  "Haha, I encountered a peak-level first-tier monster on a narrow road. We fought for three hundred rounds, and I emerged unscathed, not losing!"

  Gong Hongye still said stubbornly.

  She was simply stubborn, lying in bed yet still not being honest. Gong Hongye weighed more than 100 jin, and her stubbornness was evident.

  "Take a rest for a while, and don't go hunting monsters recently." Gu Changsheng shook his head and said.

  It's a difficult situation, so Gu Changsheng pretended not to notice it.

  "Little brother Ye Fan, I want to eat meat, the braised pork you made."

  Gong Hongye suddenly said in a low voice.

  Gu Changsheng looked back at her, smiled and said gently: "Wait, I will bring it to you when it's ready."

  After that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand and walked out.

  Outside, in the spiritual field, all the spiritual rice this year has been harvested.

  It was covered in silver, and the sight was a piece of white snow.

  The spiritual rice can only mature and be harvested once a year.

  Now we can only wait until next year to plant it again.

  The growth cycle of spiritual rice is much longer than that of ordinary rice.

  After walking through a large area of ​​spiritual fields, Gu Changsheng returned to his home.

  He and Gong Hongye became more and more familiar with each other, because Gong Hongye was his biggest customer for selling talismans at the stall.

  She alone can replace many people!

  She is a big consumer of talismans, and this kind of customer is also the favorite of talisman masters.

  Love it!

  [First-level low-grade talisman master - Light Body Talisman (minor success) Cleansing Talisman (minor success) Meditation Talisman (minor success) Fireball Talisman (mastery)]

  After a few months, the Fireball Talisman finally reached mastery.

  The Fireball Talisman is his current main talisman.

  It sells even better than the Light Body Talisman, although it is still losing money now.

  Gu Changsheng plans to learn a new medium-grade talisman.

  The Golden Sword Talisman and the Forbidden Soul Talisman.

  Needless to say, the function of the Golden Sword Talisman is similar to that of the Fireball Talisman.

  However, this is a gold-attributed sword-type attack talisman.

  The Forbidden Sealing Talisman is relatively rare.

  The Forbidden Sealingl Talisman, as the name suggests, has the function of sealing the spiritual energy.

  It is not to seal the spiritual energy of the cultivator, which is impossible, because the cultivator will open it as soon as he rushes, but to seal the spiritual energy of the spiritual object.

  For example, if a cultivator dug up a very precious spiritual medicine outside, and did not want the spiritual energy of this spiritual medicine to dissipate, he could stick a Forbidden Sealing Talisman on it.

  The spiritual energy of this spiritual medicine can be sealed, and the spiritual medicine can be kept fresh as when it was just dug out, so that it would not dissipate so quickly.

  This is also a very common talisman in the world of immortal cultivation.

  However, ordinary cultivators rarely use it.

  Because a Forbidden Sealing Talisman is worth one spiritual stone.

  If it is not a precious spiritual medicine, sticking this thing is a waste.

  And Gu Changsheng naturally chose to learn... the golden sword talisman!

  Because the Forbidden Sealing Talisman will definitely not sell better than the golden sword talisman!

  When setting up a stall, no matter how much you say, it is all empty, and the only real thing is to earn spiritual stones.

  The first-level middle-grade talisman is much more difficult than the first-level low-grade one.

  The low-grade talisman may only need to draw two or three lines, while the middle-grade talisman usually has four lines or more.

  This is just like cultivating immortals, you also need to move forward step by step.

  Perhaps, only those rare geniuses can draw by skipping a level.

  Anyway, Gu Changsheng can't do it.

  If you ask him to skip a level and draw a high-quality talisman, he might as well die in front of you!


  Making talismans, setting up stalls, studying talismans, breaking through one's own cultivation and realm.

  There is no time in cultivating immortals. Before you know it, twenty or thirty years have passed quickly...