Chapter 78: The sky is so big, the earth is so big, the foundation is the biggest

Chapter 78: The sky is so big, the earth is so big, the foundation is the biggest

  Drinking and singing, how fleeting is life?

Like morning dew, past days are filled with hardship.

I should be magnanimous, yet my worries linger.

To ease my worries, only Du Kang knows how!!


  At the border of Mysterious Realm, a young man with a sword and a horse in the stable suddenly looked back.

  He has been in Mysterious Realm for more than 400 years and left many footprints.

  Many stories and characters seem to be still vivid.

  Lin Jun, Qi Xiao, Luo Dayong, Zhou Hui, Xiao Huan, Wu Dalang.

  Ye Lan, Ye Nan, Li Hengfeng, Shao Yue, Wei Min, He Di, Mu Luoxian.

  Liu Changqing, Bu Denglou, Gong Hongye...

  and Mu Wan.

All good things must come to an end. I have left the Mysterious Realm, and the path of Taoism stretches high and long. I wonder when I will return?

  Qingqing Zijin, my heart is wandering.

  But for your sake, I have been pondering until now.

  Deer call, eating wild apples.

  I have guests, playing the harp and blowing the sheng.


  Riding a horse and holding a sword to the end of the world!

  I once dreamed of traveling the world with a sword. Now, although it was hundreds of years late,

  he finally did it.

  However, he was a little unethical and bullied the weak.

He bullied the warriors in the mortal world with the strength of an immortal cultivator!

  Just tell me, am I invincible in the mortal world? !

  I am submissive in the immortal world, but I strike hard in the mortal world.

  He really understood this way of doing things.

  With his veil down and a sword case on his body, he lay on his side on the horse.

  He held a gourd in one hand and a large map in the other.

  He raised it above his head and looked at the sun for a few times.

  The direction of the mountains and rivers is correct.

  Now it is located in the territory of Qian State. After passing through two more mortal countries,we will arrive at one of the three major markets directly under the Ghost Sword Sect.

  ——Luoxia Market.

  This map of the immortal world is still very comprehensive. Along the way, there are all kinds of immortal cultivators' markets, sects, and immortal cultivation families.

  On this map, most of them are densely packed and marked out.

  Although he has never been in any of them.

  I heard that Luoxia Market is much bigger than Qingyun Market.

  There are three spiritual veins in the market alone.

  One spiritual vein of the second-level peak, and two spiritual veins of the second-level upper grade.

  These three spiritual veins make up the main body of Luoxia Market.

  I can only say that it is worthy of being a market directly under the Nascent Sect Ghost Sword Sect.

  It is rich and powerful!

  The most important thing is that in Luoxia Market, every once in a while, there will often be foundation-building pills, and the ownership will be determined by spiritual stones.

  It is not like the Qingyun Market where he used to stay, where no one knows how many years it will take for a foundation-building pill to appear.

  And this is the most important thing for him.

  The world is big, and the foundation is the biggest!

  He has been walking slowly for two or three years since he came from Xuan Country.

  In the meantime, he has traveled through at least five or six countries.

  The customs of these countries opened his eyes.

  In the world of immortal cultivation, there may not be such huge customs and differences.

  But for a mortal, that small village, a town, a small city.

  Perhaps it is the entire area where he has lived his entire life.

  As for immortals?

  What are they?

  If you have traveled through several states in a mortal country, you can say that you have seen a lot.

If you have traveled through several mortal countries, you can say that you know everything in the world.

  However, they do notknow that the life of a mayfly is just a life of birth and death. A summer insect has never seen spring and winter in its life, and does not know that there are spring and winter in the world.

  This world is very, very, very big, so big that even a cultivator of a high level would be daunted.

  It is so big that it is even difficult to count.

  It can accommodate the existence of countless mortal countries.

  Most people don't even know that there are immortals in this world.

  Just like mayflies and summer insects!

  Perhaps, ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

  Sometimes people know too much and it becomes a kind of trouble.

  The four great sufferings of life are greed, anger, ignorance, not getting what you want, resentment and hatred, and love and separation.

  In the sunset, Gu Changsheng's shadow was getting longer and longer.

  The reflection of the gourd was reflected on the ground.

  In front of him, this inn suddenly appeared in this wilderness.

  It was very inexplicable.

  If he guessed correctly, there was a 99.9% probability that this inn would be a more authentic black shop.

  "What a pity, why do you have to rush to die?"

  Gu Changsheng sat at a table, his eyes calmly continuing to eat the wine and food he brought with him.

  Behind him, the inn had completely collapsed and a raging fire was burning.

  He was not going to stay, he just walked past.

  Unfortunately, the innkeeper didn't give him a chance, he was too enthusiastic.

  What can he do if they are eager to give him their heads?

  He has seen many things and has become accustomed to them.

  If he has to take care of all the injustices in the world, then he might as well stop cultivating immortality. Twelve hours a day is not enough for him.

  No matter how bad this world is, as long as it doesn't provoke him.

  Gu Changsheng actually doesn't want to care about it, just ignore it.

  If he can beat them, he will beat it on the spot. If he can't beat them, he will write it down and practice it for another hundred or eight thousand years. When he has the strength, he will go up and kill every family.

  This is his way, the way of immortality, or the way of hiding.

  He is in the world, but far away from it.

  He is in the world, but not in the world.

  Changsheng, time, has changed him unconsciously.

  The boy who saw the refugee family selling little girls and couldn't bear to turn his head away.

  Maybe, if he encounters such a scene again, he will not be the same as before.

  People, how can they remain unchanged?

  Grudges, love and hatred, confidantes, and the wickedness of the world.

  After going through too much, even if it was originally a pure and flawless white paper.

  After hundreds of years of rendering, this white paper has been stained with various colors. Even if these colors are carefully wiped off one by one, traces will still be left.

  A person has experienced too much, and it is difficult to go back to the past.

  It is best to keep the past in memory.

  And these past memories are his most precious wealth.

  If a person forgets his past, he will no longer be himself.

  These precious memories are the anchors he left for himself in the long river of time.

  Millions of years later, he can also know who he is.

  Why did he come, why did he enter the Tao, why did he cultivate immortality? !

  Why live forever!


  Three years, it took three years!

  Gu Changsheng finally arrived at Luoxia Market on this day.

  This market is different from Qingyun Market.

  Qingyun Market is located at one end of the Ten Thousand Miles Mountain Range.

  Luoxia Market is located on an endless plain.

  Mountains, water, grass, forests, rivers, and lakes.

  This plain is endless, there should be a lot of spiritual herbs and medicines.

  Of course, where there are these things, there must be no shortage of monsters.

  Companion monsters!

  Monsters will also know the effects of these spiritual herbs and medicines instinctively.

  Although eating them raw will waste a lot of medicinal power, it is better to refine them into pills and then take them like human cultivators.

  Looking at the vast and magnificent line crawling between heaven and earth in front of him.

  From a distance, it looks like a Immortal city descended on the earth.

  Gu Changsheng sniffed and tightened his clothes.

  "Luoxia Market, I, Li Qiye, am here!"