Chapter 79: Eh? Where's my sheep?  

Chapter 79: Eh? Where's my sheep?

  It is better to call it Luoxia Immortal City than Luoxia Market.

  The architectural layout is just like a mortal city, divided into the city and the outside.

  The most important thing is that he may not be able to farm anymore in the future!

  Because the number of people who plant spiritual fields outside Luoxia Market is now full.

  No way, this is all rolled up? !

  To be honest, when he first heard the news, Gu Changsheng was actually a little surprised. This sudden news made his already poor fortune even worse.

  "Fellow daoist, Fellow daoist!"

  The young cultivator in front of the Luoxia Market Management Office called him a few words impatiently.

  A mere Qi refining in the early stage dared to talk to a Qi refining in the late stage like this.

  This is in the world of cultivation where the superior and the inferior are clearly distinguished, and the higher the realm, the more powerful the person. Outside, the superior and the inferior will not survive more than two chapters!

  "Now there are shops and residential areas that you can choose from, Fellow daoist, choose one."

  The young cultivator said in a very impatient tone.

  It has to be a great immortal sect like Ghost Sword Sect.

  Even a mere errand disciple in the market has such a temper.

  With such a disciple, why worry that the sect cannot grow and develop? !

  Gu Changsheng did not show it, and his expression remained the same.

  He chose a place on the dynamic spiritual vein map of Luoxia Market.

  C, No. 97.

  This is a residence and store located in the market shop area.

  There are two floors on the map.

  It doesn't look big, and the location is relatively remote in the shop area.

  But, it's cheap.

  The price of one hundred and twenty spirit stones a year.

  With Gu Changsheng's identity as a first-class upper-grade talisman master, it's acceptable.

  In fact, there are also residential areas for people to choose.

  The residences there are much cheaper.

  But Gu Changsheng thought for a while and finally chose this kind of shop.

  This kind of shop can be used to open a store and live in, which is very suitable for him.

  "Ten spiritual stones for entering the market every year, plus the rent for the store at No. 97, fellow Daoist, that's a total of 130 spiritual stones a year..."


  Gu Changsheng walked out of the market management office with his hands on his chest, feeling a little distressed.

  He hadn't done anything yet, but he had already spent 130 spiritual stones.

  How could this not make people feel distressed?

  He didn't have any spiritual fields to plant, and now he felt very uncomfortable all over.

  It's not easy to live in the immortal market without farming!

  Luoxia Market is indeed much larger than Qingyun Market.

  If Qingyun Market is still the size of a small town in the mortal world,

  then Luoxia Market should be close to the size of a small mortal city.

  People come and go in the market, and the mental outlook and state of the cultivators are obviously much richer.

  Storage bags and robes are not as rare as they were in Qingyun Market.

  This is because the number of great cultivators in the late stage of Qi refining has obviously increased a lot.

  All the cultivators in sight are cultivators, in the early, middle and late stages of great perfection!

  There are independent cultivators, families, and disciples of sects.

  There were even people riding monsters and parading through the streets.

  The new monks in the early stages of Qi refining were almost all brought out by their elders to see the world, because they looked innocent.

  Gu Changsheng watched a monk riding a monster go away.

  He looked at the people around him and they were all used to it.

  He thought to himself that this kind of thing should be very common in Luoxia Market.

  Monsters raised by human monks can also be called spirit beasts.

  Even a major profession and one of the hundred arts was born from this.

  Spirit beast master!

  It's just that he rarely saw it in Qingyun Market before.

  Monster beasts are not necessarily inferior to human cultivators.

  Some monster beasts with good backgrounds can even reach the second or third level as long as they can grow up.

  Equivalent to human foundation building and golden core cultivators!

  But perhaps it is because there are restrictions of heaven in the dark.

  This kind of monster beast is very rare, and it takes too long to grow up.

  Gu Changsheng has not raised a monster beast yet, but he has raised a pet.

  "Eh? Where is my sheep?"

  Unknowingly, Shabai has been away from him for three hundred years!

  Equivalent to the life span of a foundation building and a Qi refining cultivator combined.

  A hundred years is so short, and a thousand years of suffering is easy to be satisfied.


  The arrangement of the shops in Luoxia Market is a bit like a Eight Trigrams formation.

  The outermost is a hundred or so shops with the number C, and going inside are the shops of the two types of B and A, surrounded by stars in the center.

  The most are shops with the number C, followed by shops with the number B, and the least are shops with the number A.

  At the center is a nine-story fairy building belonging to Ghost Sword Sect.

  It is like a Immortal sword that has descended into the mortal world, standing on the earth.

  Looking from afar, it is very spectacular!

  It can only be said that it is worthy of being a sword sect, and it really loves swords to the core.

  Perhaps Origin Sword Sect was influenced by Ghost Sword Sect.

  No wonder there are so many sword cultivation sects in such a large area.

  C, No. 97.

  Gu Changsheng found his own shop in a remote corner of the periphery.

  He opened the door on the first floor and walked in.

  The furnishings were very simple and empty. There was nothing.

  At the back of the first floor, on the right, there was a staircase leading to the second floor.

  Gu Changsheng walked around the first floor and estimated that it was about 20 square meters.

  Entering the second floor, it was the same as the first floor, empty, but there was a small balcony extending outward.

  Gu Changsheng walked to this small balcony and looked out, and could see half of the shop area.

  In the center of the shop area, in front of the nine-story fairy building, there is a huge bluestone square.

  At this time, the entire shop area is full of people coming and going.

  And on that bluestone square, there is undoubtedly the most people.

  Because it seems that there is an area where people can set up stalls.

  And this is undoubtedly the area with the most people in Luoxia Market!

  One hundred and twenty spirit stones a year, plus the one-year entrance fee for cultivators, that is one hundred and thirty spirit stones a year. With his identity as a first-class upper-grade talisman master, it is not a problem to earn back these.

  But the key is how many spirit stones can be earned in a year?

  This needs to be seen later!

  As long as it is not less than what he earned in Qingyun Market, it is acceptable.

  With Li Qiye's identity, he must earn at least 20,000 spirit stones.

  He will be able to successfully build his foundation when he strives for the next identity!

  By then, he should be about 500 years old, right? !

  The deadline for a Golden Core cultivator barely allowed him to reach the foundation.


  Gu Changsheng didn't waste any time. He used a few cleaning techniques to clean up his small shop inside and out.

  He also bought some ordinary wood, just a few broken pieces.

  He made a few shelves and some daily necessities.

  After hundreds of years of working, it's hard for him not to be proficient in woodworking.

  Gu Changsheng plans to open a talisman shop in the shopping area of ​​Luoxia Market in the future.

  He has even thought of a name, it's called "Friendly Talisman Shop"!

  It's inherited from the Friendly Bookstore and Friendly Wine Shop of the past.

  It's of the same lineage!