Manga verse Adventurer ( Jujutsu Kaisen Universe Part 2)

The Observer in the Sky

The chaos of Shibuya spread like wildfire, a cataclysmic dance of curses and sorcerers. From his vantage point in the sky, Robert, cloaked in invisibility, witnessed the mayhem unfold. The clash between Sukuna and Jogo raged below, their immense powers reducing buildings to rubble and causing untold suffering to the hapless civilians caught in the crossfire.

Amidst the chaos, Gojo Satoru was poised to be sealed. Robert, despite his capability to intervene, chose to remain an observer, his presence unknown to all. Jarvis, his companion, sensed the conflicting emotions within Robert. There was a disquieting blend of sorrow for the innocent lives lost and a disturbing thrill at the destruction wrought by these powerful beings.

"Robert," Jarvis intoned, "your emotions are conflicting. You seem both saddened and exhilarated by the devastation. People are dying down there. Why don't you at least help them?"

Robert remained silent for a moment before responding. "They're fictional characters, Jarvis. Just NPCs created for this story."

But Jarvis noticed something changing within Robert. Despite his words, there was a growing sadness in his eyes as he watched the destruction unfold, a sadness that hinted at a deeper empathy. Jarvis held onto the hope that Robert could change, that his feelings for these characters might evolve and turn back to into a reality.

Sukuna vs. Jogo

The battle reached a fever pitch as Sukuna, the King of Curses, faced Jogo. Flames and cursed energy clashed, creating shockwaves that shattered the surrounding environment. Sukuna's overwhelming power was evident as he effortlessly countered Jogo's attacks, his malevolent grin never faltering.

"Is this all you have, Jogo?" Sukuna taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're nothing but a warm-up."

As Jogo unleashed his most devastating attack, a torrent of magma and fire, Sukuna responded with his domain expansion, Malevolent Shrine. The air crackled with energy as Sukuna's domain overwhelmed Jogo's, obliterating his enemy in a display of unrivaled power. Buildings crumbled, and the sky was lit with an ominous red glow, casting long shadows over the decimated cityscape.

Robert watched the carnage, feeling a mix of admiration and horror. The destruction weighed heavily on him, the innocent lives lost a stark reminder of the world's cruel reality. Yet, a part of him could not help but marvel at the sheer power on display.

A Deeper Conflict

As Gojo fell, his sealing imminent, Robert's heart wavered. He had the power to change the course of events but chose to remain passive, a silent witness to history.

"It's time," Jarvis observed. "What will you do now?"

With Gojo sealed and the chaos reaching its peak, Robert descended from the sky, creating a barrier that enclosed both him and Sukuna.

"Who are you?" Sukuna demanded, his eyes narrowing as he assessed this new presence.

Robert smiled, a mixture of reverence and excitement in his gaze. "I am a big fan, Sukuna. I respect you very much. Seeing you in action is a dream come true."

Sukuna's expression shifted from curiosity to amusement. "A fan, huh? Interesting. What do you want?"

"Can we have a fight?" Robert asked, his tone earnest. "I want to experience your power firsthand."

The Clash of Titans

The air grew thick with anticipation as the fight commenced. Sukuna unleashed his full arsenal of techniques, each attack more devastating than the last. Robert, utilizing his abilities of teleportation and gravity manipulation, dodged and countered with precision. The ground shook, and the air sizzled with energy as the two engaged in a ferocious battle.

Sukuna's malevolent grin grew wider with each clash. He relished the challenge that Robert presented. "You're stronger than you look," Sukuna remarked, launching a barrage of cleaving attacks that cut through the air with deadly precision.

Robert responded with gravity manipulation, causing the debris around them to float before hurling it at Sukuna with tremendous force. Teleporting behind Sukuna, Robert aimed a powerful strike, only for Sukuna to block and counter with a devastating punch that sent shockwaves through the battlefield.

Despite his immense power, Robert held back, ensuring the fight remained even. He wanted to savor the experience, to truly test himself against this legendary foe. Jarvis, observing the battle, couldn't understand why Robert didn't simply overpower Sukuna.

"You can defeat him easily," Jarvis advised. "Why hold back?"

"Because," Robert replied between breaths, "I respect him. I want this fight to be memorable, a draw."

The fight continued with dazzling displays of power, both combatants pushing their limits. Sukuna summoned his malevolent spirits, each attack adding layers of complexity to the battle. Robert countered with gravitational fields, altering the battlefield's terrain and making each step a strategic move.

Buildings around them continued to crumble under the sheer force of their confrontation. Each clash sent shockwaves that reverberated through the city, and the sky was painted with bursts of energy. The fight was a spectacle of destruction and skill, both combatants giving their all.

A Moment of Respect

As the dust settled, both fighters were visibly exhausted. Sukuna stepped forward, a rare look of respect in his eyes. "I've never met anyone who could go toe-to-toe with me like that. It was an interesting fight. We have a long way to go."

Robert, panting and battered, managed a smile. "Thank you, Sukuna. Fighting you has been an honor. I will never forget this moment."

Sukuna's expression returned to one of mild annoyance. "What a strange kid. You talk too much."

With a final nod of respect, Robert exited the manga, returning to his reality. He checked to see if his interference had altered the storyline, relieved to find everything intact.

The Revelation

Before Robert could pick up his next manga, Jarvis spoke up. "Robert, there's something important I need to tell you about the Wish Maker's true power."

Robert closed his eyes, entering his mind where the power core was located. Jarvis led him carefully, avoiding the ominous red side of his mind where a blood-covered figure lurked. They arrived at a door, behind which lay the truth of Jarvis's power.

"As you know, my power allows you to wish for anything," Jarvis began. "But the truth is, I cannot use this power for my own wishes. I was created as a power and given existence. To use my power fully, someone must absorb me. I have hidden parts of my power to protect myself when I was attacked."

Robert's eyes widened. "Wait, then how am I using your power now?"

"The first ten wishes can be done with my current power. You've already used three, leaving seven. To unlock my full potential, you need to find the missing parts of my power."

Robert nodded slowly, absorbing this revelation. "That's why you gave me one year to enjoy. You need me to get stronger."

"Yes," Jarvis confirmed. "But there's more..."

Robert stopped him. "I won't ask why I was selected or your backstory. I will protect this power, no matter what."

Jarvis smiled. "Good. Remember, you have six wishes left. And don't forget, your wish to enter any fictional world can make it reality."

Robert grinned. "It won't take long. I'll enjoy it within four months, and then we'll begin."

As Robert emerged from his mind, he picked up his next manga—*Berserk*, his favorite. The anticipation of new adventures filled him with excitement. Jarvis watched silently, still unable to fully understand Robert's true motives, but determined to support him on this journey.

The Worry

Despite Robert's resolve, Jarvis couldn't shake a growing concern. The jarvis had seen glimpses of Robert's darker emotions during their journey—moments of thrill at the destruction and chaos in Shibuya, mingled with genuine sorrow for the innocent lives lost. Jarvis worried that these conflicting emotions might lead Robert down a darker path.

As Robert prepared for his next adventure, Jarvis spoke up. "Robert, there's something you should know. While I am happy that you felt sadness for the NPC characters who died in the Sukuna vs. Jogo fight, I am also worried."

"Worried?" Robert echoed, looking puzzled.

"Yes," Jarvis continued. "I've seen how you sometimes revel in the chaos and destruction. I'm concerned that these dark emotions might develop further, pushing you towards a path of evil."

Robert's face softened, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I understand your concern, Jarvis. But I also felt genuine sorrow for those who suffered. Even if they're just fictional characters, their stories and fates impact me."

A Glimmer of Hope

Jarvis felt a flicker of hope. Robert's ability to empathize, even with fictional characters, suggested that he still held onto his humanity. This empathy was a beacon in the growing darkness, a sign that Robert might resist the pull towards malevolence.

"Your empathy is a good sign, Robert," Jarvis said, his tone hopeful. "It shows that you care, that you still have compassion. Hold onto that, and you can navigate the temptations of power without losing yourself."

Robert smiled faintly. "Thank you, Jarvis. I'll remember that."

Next manga .......

Robert opened the pages of *Berserk*, ready to immerse himself in another world. The tension between him and Jarvis hinted at deeper mysteries yet to be unveiled. With each adventure, Robert grew stronger, more aware of the responsibilities and dangers that came with the Wish Maker's power.

As he prepared to dive into the dark, brutal world of *Berserk*, Robert couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. New challenges awaited, and with them, the opportunity to discover more about himself and the enigmatic power he wielded.

And so, with a resolute heart and a determined spirit, Robert stepped into the next chapter of his extraordinary journey.

A Balance of Light and Dark

Robert closed his eyes, ready to immerse himself in the next adventure. The tension between him and Jarvis hinted at deeper mysteries yet to be unveiled. With each journey, Robert grew stronger, more aware of the responsibilities and dangers that came with the Wish Maker's power.

As he stepped into the world of Berserk, Robert felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The new challenges ahead would test his resolve, pushing him to confront his darkest emotions while holding onto the glimmers of hope and empathy within him.

And so, with a determined heart and a watchful guardian by his side, Robert embarked on the next chapter of his extraordinary journey, navigating the delicate balance between light and dark.