Turning point No 1

A Shattered Reflection

Robert's transition into the world of the Berserk manga was instantaneous, a blink that shifted his reality from the mundane to the extraordinary. For a brief moment, he was engulfed in pitch blackness, the kind that consumes every thought and sense. Then, like a curtain lifting, he found himself standing in a place of ethereal beauty—a haven of vibrant flowers, frolicking animals, and serene lakes that seemed to reflect a perfect sky. It was a paradise, an Eden untouched by the darkness of the world he knew.

As he walked through this tranquil landscape, Robert's heart was momentarily lightened by the sights and sounds of what seemed like heaven. But as he continued, his footsteps faltered. In the distance, he saw a figure kneeling on the ground. The man was a picture of despair, his body wracked with sobs, his fists pounding the earth in a combination of rage and sorrow.

Intrigued and concerned, Robert approached the man. The closer he got, the clearer the scene became. The man's cries were gut-wrenching, filled with an anger and sadness that Robert felt resonate deep within his soul. He could hear the man muttering something under his breath, a name—Jarvis. But no one answered his call.

Then, the kneeling man began to speak, his voice a mix of fury and grief. "I was just a piece of your entertainment," he spat out, his words dripping with venom. "You used me, played with my life. Everything went according to your plan. You killed my family, my friends, and the one I started to love. You destroyed it all. I will never forgive you. No matter how many times I come back, I will definitely defeat you."

As Robert stood there, paralyzed by the man's pain, a new figure emerged. This man wore noble, white clothing that looked like a mix between a hoodie and regal robes. His face was an unsettling void, featureless and blank. He descended toward the kneeling man with an aura of calm, almost serene authority.

The mysterious figure spoke, his voice smooth and chilling. "Yes, you were entertainment for me. But one thing you have wrong—I did not kill your family. You did that yourself, Robert."

The words struck Robert like a physical blow. His heart pounded in his chest, and his vision blurred. The realization crashed over him as he recognized the kneeling man—it was him. He was looking at a shattered reflection of his own self, a future twisted by anguish and guilt.

The faceless man, the self-proclaimed god of existence and creation, continued. "I, the god of creation, will end your pain, Robert." With a simple gesture, the future Robert collapsed, lifeless.

The Robert who had been watching fell to his knees, the weight of his emotions too much to bear. He wept openly, tears of horror and self-loathing streaming down his face. "I killed my family... Ha ha ha..." His laugh was hollow, a twisted echo of his grief and madness. "I killed them! I killed them! I... I..."

His cries filled the serene landscape, turning it into a haunting symphony of agony. The flowers seemed to wilt, and the skies darkened in response to his sorrow. Robert's mind was a storm of emotions—rage at the god who had manipulated him, sorrow for the lives he had destroyed, and an overwhelming sense of guilt.

As he knelt there, broken and sobbing, another figure approached. Robert looked up, his vision blurred by tears. Before him stood another version of himself, calm and composed.

"Who are you? Why? Why did you come? Why did I kill my family and friends with my own hands? What is happening?" Robert's voice was a desperate plea for understanding.

The future Robert spoke softly, his tone filled with empathy. "I can't explain everything. I am you, and you are me. I have shown you the future. Now, it's all in your hands."

"Wait! Please, explain! I can't handle this!" Robert's voice rose to a frantic shout, but the future Robert began to fade away, disappearing into the shadows.

As the last vestige of his future self vanished, Robert collapsed completely, the weight of the revelation too much for him to bear. His mind shattered under the strain, the truth of his actions tearing at his sanity. He lay there, trembling, consumed by the knowledge that he had killed his own family.

The peaceful landscape around him dissolved into darkness, and Robert was left alone with his torment.

 Encounter with Destiny

When Robert next opened his eyes, he was back in the world of Berserk, lying on the cold, hard ground. The serenity of the paradise had been replaced by an oppressive silence. He could barely comprehend what had just happened. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, and the guilt weighed heavily on his heart.

In the distance, he heard the sound of hooves approaching. A lone rider appeared, cutting through the murky twilight. It was Guts, the iconic hero of the Berserk universe. The Black Swordsman dismounted his horse and approached the unconscious Robert with caution. 

Guts knelt beside Robert, his battle-hardened eyes filled with curiosity and concern. "Who are you?" he murmured, more to himself than to the man lying before him. "And how did you end up here?"

As Robert slowly regained consciousness, his mind was still reeling from the shock of his revelation. He looked up at Guts, his vision clearing enough to see the formidable figure standing above him. For a moment, he was too overwhelmed to speak.

Guts extended a hand, helping Robert to his feet. "You look like you've been through hell," he said, his voice gruff but not unkind.

Robert's eyes filled with tears again as he struggled to find his voice. "I... I don't know what to say," he stammered. "I saw... I saw something terrible. I killed my own family. I..."

Guts's expression hardened. "Listen, everyone has their demons. Some of us more than others." His grip on Robert's shoulder was firm, almost reassuring. "But right now, you need to get a grip on yourself. There are things out there far worse than your guilt."

A Journey through Shadows

Guts stood over Robert, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "You look like you've been through hell," he said, his voice gruff but not unkind. "Let's get you to a safe place."

Robert nodded weakly, his mind still reeling from the revelations and horrors he had witnessed. With Guts' help, he managed to stand, though his legs felt unsteady beneath him. The two began to travel together, the landscape of the Berserk world looming dark and foreboding around them.

As they walked, Guts glanced at his new companion. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Robert," came the reply, his voice tinged with a sadness and rage that seemed to cling to him like a shroud.

Guts nodded. "Alright, Robert. Take your time. Get some rest. If you want to talk, I'm here."

Robert was too overwhelmed to respond. Here he was, in the presence of one of his favorite characters, yet the weight of his emotions was too much to bear. His eyes were swollen from crying, his body trembling with a mix of sorrow and rage. He lay down, trying to rest, but the turmoil within him made sleep elusive.

As he drifted into a restless doze, his mind was plagued by a heavy, consuming rage. In the darkness of his subconscious, an evil figure emerged. The figure had red eyes, a body covered in blood, and teeth that gleamed like those of a devil. It approached Robert with a chilling voice that seemed to echo through his mind.

"My dear Robert, it looks like something is angering you," the figure hissed. "Well, well, well. My time will come soon."

Robert's heart pounded in his chest as he faced this manifestation of his darkest fears. The evil figure grinned, its red eyes gleaming with malice. "You killed your family," it taunted, its voice a sinister whisper. "You need revenge. You killed your family."

The already broken Robert screamed, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" But the figure continued to torment him, showing him visions of a world engulfed in flames. He saw himself killing his father, his mother, his sister, and his friend Steve, destroying everything he loved.

"No, no! That's not me! I won't do it!" Robert cried, his voice filled with desperation.

The evil figure laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Robert's spine. "That's you. You killed your own family. You killed them. You killed—"

Suddenly, the vision was shattered by the appearance of Jarvis. Wielding a gleaming sword, Jarvis thrust it into the heart of the evil figure. "It's time to leave, you motherfucker," he growled.

The evil figure recoiled, its red eyes blazing with fury. "I will come back for you, my dear me," it whispered in a chilling voice before disintegrating into shadows.

Robert's rage and despair exploded into an enormous aura, a palpable wave of emotion that seemed to shake the very air around him. He cried out, the pain and anger consuming him.

"Calm down, Robert!" Jarvis shouted, trying to reach him. But the aura pushed him back, and for a moment, he feared that Robert would be consumed by his own darkness.

"Robert!" Jarvis shouted again, his voice ringing with urgency. "Calm down!"

Slowly, Robert's aura began to recede. He fell to his knees, looking at the ground with vacant eyes, his body shaking with sobs. Jarvis approached him cautiously, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It was an illusion," Jarvis said softly. "The evil Robert made it to torment you."

Robert knelt there, a fallen man, his spirit broken. "What happened to you, Robert?" Jarvis asked, his voice filled with suspense and concern.

The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken pain. As they knelt in the darkness, the shadows of Robert's past loomed large, a testament to the battles yet to be fought within his soul.

Shadows of the Past

The journey continued in a heavy silence, the oppressive atmosphere of the Berserk world mirroring the turmoil in Robert's heart. Guts led the way, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. Beside him, Robert walked with his head bowed, his thoughts consumed by the encounter with the evil figure and the haunting visions of his future.

Guts glanced at Robert occasionally, his concern for the young man growing. "You're holding up?" he asked one evening as they set up camp.

Robert nodded mutely, though his eyes told a different story. He was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The weight of his future hung over him like a dark cloud, threatening to crush him under its despair.

"You don't have to carry this burden alone," Guts said, his voice unexpectedly gentle. "I've seen my share of darkness too. Sometimes, talking about it helps."

Robert looked up at Guts, his eyes filled with pain. "I... I killed my own family," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I saw it... in the visions. I killed them all."

Guts's expression softened. "Visions can lie. They show you your fears, your worst nightmares. But they don't define who you are or what you will do."

Robert's eyes filled with tears. "But what if it's true? What if I become that monster?"

Guts knelt beside him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "The future is not set in stone. You have the power to change it. Don't let fear control you."

As Robert tried to process Guts's words, the memory of the evil figure's taunts continued to haunt him. His nights were restless, filled with nightmares of blood and fire. But with Guts by his side, a small part of him began to hope that he could find a way to fight the darkness within.

One night, as Robert lay on his makeshift bedroll, his mind was once again drawn into the depths of his subconscious. The evil figure reappeared, its red eyes glowing with malice.

"My dear Robert," it hissed. "You can't escape me. You killed your family. You killed them all."

Robert clenched his fists, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and rage. "Shut up!" he screamed. "I won't become you!"

The evil figure laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the darkness. "You can't fight me forever. I am a part of you."

Just as the figure seemed ready to strike, Jarvis appeared once again, his sword gleaming in the darkness. "Get out of his mind!" he shouted, driving the sword into the heart of the evil figure.

The figure disintegrated into shadows, but its parting words lingered in the air. "I will come back for you, my dear me," it whispered, its voice filled with a sinister promise.

Robert woke with a start, his body trembling with fear and rage. He looked around, his eyes wide with panic, until he saw Guts standing nearby, his presence a reassuring anchor in the storm of his emotions.

"It's okay," Guts said softly. "You're safe now."

Robert took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He knew that the battle against his inner demons was far from over, but with Guts and Jarvis by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope. Together, they would face the darkness, and perhaps, find a way to heal the wounds of his past.

The journey ahead was long and fraught with peril, but Robert was determined to fight for a future where he could atone for his sins and find peace. With each step, he would confront the shadows of his past, and with the help of his newfound allies, he would strive to create a new destiny—one where the darkness would no longer hold sway over his soul.

Visions of Destiny

The fire crackled softly as Guts and Robert set up camp for the night. The stars above shone brightly, a stark contrast to the turmoil within Robert's heart. Guts stood, his massive frame casting a long shadow, and announced, "I'll gather some firewood. Try to rest."

Left alone, Robert found himself face-to-face with Jarvis. The familiar presence of his companion brought a momentary comfort, but the weight of his recent visions still pressed heavily on him.

Jarvis's voice was filled with concern. "Robert, what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Robert took a deep breath, the memories flooding back. "Jarvis, I saw a place that looked like heaven—beautiful, filled with flowers and lakes. But then, I saw a man kneeling, full of anger and sadness. He was me, Jarvis. I was talking to a mysterious figure dressed in white, who claimed to be the God of Creation. He told me... I killed my family."

Jarvis's expression turned to one of shock. "No way... This is too much. But Robert, don't lose yourself here. You are stronger than this."

"But Jarvis, I killed them," Robert said, his voice cracking with rage and sorrow. "How am I supposed to face my parents now, knowing what I've done?"

"Your parents are alive," Jarvis said firmly. "You've seen a possible future, but that means you have the power to change it."

Robert looked at Jarvis with hollow eyes. "Change it? Me? Ha... How can I change anything?" His laugh was bitter, filled with despair.

Jarvis grabbed Robert by the shoulders, his voice rising. "Robert, get your ass back in the game! We know what's going to happen. We can change it."

A spark of hope flickered in Robert's eyes. "Can I really change it?"

"Yes, you can," Jarvis insisted.

Robert slapped his own face, as if trying to shake himself awake. He began to think, his mind racing through possibilities and solutions.

Just then, Guts returned with a bundle of firewood. He set it down and began to arrange the pieces, preparing to cook.

"Guts," Robert said, breaking the silence. "What would you do if you knew the future, and it was going to destroy everything?"

Guts paused, considering the question. "I'd try to stop it," he said simply. "If I knew the future and it meant something terrible was going to happen, I'd do everything in my power to change it. Even if it meant changing a person."

Robert understood the weight of Guts's words. He knew Guts referred to Griffith, a once friend turned enemy. Guts's determination shone through his eyes, a fierce light in the darkness.

"I'd kill whoever caused that destruction," Guts added, his voice cold and resolute. "No matter who they are."

Robert saw the rage and determination in Guts's eyes. It gave him a new perspective, a sense of clarity.

Guts looked at Robert, his expression curious. "Why do you ask?"

Robert stood up, feeling a newfound resolve. "Thank you, Guts. Now I know what to do."

He smiled, a genuine expression that held a mix of hope and determination. Inside his mind, Jarvis was bewildered. "Is this truly the work of my master? The God of Creation? What is happening?"

Jarvis felt a growing suspicion about his own master, the so-called God of Creation and the God of Existence. As the sun began to rise, casting its warm light over the camp, Robert and Guts prepared to continue their journey.

With each step, Robert felt a renewed sense of purpose. The future was not set in stone, and he was determined to change his destiny. Guts's unwavering strength and Jarvis's unwavering support gave him the courage to face whatever lay ahead. Together, they would forge a new path, one where the shadows of the past would no longer hold sway over his soul.