Shadows of Berserk Dream

Robert awoke with a jolt, drenched in sweat, his heart pounding as if it would burst from his chest. The lines between the dark, twisted world of the manga "Berserk" and his reality blurred, leaving him in a haze of fear and confusion. He stumbled out of bed, still reeling from the grotesque scenes he had witnessed, and made his way to his parents' room. Bursting through the door, he fell into their arms, shaking.

"I had a bad dream, Mom and Dad," he whispered, his voice trembling with the remnants of terror.

His father, ever the strong presence in his life, looked down at him with concern. "What happened, my son?"

"I don't know... Something terrible happened to you guys. I'm scared," Robert admitted, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions.

His mother, gentle and reassuring, held him tighter. "Son, as long as we have wonderful kids like you and Anna, there's nothing we need to be scared of. We'll always be here for you."

At that moment, Anna burst into the room, her face lighting up with a smile. "Mom, Dad, you missed me!" she exclaimed, running to join the family hug.

Despite the warmth of his family's embrace, a dark seed of self-loathing took root in Robert's heart. That night, as he tried to sleep, the nightmares returned with a vengeance. He saw two children, twins, smiling eerily at him. Their eyes gleamed with a sinister light as they chanted, "Master, master..."

Suddenly, Robert found himself holding a bloodied sword, piercing the sister's chest as her brother's head rolled to the ground. The sister's smile never wavered, even as blood trickled from her mouth. "Master, what happened?" she whispered as she fell.

Robert jolted awake, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He saw his parents and Anna, their bodies covered in blood, shambling towards him like zombies. Their lifeless eyes bore into his soul as they screamed, "You killed us! You killed us! Why? Why?"

Robert fell to the ground, covering his ears and shouting, "I didn't! I didn't! No, it's not me! No, no, no!" His cries echoed with rage, sadness, and fear.

A dark shadow surrounded him, whispering insidiously, "Yes, you did. You did it. You only did it."

"No, I didn't! Not me!" Robert screamed, trying to shake off the evil presence. The shadow grew stronger, feeding off his rage, and his aura, once golden, turned a blood-red hue.

Jarvis, his loyal companion, appeared, cutting through the darkness. "Son of a bitch, leave Robert alone!" he yelled.

The shadow sneered, "You can't keep saving him from me. I am him, and he is me. I will claim him."

"In your dreams, motherfucker," Jarvis retorted, slapping Robert to snap him out of his nightmare. 

Robert's eyes, cold and sad, locked onto Jarvis. "Wake up, you idiot! That evil part of you is trying to take over. You mustn't let it!" Jarvis urged.

Robert woke up to the harsh light of reality, forcing a fake smile at the breakfast table. "Mom, Dad, I'm going on a trip alone," he announced.

His parents, oblivious to the turmoil within him, smiled warmly. "Yes, darling, you may."

Robert packed his things, determined to distance himself from his family for their safety. Jarvis approached him, concerned. "Why are you leaving your family?"

"If I stay with them, I'll kill myself from the anger I have towards myself. I need some fresh air," Robert replied, his voice hollow.

He drove to a secluded hut in the forest, hoping to find solace. But even there, the darkness followed. As he went to buy groceries, he witnessed a girl being harassed by a group of men. Her pleading eyes met his. "Please, save me."

The gang laughed, mocking Robert. "Look at him. This kid thinks he can save you."

A cold fury burned in Robert's eyes. As two of the men approached him, they taunted, "What are you gonna do, motherfucker? Show us your anger?"

With a flick of his finger, Robert made one man's head explode, sending shockwaves of terror through the gang. The leader screamed as his body was torn apart, blood splattering everywhere. Another man, clutching the girl, met the same fate. The girl, covered in blood, cried out, "Please, let me live!"

Robert, consumed by his rage, blasted her too, leaving a scene of carnage behind him. Jarvis, horrified, appeared. "What are you doing? Why did you kill them? You could have just knocked them out! Why even the girl?"

"No one should be alive. I'll kill anyone who stands in my way," Robert declared, his voice devoid of emotion. Jarvis watched in despair as Robert's descent into madness deepened, remembering the evil shadow's words: "He will come to me soon."

Robert, haunted by visions of his dead family, couldn't sleep. His phone rang incessantly, but he ignored it, fearing he would harm his best friend, Steve. When Steve received no answer, he drove to Robert's house, concerned. 

"Where is Robert?" Steve asked his mother. "I've been calling him, but he didn't answer."

"Robert had a bad dream. He was sad and said he needed to go on a trip alone. He'll come back soon," she reassured him.

Steve, filled with worry, decided to wait for his friend. Meanwhile, Robert saw his dead parents, sister, and even Steve wherever he turned, their lifeless eyes haunting his every step.

 The Path of Redemption

Robert's descent into madness seemed unstoppable. Each night, the same visions of his dead family tormented him, their accusing eyes burning into his soul. He wandered the forest in a daze, the lines between reality and nightmare blurring further with each passing day.

One night, as he sat by the fire, Jarvis appeared, his face etched with concern. "Robert, you have to snap out of this. You're letting the darkness consume you."

Robert looked up, his eyes vacant. "What's the point, Jarvis? I've already lost everything."

"You haven't lost everything," Jarvis insisted. "You still have your family, your friends. They care about you. They're worried sick."

"I can't go back," Robert murmured. "If I stay with them, I'll hurt them. I can't live with that."

"Running away isn't the answer," Jarvis said gently. "You need to face your demons. Confront the darkness inside you."

Robert shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "I don't know how."

Jarvis placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're stronger than you think. You just need to believe in yourself."

Robert took a deep breath, the weight of his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "Okay. I'll try."

 Confrontation in the Abyss

Jarvis's words echoed in Robert's mind as he drifted into a restless sleep. His dreams twisted into a nightmarish landscape, pulling him into the realm of his evil self. He awoke to find himself facing a sinister version of himself, sitting on a throne of shadows.

"Well, well, well, my dear Robert," the evil Robert sneered. "Welcome. What's with this gutsy move to face your fucking evil because that stupid yellow guy told you to?"

Robert's eyes blazed with fury. "Enough of this shit! I will kill you, bastard!"

The evil Robert chuckled, his laughter a chilling echo in the dark realm. "Look at my cute little me, getting all angry."

As he spoke, the evil Robert's form dissolved into a shadow, encircling Robert and showing him horrific visions. Robert watched in horror as he saw himself murdering his family and friends. His sister, Anna, appeared before him, a bloodied sword piercing her chest.

"Why, brother? What happened?" she whispered, blood trickling from her mouth as she collapsed.

"No, no, no, nooooooo!" Robert screamed, his hands clawing at his face in anguish. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he hit himself, consumed by anger and despair.

The shadowy figure whispered insidiously in his ear, "Look at this, Robert."

The visions intensified, showing countless dead bodies, including his family and friends. "You are the devil himself. You have no right to be called a hero. This is your future. You and I are the same. We are one, Robert."

Robert's eyes grew cold, unable to muster any words. Meanwhile, in the waking world, Jarvis watched over Robert's sleeping body, a dark aura surrounding him. Sensing the evil Robert's influence, Jarvis slapped Robert, jolting him awake.

The evil Robert's voice echoed through the realm, "That motherfucker keeps foiling my plans. No, it's too early. I will slowly claim Robert. Ha ha ha ha ha! Soon, you will be mine, my dear me."

His laughter reverberated with malevolent glee, sending shivers down Robert's spine. Robert's eyes remained cold and vacant as he woke up the next morning. He wandered around the town, his mind a battleground of fear and anger. He watched children playing football on the ground, managing a small, sad smile.

Suddenly, a horrific vision overtook him. The children lay dead on the field, and he stood in the middle, drenched in their blood. Overwhelmed by fear and rage, Robert walked away, his heart pounding.

A small child approached him, innocent eyes filled with concern. "Brother, you look sad."

"No, I am not sad," Robert replied, forcing a smile. He tried to pat the child's head but recoiled in horror, seeing blood on his hand.

Everywhere he looked in town, he saw himself killing people. Desperate to escape the visions, Robert flew into the sky, screaming in anguish, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

The scream echoed through the air, a raw expression of pain, anger, and fear. Meanwhile, in the dark realm, the evil Robert toyed with his visions, laughing maniacally.

Jarvis burst into the scene, shouting, "Motherfucker, this is your doing!"

The evil Robert smirked, summoning a wave of shadow. "Oh, look who's here."

Jarvis cut through the shadow and flew towards the evil Robert, grabbing him by the neck. "Stop playing with him!"

The evil Robert's eyes gleamed with malice. "Alright, I'll leave, but soon, without my interference, he will come to me."

Back in the waking world, Robert returned to his room, lying on his bed without sleeping. His phone rang, and he forced a smile as he answered.

"Hi, Mom. I'm doing good here," he lied.

"Okay, son. Take care," his mother replied, her voice filled with concern.

Robert hung up, the weight of his struggle pressing down on him. He was having a very hard time, torn between the darkness threatening to consume him and the faint glimmer of hope that Jarvis's words had sparked. The battle for his soul was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.

Jarvis was deeply worried about Robert. At the same time, a woman entered Robert's world, and Jarvis sensed a dark presence somewhere nearby. The woman had been sent by the Lord of Darkness, and her name was the Dark Witch. As she stepped into the world, she surveyed her surroundings with a malevolent smile.

"What a wonderful world," she mused, her voice dripping with dark amusement. "So, where is this wish maker?"

Jarvis's worry for Robert intensified. He knew this presence meant trouble, and his senses were on high alert. Robert, living in the woods of the American forest, was vulnerable. The Dark Witch had entered the space at the Pacific continent, her dark energy spreading.

As she continued her search, the Dark Witch's aura grew more oppressive. Jarvis could feel it, a cold shiver running down his spine. His thoughts raced, his concern for Robert growing with each passing second.

Back in the forest, Robert wandered aimlessly, oblivious to the impending danger. The shadows seemed to grow longer, darker, and Jarvis knew they had to act fast.

The Dark Witch moved with purpose, her eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. "Soon, the wish maker will be mine," she whispered, her voice a chilling promise.

Jarvis, feeling the weight of the situation, resolved to protect Robert at all costs. The air around them grew heavy with anticipation, the dark presence drawing ever closer. The battle for Robert's soul had begun.