A lumbering Smash staggered incoherently towards the Touto Institute of Advanced Matter Physics, just like the tip that Misora had received indicated.
It had made it all the way to the parkade of the building, only showing sharp movement when it was retaliating to the Guardian bots that were harassing it.
The Smash had a bulky body with a design reminiscent of a steampunk or industrial aesthetic. Its skin seemed composed of a metallic, dark grey material that mimicked the look of pressed metal or machinery.
The creature Tatsuya had been turned into had a visually striking head that resembled a pipe or a mechanical component, complete with long, vertical glowing green lens like eyes. Its limbs were thicker than most other Smash, showcasing a more powerful, brute-like physique. The arms ended in large fists that resemble pneumatic hammers or presses, aligning with a theme of heavy machinery.
Blood Stalk had nicknamed it the 'Press Smash'.
A large platoon of the Guardians, along with armed security wielding machine guns, ran and stood in the Smash's path.
The dozen gun barrels pointed towards the transformed Tatsuya all opened fire, causing metal sparks to dance off the body of the Smash.
Bang! Ping! Bang! Ping! Bang! Ping!
There was a concrete open air walkway one story up and twenty feet back from where the Guardians and guards were pelting the Smash with machine gun fire. It linked several of the buildings that comprised the institute together, providing the scientists and staff quick passage between buildings.
Gentoku and his right hand man, Nariaki, strolled across the walkway until they were directly behind the soldiers that had opened fire. Gentoku leaned on the railings of the concrete walkway while Nariaki stood just behind his superior, both observing the Smash get staggered and pushed backwards by the firepower.
Gentoku pulled out a two-way radio from his jacket pocket and extended its telescoping antenna.
"Do not let that Smash anywhere near the lab."
He turned his head slightly to glance back at Nariaki while he gave his men and the robot Guardians instructions. When Gentoku was done speaking, he tossed the radio backwards at Nariaki's stomach suddenly.
Nariaki caught it with his right hand after it deflected off his belly with a small grunt escaping his surprised mouth.
Sento was leaning against a concrete pillar in the nearby parkade, hidden from view. He was also watching the Smash get lit up non stop by the hailstorm of bullets.
He gazed on in a daze, it was strange to just watch a Smash fighting and not get involved. He noticed that the Smash was having a hard time even staying on its feet now, it took a knee and Sento wasn't sure what to do.
A voice suddenly called out behind Sento from a deep corner of the parkade. "So the fugitive can't do anything but watch...is that it?"
Sento swiveled and watched a figure appear from the shadows. It was none other than Blood Stalk.
He walked forward towards Sento while casually pointing at the monster on the ground being shot.
"Wanna know who that Smash is?"
Blood Stalk stopped several meters way from Sento and leaned against another one of the concrete pillars that supported the upper floor. He wagged his finger at the still surprised looking young man.
"Here's a hint..."
He cupped a fist towards the face of his helmet and did a perfect imitation of Tatsuya. "Bro! Hey Bro! Bro, what's up Bro?!"
Sento's eyes widened in realization and he whipped back around to see the Smash get back on its feet, only to be shot down again.
"Haha...Bingo!" Blood Stalk pointed an armored hand at Sento. "But don't get the wrong idea. He actually volunteered for the experiment...So noble..."
Blood Stalk paced around the parkade as he teased Sento. "...But so, so stupid. Hahaha!" He flicked a hand towards the Smash in dismissal of it while laughing.
Sento ground his teeth and reached a hand into the front pocket of the long, hooded windbreaker he was wearing and produced his Build Driver.
A hiss slipped through his clenched teeth. "Enough jokes..."
The belt and bottles were already secured around his waist. Sento wasn't wasting anytime with showmanship or banter.
Sento was angry and rushed forwards towards Blood Stalk as he cranked the handle on his driver.
The red and blue armor formed on top of the rest of the black suit while he sprinted, adhering to the way his body was moving. Sento normally only posed for dramatic flare, the Build system actually had no problem activating while the user was in motion.
Kamen Rider Build produced his drill crusher as he closed in on his target, bringing it down towards Blood Stalk with anger fueled aggression.
Sparks flew as Build's attack was deflected by Blood Stalk's gauntlet. Build threw several thrusting attacks which were each sidestepped at the last moment by the quick movements of the pink Rider.
Build slashed upwards at Blood Stalk, attempting to slice him starting at the groin. Blood Stalk turned 90 degrees to his left narrowly avoiding the the weapon and cartwheeling away from his pissed off opponent.
Build chased after and swung horizontally, which Blood Stalk dodged by dropping to his knees and sliding with his head tilted back under the drills edge. The next attack followed immediately after, a sharp upwards kick from Build aimed at the still sliding Blood Stalk's chin.
Blood Stalk took the hit on his helmet but moved his head backwards at the same time, bracing himself and using the force to help himself do a backflip. He pushed up with his feet and legs at the same time as the blow landed on him, causing him to spin quickly. A moment later he was back in a fighting position.
He threw a punch towards Build and it was repelled by a intersecting blue fist. Both combatants were knocked back a few feet from each other. That blue fist then joined Build's red fist on the Drill Crushers handle. Build stabbed forward towards his dark Rider violently and managed to slip through Blood Stalks guard.
A wave of energy and sparks erupted from the impact point of the hit Build landed on Blood Stalk.
Build finally took a break from his assault and took a step back. Blood Stalk staggered backwards, bent over while holding the smoking mark on his midsection with one hand.
He straightened back up as the smoke the blow had produced rolled off of Blood Stalk. He looked relatively composed again.
Build threw his Drill Crusher to the ground and his right hand fell to his Driver. He charged up his finisher and started to settle into a jumping stance, like he was a beast preparing to pounce. The coils on his red leg armor started glowing, and he immediately launched his attack.
"YAH!" Build flew with his blue foot forward in a Rider kick. Blue and Red energy waves flashed around as he rocketed towards Blood Stalk.
This time Blood Stalk couldn't simply catch Build's finisher with one palm like he did the first time they clashed. He had to raise both arms up in a guarding posture to receive the kick.
Energy crackled and sparks flew while the two pushed against each other.
There was a violent explosion at the center of their clash and Blood Stalk was thrown backwards. He rolled a few times before rising to one knew while his suit made sparks and electrical flashed from several places.
Build stood there panting slightly, he observed Blood Stalk slowly rising to his feet. He hoped Blood Stalk was as tired as he was.
Blood Stalk lifted a damaged gauntlet up and watched as blue electrical sparks arced back and forth across it while mumbling, "Hazard Level 3.7, huh? To think that rage would increase it..."
He turned his back on Build and started walking towards the exit of the parkade. "You're everything I had hoped for... you better hurry and go save that Smash." Blood Stalk disappeared around a corner while Build just watched him leave.
Build wanted to run after Blood Stalk and took a few steps in the direction he had departed but then hesitated and turned around to see what was happening with the Smash.
It was sitting down and had its back against the wall, bullets were continuously raining off of the creature, causing it to be covered in sparks and smoke.
Kamen Rider Build rushed over to aid his friend, knocking into several of the guards and Guardians as he passed by them, aiming to shield the helpless Smash.
The gunfire stopped, the guards weren't sure if they should fire at Build or not. Build took a knee beside the Smash.
He reached out his right hand and shook the monster's shoulder gently.
The Smash didn't recognize Build at all and lashed out with one of his huge fists, knocking the Rider away and into a roll on the ground.
Gentoku chuckled from up on the walkway. "How convenient."
He looked back towards Nariaki and his grin turned into a scowl.
"Execute them both."