Dangerous Identity End

Nariaki lifted the two-way radio that Gentoku had hurled at him earlier and brought it close to his mouth, he pressed the speak button down with his thumb. "Do it..."

Build was crouching in front of the Smash again, this time facing towards the gunmen with his arms outstretched. The muzzles got closer and closer to him as the guards and Guardians closed in slowly, forming a semi-circle around the two.


The sounds of tires skidding drew the attention of everyone. A red and black dirt bike flew around the corner, the rider had a leg out and was drifting at high speed. The flannel shirt tied around his waist was the dead giveaway. 

It was Ryuga.

Ryuga did not hesitate to drive into as many of the men surrounding Build and the Smash as he could. knocked half of them over as if he were parting the sea. 


He locked up the rear brakes and came to a stop right in front of Build. "Leave the government guys to me!" 

Ryuga twisted the accelerator, let out the clutch fully and spun the bike around; roaring away and then pulling the front tire up into a wheelie in an attempt to mow some more of the crowd down.

Gentoku stared down at the hell Ryuga was causing and raised a hand to his chin, pulling on his trim goatee several times. "...He needs to be taken alive... Bring him to me in one piece."


Kamen Rider Build switched his device into bike mode and hopped on.

"There..." He copied Ryuga's earlier display, pulling a long wheelie through their would-be executioners, knocking down several that had just managed to stand back up.

Ryuga had spotted the Drill Crusher laying on the ground and scooped it up before flipping around and roaring back out the way he had come, headed in the direction of the front entrance of the institute. 

He had played with the Drill Crusher in the secret lab before so he knew how to switch it to gun mode, which he did. He didn't hesitate to lay down gunfire as he drove through the crowd. He hit a few Guardians and the regular humans managed to dodge out of the way.

Build swung around and made another pass towards the Smash, grabbed and threw the exhausted creature over his shoulder like it weighed nothing.

The Rider immediately made a break for it, taking advantage of being on a bike. The few shots that the frazzled mob made his way went wide, missing Build and the Smash completely. 

Build raced to the docks and dumped the Smash on the pavement at a decent rate of speed. The Smash had managed to recover somewhat and Build had elbowed its head several times to keep it dazed until he arrived at a secluded spot by the water. He planned to deal with the transformed Tatsuya by using his new bottle and 4-Panel Ninja Sword combination. 

He stopped the bike while the Smash rose to its feet. Build walked slowly towards his friend.


He pulled out two bottles, one purple and the other yellow.

"...I'll get you out of there."

He shook the bottles and slotted them.



Build turned the lever on his driver. The essence from the bottles rushed through it and created two new armor segments before replacing his normal blue and red look.


"Build Up!" 

The purple and yellow armor really stood out against the black under-suit Build had. This match appeared more slim and agile than some of the more bulky bottle combos he had used, he had also gained a purple ninja scarf that fluttered in the wind. A honeycomb patterned, purple ninja star shaped lens covered the left side of his helmet, while a sleek, yellow art pen and paper made up the right lens.

The matching 4-Panel Sword emerged next and was swung around several times before Build crouched like a ninja, holding the sword in a reverse grip.




 He rushed forward and flipped past the Smash as it took a lazy swing at him. It staggered forward on its toes while trying to stop its own momentum. Build envisioned several attack positions around the Smash while smirking behind his helmet. 

"I've got the winning formula." He lifted the sword in the direction of the Smash and pressed the trigger on the grip. The lowest panel on the sword lit up.


Purple and Yellow energy was released from the Sword, flowing towards each spot he had picked moments before. 

Six ninja clones that looked identical to Build solidified and surrounded the Smash before leaping back and forth so fast that they looked like blurs of black, purple and yellow. It was a ninja storm and the Smash didn't know which way to look.


The real Build suddenly rushed forward and cleaved his blade against the monsters chest, leaving a gouge in the metal body. Ton of sparks flew away from the impact point, they followed the sword's path as it slipped past, disappearing into the blur of the clones along with its owner.


A clone leapt forward and sucker punched the back of the Smash's head.

Bang! Another clone flew downwards and landed a kick before mixing back in with its counterparts.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Each clone and Build's real body kept taking turns to land attacks from all angles.

The clones formed a circle around the Smash while it shook its head in a daze, the after images the seven figures were making made it look like there actually twenty eight to thirty of them running laps.

"Urrrg..." The Smash started to wobble, watching Build rotated around it so fast had actually made it dizzy. 

Build pulled the trigger twice on the 4-Panel Sword this time.


The second panel on the blade of the sword lit up. The ring of Riders suddenly turned red and each one gained a powerful fire aura.


A stream of flames streaked up and then descended towards the Smash, it was Kamen Rider Build's real body and he had the 4-Panel Sword raised above his head. He brought it down hard, sending flaming energy into the Smashes body.



The impact rocked the Smash and it lay defeated on the ground. Build released his transformation and held a bottle in the direction of the fallen creature. Its essence started to flow towards Sento's hand, entering the bottle for five or so seconds before all the particles had been sucked up.

"Uggghhh..." A weak and injured Tatsuya was left groaning on the ground, wearing a dirty patients gown.

Sento pocketed the bottle and rushed towards the injured man, cradling his head and supporting him as soon as he reached his side.

"Tatsuya! You okay?"


Sento shook his head, "No, don't worry about it, not your fault."

Sento helped Tatsuya into a sitting position. 

"Bro...That job with the new drug..."

Sento narrowed his eyes and listened closely.

"You took it because I needed money...So it is my fault..."

Tatsuya weakly reached up and grabbed Sento's sleeve, pulling himself closer.

"Bro, I...I wanted to help you remember who you were, but it didn't work. I'm so sorry, all I did was cause a mess..."

Tatsuya started sniffing his nose and then the crying started, "I'm so worthless!"

Sento shook his head, too many thoughts and emotions all at once had overwhelmed him a little bit. "It-it's fine, don't talk."

They sat there like that for a minute before a motorcycle engine could be heard. It was Ryuga, it appear he had given the governments men the slip.

He parked his bike beside the two and hopped off.

"It was Tatsuya?" Ryuga looked down at the pitiful kid sobbing.

Sento nodded in confirmation. "Yeah sure was...help me out. We need to get him to the café." Sento placed Tatsuya's head down carefully and stood up to make room for Ryuga to help.



Instead of reaching down to grab Tatsuya, Ryuga punched Sento hard in the gut, sucker punching him once again. 

"You..." Sento, who had the air knocked out of him, gasped as he grabbed Ryuga's coat collar. Ryuga threw out a short, quick right hook and bopped Sento right on the jaw, causing him to slump down to the ground. Ryuga dug through his pockets and fished out the freshly filled bottle of Smash essence. 


"Shut up."

Ryuga cut the whimpering Tatsuya off, opening the bottle and releasing the particle back towards the scared kid. 

The essence bonded with Tatsuya again instantly, transforming him back into the Press Smash.

Ryuga tucked himself behind his bike while the process took place. The Smash got up off the ground, turned around, and started walking away, ignoring the bikes and Sento laying on the ground completely. 

Ryuga narrowed his eyes and stared at the back of the Smash.

"If he's turned back, I can find their base."