Book One: Chapter 4

A weary tension hung in the air as Terris and Eodor finally limped through the gates of the Magistra Temple after their week-long trek. They moved with a practiced urgency, stopping only when exhaustion threatened to overwhelm them. Unfortunately, the Vyskriegg armor had been utterly destroyed in the solar grenade blast, leaving them with no physical evidence of their encounter. Returning to the cave for samples would have added precious days to their journey, a luxury they simply couldn't afford.

Relief washed over them as they spotted Sylva, her familiar blonde braid gleaming in the afternoon sun. But Eodor, his nerves still raw from the encounter with the Vyskriegg, hesitated before greeting her. Terris, ever the optimist, simply offered a tired smile and a nod. Sylva, sensing their unease, furrowed her brow and trailed after them as they made their way to Master Yuna's office.

The doors whooshed open, revealing Master Yuna seated behind her desk, her calm demeanor a balm to their frayed nerves. But before they could even settle, Eodor blurted out, "Master, we need to report a Vyskriegg attack!"

Without waiting for further explanation, he drew his solarblade in a flash, its emerald glow casting an ominous gleam over Sylva's startled face. "What is the meaning of this?" Sylva cried, her voice trembling.

Eodor's eyes narrowed. "You know exactly what we mean, Sylva," he said, his voice cold. "Don't play innocent. You could be a spy, helping them raid the Order and kill our people!"

"A spy? But… why?" Sylva's voice cracked with indignation. "M-master Yuna, please tell them! My parents sent me here to escape the war, not become a part of it!"

Terris, ever the voice of reason, interjected. "We can't ignore the coincidence, Master. But we also can't condemn her without proof."

Master Yuna, her gaze steady, addressed Eodor. "Lower your blade, Eodor. Sylva is no threat."

"But Master!" Eodor protested.

Master Yuna's voice held a quiet authority. "Put it down, Eodor. Now. Sylva," she turned to the wide-eyed girl, "rest assured, no one here believes you're involved. Your parents entrusted you to our care, and I can assure you, you've been under my constant watch for the past two years. You study and train diligently, and that's all you've done."

Terris and Eodor exchanged a sheepish glance. Shamefaced, Eodor deactivated his solarblade. "If that's the case, Master, then we need a thorough investigation," he said. "This Vyskriegg threat is serious."

Master Yuna nodded grimly. "Indeed. We will depart for the cave and forge the first thing tomorrow. As for you, Sylva, you will remain in your quarters for now. Consider it a precaution until we return."

Disappointment flickered across Sylva's face, but she nodded in understanding. "Yes, Master."

The Magister Sentries materialized silently, their black robes billowing as they escorted Sylva away. As the door closed behind her, a wave of relief washed over Terris and Eodor. Master Yuna, however, fixed them with a sharp gaze.

"So," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice, "you managed to forge your own solarblades, did you? Even without a forge master?"

The question caught them off guard. A guilty smile played on Terris's lips as he looked at Eodor. They both bowed in unison. "Thank you, Master Yuna, for your teachings and guidance."

With a satisfied smile, Master Yuna dismissed them. "Alright, go get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow."

And as their eyelids finally dropped shut, an exhausted peace settled over Terris and Eodor. They had much to explain, a Vyskriegg threat to investigate, and Sylva's innocence to defend. But for now, sleep beckoned, the sweet reward for a journey fraught with danger and unexpected revelations.

The following morning dawned crisp and clear, a stark contrast to the turmoil in Terris and Eodor's hearts. They picked at their breakfast, the exhaustion from their journey clinging to them like a shroud. Master Yuna joined them, her gaze sharp but her voice calm.

"Eat," she commanded gently. "We have a long day ahead. However," she continued, her voice dropping to a low murmur, "keep your voices down. We don't want to alert the entire Temple until I have concrete proof of Vyskriegg involvement."

Terris and Eodor exchanged a worried glance. Master Yuna, ever the strategist, was already formulating a plan. Relief washed over them, quickly followed by a pang of guilt. Their hasty accusation of Sylva still sat heavy in their stomachs.

"There have been reports," Master Yuna added, "of missing students who ventured to the cave for their solar crystals, as well as a few Masters. We need answers, and we need them fast. Finish your breakfast, then meet me at the Temple landing pad. We'll be taking airships."

Terris and Eodor gobbled down their remaining food, a nervous energy propelling them forward. As they arrived at the landing pad, a familiar figure caught them off guard. Sylva, her blonde braid neatly woven, stood beside Master Yuna, a backpack slung over her shoulder.

"She's coming with us," Master Yuna announced, her gaze sweeping over Terris and Eodor. "If this Vyskriegg threat is true, then Sylva might be able to offer valuable insights. After all, she did spend a significant amount of time studying her people."

Terris and Eodor exchanged another look, this time laced with a mix of surprise and apprehension. Although they still harbored a sliver of doubt towards Sylva, they wouldn't question Master Yuna's judgment.

"As you wish, Master," they said in unison, bowing respectfully.

With a curt nod, Master Yuna ushered them all onto the waiting airship. The sleek vessel hummed to life, lifting them skyward. As they soared through the clear blue sky, Terris couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. Their discovery at the cave had sent them down a path fraught with danger, and Sylva's presence, though unexpected, might prove to be the key to unraveling the mystery. The airship sliced through the clouds, carrying them towards the jade crystal cave, a place that now held both promise and peril.

As the airship hummed through the sky, Sylva chanted the Magister's Creed in a whisper, her voice barely audible over the thrumming engines. Terris, catching the last lines, turned to her with a surprised smile.

"Flow like water, strike like jade," he finished, chuckling softly. "I see you've been studying well, Sylva. Took me a year or two to get that whole thing down without tripping over my tongue."

Sylva's cheeks flushed a faint pink. "T-thanks..." she stammered, her voice barely a squeak. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help. And I know how this all looks."

Terris offered her a reassuring pat on the head. "Hey, you didn't do anything wrong, kid. Not until someone proves otherwise, anyway. My gut tells me you're clean."

Sylva managed a small, watery smile and bowed to him. "Thank you, Terris."

Their conversation was cut short as Master Yuna approached, her face unreadable. "Eodor, Terris, come with me," she commanded.

The two students rose and followed their master to the front of the airship. Terris couldn't help but steal a glance at Sylva, who stood there nervously chewing on her lip.

"Much transpired yesterday after your return," Master Yuna began, her voice low. "However, before we proceed, please kneel."

Eodor and Terris exchanged a confused look, but they obeyed. As they knelt, Master Yuna drew her emerald solarblade, its luminescence bathing them in an ethereal light. With a swift movement, she tapped their shoulders, once on each side.

"Remember our creed," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "Balance is our guiding star, Qi our lifeblood. We are the guardians of the emerald flow, sworn to protect it from those who seek to disrupt its harmony."

The weight of her words sunk in. A tingle of energy coursed through them as Master Yuna raised her blade. "Now rise, Squires."

It took a moment for the significance of her words to register. Squires. The penultimate rank before becoming full-fledged Magisters. Relief and pride flooded through Terris and Eodor. They had finally earned this recognition.

A joyous grin spread across Terris' face as he pulled Eodor into a quick hug. Releasing him, they both straightened up and bowed in unison. "Yes, Master," Terris declared, his voice thick with emotion. "We will not fail you."

Master Yuna offered a rare, knowing smile. "I have no doubt," she said. "Now, let us proceed. The cave awaits."

The airship shuddered to a halt, kicking up a cloud of dust as it settled on the rocky plateau overlooking the jade crystal cave. Terris and Eodor were the first to disembark, a grim silence settling over the group as they surveyed the scene before them, only to find fallen templars and students, but not of the enemy.

"T-this is impossible," Eodor stammered, his voice tight with disbelief. "Their corpses were here! I'm sure of it!"

Terris knelt beside a scattering of disturbed stones, his face hardening. "We saw it," he said, his voice low. "There's no mistaking it. Who else would do this?"

Master Yuna, ever the stoic observer, crouched and ran her hand through the displaced dirt. Her trained eyes scanned the ground, searching for any clues the scene might offer. Unlike Terris and Eodor, she found no bodies, only the remnants of a struggle.

"Wait, look at this," she called out, holding up a small, chipped piece of metal. It glinted faintly in the afternoon sun.

Sylva, ever curious, stepped forward and peered closely at the object. Recognition dawned on her face.

"Vironium," she exclaimed. "It's Vironium! I recognize its color and material, Master."

Eodor shot Sylva a suspicious glance. "And just what is Vironium, exactly?" he demanded.

Sylva straightened, her voice gaining confidence. "It's a rare and difficult material to work with," she explained. "Our people created it, but it took thousands of years to develop a method to forge it. It's incredibly strong, able to withstand most attacks."

Terris scratched his head in realization. "So that's why our solarblades barely left a scratch on that Vyskriegg armor at the forge!"

Master Yuna nodded slowly, a deep crease forming between her brows. "And how, exactly, did you two manage to defeat this Vyskriegg warrior?" she inquired.

Terris and Eodor exchanged hesitant glances. Terris cleared his throat and launched into a detailed explanation of their fight, emphasizing the vulnerabilities they discovered in the Vyskriegg's armor and the lucky strike that ultimately brought him down.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate landscape, Master Yuna finally spoke. "Before we proceed to the forge," she announced, her voice heavy with grief, "we must pay our respects to the fallen."

Under the fading light, they gathered fallen branches and stones, constructing a makeshift pyre. The bodies, painstakingly collected by Terris and Eodor, were laid to rest upon it. With heavy hearts, the four of them stood together, chanting the Magistra Code in mournful unison. Their voices echoed through the twilight as the flames of the pyre rose, carrying the souls of the fallen Magisters heavenward. The ashes glowed faintly, a final flicker before being swept away by the night wind.

The silence that followed was heavy, the weight of loss hanging thick in the air. But amidst the grief, a new resolve steeled their hearts. They would find the perpetrators of this atrocity, and they would make them pay.

"Let us camp here tonight," Master Yuna instructed, her voice weary. "We will head to the Forge tomorrow."

A heavy silence descended upon the group. Despite the lingering suspicion towards Sylva, they all understood the necessity of working together. Together, they unloaded supplies from the airship – tents, rations, and firewood. The rhythmic crackle of a fire soon filled the air, casting flickering shadows on their faces as they huddled around its warmth.

Terris caught Sylva stealing a glance at him. He offered a small, hesitant nod, and she responded with a barely perceptible smile. The day's events hung heavy in the air, a shroud of loss and unanswered questions. Conversation was a struggle. The only sounds were the crackling fire and the occasional sigh from Eodor.

As the moon replaced the sun, casting a cold, silvery glow across the plateau, exhaustion finally claimed them. One by one, they retreated to their tents, the shared tragedy forging a fragile sense of unity. Sleep, however, proved elusive. Visions of fallen comrades and the glint of the Vyskriegg blade haunted their dreams.

Terris lay awake, the weight of the shrapnel of Vironium heavy in his pocket. It was a constant reminder of the threat they faced, a threat that had infiltrated their very home. He glanced towards the other tents, a flicker of doubt flickering within him. Could Sylva truly be a traitor, or was she simply a pawn caught in the middle of a deadly game? The answer remained shrouded in darkness, but one thing was clear – they couldn't afford to underestimate their enemy. As Terris finally drifted off to sleep, a single thought echoed in his mind: tomorrow, they would find the answers they sought, one way or another.