Book One: Chapter 5

A new day painted the sky a vibrant orange as they packed their camp with a renewed sense of purpose. Each tent, each tool, was loaded back onto the airship with a quiet efficiency. Sylva, her face etched with worry, was the second-to-last person to board. Eodor, a silent shadow, stood guard behind her, his hand hovering near his solarblade.

Terris, catching the unspoken suspicion in Eodor's posture, stepped forward. "Easy, Eodor," he murmured, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Next stop, the forge!" he announced, his voice booming to lift the tense atmosphere.

Eodor, startled out of his vigilance, mumbled a reply and boarded the ship without another word. As the airship whirred back to life, a heavy silence settled over the group. The journey to the forge was cloaked in a somber quietude, broken only by the rhythmic hum of the engines.

Two hours later, the forge came into view. But something was off. An eerie sense of desolation hung in the air. Upon landing, they found the forge itself spotless, almost unnervingly so. The only sign of the previous battle was the scorched earth where the Vyskriegg warrior had fallen, the corpse now missing.

"Where's Forge Master Korvus?" Master Yuna asked, her voice echoing in the emptiness.

"He wasn't here when we were attacked, Master," Eodor replied, his voice heavy. "That's why we had to improvise with the spare materials."

Master Yuna's brow furrowed. "This is unsettling. Their motives are unclear. An attack, a stolen corpse, and then they vanish without a trace. This is far more complicated than it seems."

She paced the length of the forge, her gaze sweeping over the desolate workbench and cooling furnaces. "Without a Forge Master, we are crippled," she said, her voice grim. "No new solarblades can be forged for the coming war effort, and for the protection of Miraea."

A heavy silence descended upon them. The evidence was a tangled web of unanswered questions. The trail had gone cold at the forge. Yet, one thing was certain – war had come to their doorstep.

"We must return to the Temple," Master Yuna said finally, her voice firm despite the weight of the discovery. "The council needs to be informed. We need to prepare. We need a new Forge Master." She looked up, her gaze meeting Sylva's. "And perhaps," she added, her voice laced with a hint of hope, "you, Sylva, might have some insight that could be invaluable in the coming days."

Sylva stood fidgeting as Master Yuna surveyed the desolate forge. "Yes Master," she mumbled in response to an earlier instruction.

Suddenly, a spark of realization flickered in her eyes. "M-master, wait!" she blurted out, causing the others to turn towards her with surprise.

Master Yuna raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity replacing her initial annoyance. "Pray tell, youngling," she said, gesturing for Sylva to speak.

Taking a deep breath, Sylva launched into her explanation. "In my humble opinion, historically there hasn't been any engagement between Vyskriegggans and the Jade Order yet," she began. "However, they have been active with the war against the Commonwealth and in a stalemate..."

Her voice grew more confident as she continued, "I think they are testing their new armor and weapons on the Order's technology." She gestured to the empty forge. "They wanted to see how well they stood against the Order before finally agreeing to open another front against them. That's the only possible explanation I can come with."

Master Yuna listened intently, a thoughtful frown creasing her brow. Sylva's theory, while unexpected, held a disturbing logic. Not only did it explain the attack on the forge, but also the seemingly illogical theft of the Vyskriegg corpse. It could have been used for further study of Jade Order weaponry.

"You might be onto something, Sylva," Master Yuna finally admitted. "However, we must head back with haste. The Council needs to be informed of this new threat."

A flicker of relief and pride crossed Sylva's face. She had finally contributed something valuable. With a newfound sense of purpose, they all boarded the airship, the journey back to the temple filled with a tense silence. The mystery of the Vyskriegg attack remained unsolved, but Sylva's theory offered a chilling possibility – war was on the horizon.

When the airship touched down at the Jade Temple, a scene unlike any they had ever witnessed unfolded before them. Dozens of Templar Sentinels, clad in their emerald armor, surrounded the landing platform, solarspeares leveled at the four figures cautiously disembarking. Terris, ever the defender, was the first to react, his hand instinctively flying to his solarblades as he drew them in a defensive stance.

"What is going on guys?" Terris boomed, a mixture of confusion and defiance in his voice.

Eodor followed suit, drawing his own blades, his gaze flitting between the stoic faces of the Sentinels. Master Yuna and Sylva emerged from the airship last, both mirroring the bewilderment etched on the faces of their companions.

From behind the line of Sentinels, a tall, imposing figure emerged. Master Garion, Chief of Security himself, strode forward, his expression unreadable. His voice, though even, held a chilling authority.

"Step down, boy," he commanded, his gaze fixed on Terris.

Master Yuna bristled. "I would like to demand an explanation, Master Garion. What is the meaning of this?"

"Then you will have to speak to the council, Master Yuna," Garion replied, his face remaining a stoic mask. "The council knew of the missing students and Templars. But what they weren't aware of, were the traitors within our ranks."

Eodor's jaw dropped. "Traitors? What are you talking about, Master Garion?"

Garion's gaze swept over them all, lingering on Sylva for a beat longer before settling on Terris and Eodor. "Terris," he began, his voice heavy with accusation, "Eodor. You are hereby under arrest for treason." He paused, the silence thick with tension. "Master Yuna and Apprentice Sylva, you two are also to be questioned."

The pronouncement sent a shockwave through the group. Terris sputtered, his hand twitching for his blades. He whipped around to Master Yuna, his eyes pleading for permission to fight, to defend their innocence. Master Yuna, however, met his gaze with a firm headshake, a silent command to stand down. Their situation, whatever it was, demanded a different kind of fight.

With a growl of frustration, Terris reluctantly deactivated his solarblades, the sudden silence echoing around the landing platform. Eodor, his face a mask of disbelief, followed suit, both of them surrendering their blades to the approaching Sentinels.

Master Yuna stepped forward, her voice steely despite the turmoil within. "We will cooperate fully with the council," she declared. "But I warn you, Master Garion, you will have a lot of explaining to do."

Garion simply nodded, his expression unyielding. "That," he said, "will be for the council to decide."

As the Sentinels escorted Terris and Eodor away, Master Yuna turned to Sylva, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and uncertainty. The journey home was a stark contrast to their outward voyage – a tense, silent journey into the unknown, where not only their mission, but their very loyalty, had been called into question.

Standing before the imposing council chamber, Terris and Eodor found themselves the focal point of a tense assembly. Six figures, the Elders of the Jade Order, formed a semicircle around them. Elder Roshu, a Yodin Elder, radiated a formidable presence with his wiry beard and gorilla-like strength and features. Beside him sat Elder Atreyu, a Panthera Elder, his silver lion features belying a calmer demeanor. The other Elders - Elder Draxe, a hulking Drakken with obsidian scales, Elder Miraje, an Avian with shimmering iridescent wings and antlers, Elder Gwyndesa, a Shivani with captivating crimson horns and a flickering tail, and Elder Hwa, the sole human among them - observed the proceedings with varying degrees of scrutiny.

Terris and Eodor stood cuffed, their indignation simmering beneath the surface. The accusation - their involvement in the cave massacre and the Forge Master's disappearance - hung heavy in the air.

Elder Gwyndesa, her crimson horns glinting under the chamber's light, leaned forward, her ruby lips curving into a smirk. "Perhaps," she began, her voice a haunting whisper, "you two conspired and had some... external help." Her tail flicked back and forth, a Shivani telltale sign of curiosity bordering on amusement.

Terris scoffed. "Help? Where in all of Miraea could we find such assistance, Elder? We've never even left the planet, let alone contacted anyone outside the Order." Disbelief colored his voice. "As you know, communication beyond Miraea is strictly forbidden for apprentices."

Elder Hwa, a weathered human with eyes that held the wisdom of ages, nodded in agreement. "He speaks the truth, Elder Gwyndesa. Master Yuna, why wasn't this incident reported earlier?"

Master Yuna, standing behind Terris and Eodor, stepped forward. "We didn't want to cause undue panic, Elders," she explained, her voice firm despite the weight of suspicion. "We sought concrete evidence before raising alarms."

Elder Atreyu, a rumbling purr emanating from his throat, inquired, "And have you found any such proof, Master Yuna?"

"Yes, Elders," Master Yuna confirmed. "It appears Vyskriegg may have been responsible for the attack."

A collective gasp rippled through the chamber. Vyskriegg, a race of hulking, obsidian-armored warriors known for their brutality, were rarely seen this far from their own territory.

Master Garion, his face reddening, interjected. "Preposterous! Miraea is a sanctuary, impenetrable. Any Vyskriegg landing force wouldn't have escaped my notice!" His voice betrayed a touch of desperation, perhaps to save face.

Suddenly, Terris and Eodor exchanged a knowing glance. The perfectly sanitized scene at the cave, the missing body - it all seemed too convenient. A setup.

Elder Roshu, the wizened Yodin Elder, boomed, his voice echoing in the chamber. "For now, these two will be held in secure custody." He gestured towards Terris and Eodor. "The hearing will resume in a few days, pending further investigation into the cave incident. Master Yuna and the remaining students will be confined to their quarters until further notice."

Master Yuna, understanding the gravity of the situation, bowed her head in acceptance. As Terris and Eodor were escorted away, she met their gazes with a flicker of determination. "I will find out what's happening," she mouthed silently, a promise hanging in the heavy air.

The heavy iron gate clanged shut behind them, plunging Terris and Eodor into a dimly lit cell. Despite their predicament, a spark of defiance flickered in their eyes. They were pawns in a larger game, a game they were determined to unravel.

"This is fishy, Terris," Eodor muttered, pacing the cramped cell like a caged beast. "Someone on the inside must be working with the Vyskriegg. How else could they have infiltrated Miraea so easily, used us as training dummies, and gotten away without a trace?"

Terris, perched on the hard cot, nodded grimly. "Agreed. It's too convenient. Even their clean-up job was sloppy. Did you notice those tiny fragments of Vironium I managed to snag?" He held up a shard of the metallic blue material, catching the dim light.

Eodor's eyes widened. "You kept it? But why? Wouldn't it have been suspicious if Master Garion found it?"

Terris chuckled, a dry sound devoid of humor. "Suspicious? More like incriminating. My gut feeling tells me the good Master would have confiscated everything if we'd shown him that." He tapped the Vironium shard against his knee. "This, on the other hand, might be our ace in the hole."

Eodor clapped Terris on the shoulder, a relieved grin spreading across his face. "Good thinking, my friend. Maybe we're not so doomed after all."

Their moment of camaraderie was interrupted by the clanging of the cell door. A gruff-looking warden shoved a tray of steaming porridge through the opening. Eodor wrinkled his nose at the unappetizing meal, but both young men knew they wouldn't have much choice. They ate in silence, the weight of their situation pressing down on them.

Meanwhile, in a different part of the Temple, Sylva sat fidgeting in Master Yuna's spartan quarters. The once-stern Master Templar's face was etched with worry as they discussed the events that had unfolded.

"It's ludicrous to think Terris and Eodor would betray the Order, Sylva," Master Yuna declared. "And the way they cleaned up the crime scene… it's far too calculated. This wasn't just an infiltration; it was a well-orchestrated setup."

Sylva nodded fervently. "Exactly! If an outsider was responsible, wouldn't they want to leave us all in the dark? Why take the time to remove the bodies and evidence? It points to someone within the Order who wanted to frame them and also wanted to hide their involvement with the Vyskriegg."

A flicker of determination ignited in Master Yuna's eyes. "You're right, Sylva. This goes deeper than we thought. I'll get to the bottom of this, expose this conspiracy, and clear Terris and Eodor's names. In the meantime, you stay here with me. It's safer this way."

Sylva, despite the fear gnawing at her, straightened her back. "Thank you, Master Yuna. I believe in Terris and Eodor. They're good men. We can't let them down."

Master Yuna offered a small smile, a silent promise hanging between them. The fight for the truth had just begun, and neither Sylva nor Master Yuna were willing to back down. The fate of Terris and Eodor, and perhaps the future of the Jade Order itself, rested on their shoulders.

"Rest, child. It's been a long day." Master Yuna's voice was strained, exhaustion etched on her face. She gestured towards a plush couch nestled in the corner of the room, a stark contrast to the spartan austerity of her own quarters.

Sylva nodded, her heart heavy. Gratitude warred with worry. "Thank you, Master Yuna. I… I trust you'll find a way to clear their names."

Master Yuna's lips twitched into a small, weary smile. "Have faith, Sylva. I won't stop until the truth comes to light. But for now, you need your rest. We'll face whatever comes tomorrow, together."

Sylva managed a small smile in return. "Goodnight, Master."

"Goodnight, my young apprentice."

The heavy wooden door shut with a soft thud, leaving Sylva alone in the room. She sank onto the surprisingly comfortable couch, the day's events replaying in her mind like a haunting film reel. Terris and Eodor, framed and imprisoned. The chilling possibility of a traitor within the Order. It was all too much to process.

Sleep, however, refused to come. Every creak and groan of the ancient Temple seemed to amplify the anxieties swirling within her. What if Master Yuna couldn't find the truth? What if Terris and Eodor were left to rot in that damp cell? The possibilities were terrifying.

With a defeated sigh, Sylva rose and padded to the window. Moonlight spilled across the courtyard below, casting long, inky shadows. The once peaceful haven now seemed shrouded in a cloak of suspicion. Her gaze fell upon the distant training grounds, where she and Terris had sparred countless times under the watchful eye of Master Yuna. Now, they were worlds apart.

A newfound resolve bloomed within Sylva. She might not possess the strength or experience of her Master, but she wouldn't sit idly by. Terris and Eodor were her friends, her companions. If the answers couldn't be found within the Temple walls, then she would find them somewhere else.

A single tear traced a path down her cheek, a silent vow escaping her lips. "I won't let you down," she whispered into the night, the weight of her determination settling upon her young shoulders. Dawn was approaching, and with it, a new chapter in the fight for her brothers' freedom.