Chapter three

Paranoid lover

The matriarch, Mrs. Morlachi, sat at the head of the table, surrounded by her three sons, Leonardoand Francesco, along with their respective spouses and children. The atmosphere was lively, with conversations flowing like the coffee.

"Did you hear, Father, that the new resort in Tuscany is exquisite?" Leonardo said, buttering his toast.

"Yes, and I heard the skiing in the Swiss Alps is superb this time of year," Francesco added, sipping his juice.

Their father, the patriarch, smiled, "We should plan a family vacation soon. Maybe a villa in Sicily?"

The family chattered excitedly, discussing destinations and activities, when suddenly, one of the sons, Leonardo, announced, "And we have more good news! My wife, Sophia, is pregnant again!"

The table erupted in cheers and congratulations, with Mrs. Morlachi beaming with pride. "That's wonderful, Leonardo! We need more little Morlachis running around!"

Just then, the door swung open, and Marco, the Don, walked in, apologizing for his tardiness. His mother's eyes narrowed slightly, but she smiled warmly. "Ah, Marco, dear, you're finally here. We were just celebrating Leonardo's news."

Marco kissed his mother's cheek and took his seat, his eyes scanning the table. "Congratulations, Leo. That's fantastic news."

As the conversation continued, Mrs. Morlachi's gaze lingered on Marco, her expression softening.

Mrs. Morlachi pressed Marco, her voice laced with concern, "Marco, dear, you've been distant lately. Is everything okay with your personal life?"

Marco's expression turned cold, his eyes glinting like ice. "My personal life is none of your concern, Mother. I'm handling things."

His father, the Godfather, intervened, his voice firm but gentle, "Marco, show some respect to your mother. She only worries because she cares."

Marco's gaze never wavered, his tone detached, "I apologize, Mother. My life is complicated. Let's just say I'm focused on the family business."

Just then, his phone rang, and he excused himself, his eyes flashing with a hint of relief. As he stepped away from the table, the family exchanged knowing glances.

Leonardo whispered, "He's still stuck on Alessia, the way she left him at the altar... broke him."

Francesco nodded in agreement, "He's never been the same, cold as ice."

Mrs. Morlachi's face twisted in anger, "That witch cursed our family! May she rot in hell!"

The Godfather placed a calming hand on her shoulder, "Enough, my dear. Let's not dwell on the past. Marco needs to move on, for his own sake."

The family nodded in agreement, their voices hushed as they continued to discuss Marco's predicament.

Marco answered the call, his deep voice firm, "Quinto."

The Don's voice was laced with gratitude, "Quinto, thanks for saving me from my mother's questioning. I owe you one."

Quinto's tone was respectful, "Anytime, Don Marco. That's what I'm here for. But I have some news you need to hear."

Marco's interest piqued, "What is it?"

Quinto hesitated, "We have a new rival in town, Don Marco. They're moving in on our territory, trying to take our clients."

Marco's anger simmered, his grip on the phone tightening. "Who is it?"

Quinto's voice was steady, "Alessia Rossini, the CEO of Azure Enterprises. She's aggressive, Don Marco. We need to take action."

The line went dead, and Marco's eyes narrowed. Alessia Rossini... the name echoed in his mind, a spark of fury igniting within him.

Marco's eyes widened in shock, his mind reeling at the mention of Alessia's name. Memories came flooding back, the pain and humiliation of being left at the altar, the feeling of being broken and vulnerable. He felt his breath quickening, his heart racing, as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Just as he thought he was about to collapse, isabella burst into the room, concern etched on her face. "Marco, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

Marco tried to speak, but his voice caught in his throat. Isabella rushed to his side, grabbing his arm as he swayed precariously. "Marco, oh my god, you're freaking out! Someone help!"

The next thing Marco knew, he was being dragged away, voices buzzing around him as everything went dark.

When he came to, he was lying on a couch, his head throbbing, his mind foggy. Isabella was sitting beside him, holding his hand, her eyes filled with worry.

"Marco, what happened? You just collapsed. Are you okay?"

Marco slowly sat up, rubbing his temples, trying to process what had just happened. Alessia was back, and he was still reeling from the shock.