Chapter 39: 1st Hint

"I am Tatsuo Takano, An outcast of a minor lineage of magi. Currently, I am a wandering blacksmith," said Tatsuo acting upon his previous suggestion. 

Hearing this the pair of father and son looked at each other and kiritsugu said 

"I am kiritsugu emiya a spell caster and this is my son shirou emiya."

Both sides visibly relaxed after learning each other's identity and Tatsuo asked 

"So why do you need a master swordsmith? And who will be my apprentice."

"My son shirou wants to learn to smith, hence I searched for a master smith of a reputable lineage." explained kiritsugu and before he could continue Tatsuo interrupted him and said 

"So you thought of getting him an apprenticeship under a master smith for his interest and searched for old and orthodox lineage to make him learn their technique that most likely would contain a certain amount of mystery." 

(A/N: compared to the blacksmith system in other places, japan`s govt categorises the profession of swordsmith as a cultural preservation work. Hence they follow the system of schools giving a lineage, plus they still have those ancient techniques to produce completely traditional swords as cultural artifacts. This system is enforced by the govt there so the system is pretty stable.

Hence by nasuverse lore and logic, those techniques passed on would contain mystery. Plus the cultural significance and the tamahagane steel`s myth and legend would make the infusion of magecraft easier hence making it prime cheap material for mystic codes.)

Seeing kiritsugu nod Tatsuo laughed and asked when should he begin teaching shirou. They discussed various things and it was decided that he would come to emiya residence 3 times a week to teach shirou. 

After finalizing the details Tatsuo pulled out a notepad from his backpack and began making a list under the gaze of the emiya duo. After finishing the list he handed it to kiritsugu and said 

"These are the items that are required to set up a basic forge. Please first prepare this and then contact me at the number written on the back of the letter."

"After you set up the forge then I would come to teach the kid and then he can practise. Anyways farewell, it was nice meeting you." after this the smith left with a smile and the sound of bells jingling came from the open door.




Time passes in a rhythm as shirou waits for the forge equipment to be delivered. Kirtsugu insisted on using the equipment that is more valuable as collectibles and has a history. As shirou learning smithing aims to make mystic code, he agrees with his father and waits for the delivery from various parts of Japan.

Within this passing of time, shirou was pulled into another vision. This time instead of appearing within his future self he appears above the city. His vision rapidly descends as he witnesses his future self for 1st time.

He is a red-haired boy with orangish-red eyes that look like jewels, and wearing a full-sleeved t-shirt and trousers. He was swiftly pushed aside by sabre as she blocked an attack from the rider. Leaving him behind sabre jumps into the building wall on which the rider was moving like a predator stalking its prey.

Shirou`s vision pans out as he follows the rider's overwhelming sabre in their clashes as they climb the vertical surface of the building. Following the woman moving with the grace of a snake sabre climbs onto the building.

Above the building shirou is unable to hear what the two clashing women are talking about. Rider was easily overwhelming Saber with her tricky attacks and movements across all surfaces. Shirou was very confused witnessing the ease with which Saber was being suppressed, he had seen her fight under his father in the war, 

Still confused by the apparent weakness of the sabre he watched the battle until the rider used her chains to gain leverage and jump up high into the air. He was intrigued by the new move that she was performing until he saw her take her blade and stab it into her neck.

Her perforated neck released blood like a fountain and her fall was accompanied by the blood she released. Under the confused gaze of shirou blood lost by the rider began moving on its own as if it had a life of its own.

The blood coagulated in front of her as a blood layer and then faded revealing a magic circle made up of concentric circles that contained concentric octagons made up of 2 squares each. The magic circle made of her blood had a crab-like marking in its centre which released an eerie 


A giant phantom eye opened in the middle of the magic circle and releases a bright flash. In the irony of the grotesque ritual done the light revealed a snow-white pegasus above which the rider was seated.

The pegasus was pure white in colour giving it a sacred and pure image, the contrast between the black clothes worn by the woman and the pure white visage of the beast generated a stark contrast.

Shirou was unable to hear the word exchanged between rider and sabre as the king of knights fought the pegasus rider. The battle reached its peak and abruptly stopped, rider looked down at Saber and they had a final exchange of words.

The horse under her neighed and raised its hooves high, this time shirou heard it clearly and had imaginary goosebumps from this. Finally, a golden reign materialized in the horse`s mouth, as the rider pulled them the horse began releasing so much mana that it was visible to the naked eye as a blinding white light.

The swirling air covering the sword of promised victory slowly dissolved and looking at the rider saber took a stance as the sword began releasing its trademark golden glow. Undeterred by this rider drove the horse downward towards the girl, the horse left a comet-like tail as it fell. 

Both the servants shouted the names of their noble phantasm to achieve their true name release. Alongside the familiar cry of


The unfamiliar shout of the name 


Shirou`s vision is pulled downwards towards his future self and the last thing he witnessed was the silver light cutting through the golden light for a distance and then being engulfed in the golden glow. Watching the glow fading into the sky Shiro's body begins running away.

Shirou`s vision blurred again and he found himself sitting on a bench in a park where a smiling Iliya came to him. he looked into her eyes and found them to be glowing, as in his previous vision and in a very similar way to the mage Barzan.

Under the anxious gaze of now paralyzed shirou, his adoptive sister kidnapped him. The last thing shirou saw was the crimson light of her command seals that nearly covered her whole body.

As his vision shut off he heard the girl rambling about taking his soul and then making him into her doll to live with her forever. not perturbed by the thought of his death shirou thought 




The next day shirou woke up and was surprised to find that his body didn't have any swords protruding out of him. After some introspection, he reasoned that if his origin turns his body into swords by rampaging as a form of self-defence. Then it most likely is triggered by extreme physical trauma and lethal injuries.

Quickly brushing his teeth and taking a bath he rushed into his father`s bedroom to discuss his vision. Kiritsugu was mildly curious about the reason why shirou rushed to him early in the morning instead of trying to improve the current bounded field of their residence.

After revealing his vision as well as his speculation about his origin shirou eagerly waited for his father's evaluation. Kiritsugu sat there for a while and remained deep in thought and said

"If your origin`s rampage is conditional and not absolute then we can find ways to bring it under control, and shirou I am giving you a task to search for more information on the heroic spirit and guess her identity."

"Now that you know the name of her noble phantasm it is possible to deduce her identity. And I will share my evaluation with you after you have guessed her possible identity, now go and practise."

Looking at the receding back of the boy the failure of a parent thought 

(A/N: we have some background information as well as the identity of one of the servants. Welp it's time for shirou to search for the shield or the hook of Perseus. Now there is hope for our boy to achieve his dream of giving the enchanting Medusa an equally beautiful cut.




