Chapter 56: Phosphoric Fang(2)

Using a chisel and hammer he folded the thick block of steel, when the steel looked like an open clamp he stopped and seamlessly pulled out the other piece of steel from the forge. Placing the folded piece inside the forge he covered it with charcoal and let it be heated again. While the outer layer was being roasted the other piece was hammered to become falter and using the mould he made this piece the same size as the one in the forge.

Once both the pieces were heated enough to be bright yellow the younger emiya put the steel extracted from his body inside the grove and began hammering at the two pieces of steel. With the fall of his hammer, the gap between the layers decreased and the two grooved in such a way that they both fit each other snugly.

Once the material had cooled down a little he used the mixture of his blood saturated with mana mixed with the bone powder and spirit dust to make a makeshift flux to seal the air gaps between the layers of metals, then he used the small mallet from before to snugly fix the metal with each other. The now combined pieces were pushed into the furnace by him and sat there calmly pumping the box billow. 

The audience was clueless about this but this is the reason shirou has the confidence to succeed this time. The method he is using now is a very standard method of making blades by the sword smiths and it was called kobuse. 

This is a style of using 2 different types of steel in the blade, the outer layer made from jewelled steel is a layer of high carbon steel that provides the hardness and sharpness that is required in blades but it is very inflexible. In fighting using swords the blades of both sides will clash and due to a lack of flexibility most blades are made wholly from this type of steel break abruptly.

This is also the reason why the last blade that shirou made broke down, the method of single-layered forging or maru is not capable of withstanding the magical energy hence it broke down. The current method employs soft and flexible steel as the spine and core of the blade is covered by the hard steel on the outside hence increasing the stress tolerance of the blade through the roof.

The fire raged on as shirou fueled the flames making them rage and the steel inside to heat up and melt resulting in them being forge welded together as he breathed a sigh of relief. His plan had worked and now he just had to hammer the blade and maintain the magecraft till the end as his dwindling reserves were already affecting his focus.

Kirtsugu`s perception of magical energy was blind as a bat after the curse destroyed his circuits and he used the rest of the circuits to repair the emiya crest but Rin was clearly able to sense the decrease in the magical energy output of Shirou`s circuits and hence was thankful of the circumstances that they at least had set up a magic circle below the boy`s feet that increase the magical energy concentration of the area.

They watched on as shirou hammered the piece of metal in a rhythm and slowly but surely it began looking like a sword. He stretched the block of metal into a half-an-inch thick straight bar. When the metal was finally straight, he hammered its edge, making it tip taper towards a side hence it curved to look like the iconic katana tip.

He increased his working seed as if the end was near which puzzled Rin because, according to her sense what shirou was doing now was akin to a ritual and if he paused in between the sword would definitely shatter. She kept quiet but her mind was processing things at astounding speed as she sensed the changes in the surroundings, if shirou knew how fast she could process the information he would be astounded.

During the practice of magecraft and the situations from his visions, the boy had concluded that his mind lacked processing power. He was easily overwhelmed by information about Caliburn which he guessed his future self got from the use of an advanced use of structural grasp.

So he could only turn to practice to make his circuits more acquainted with the process as the obstacle that prevented him from analyzing material in more detail as he nearly passed off from the information when he tried to do that last time. What shirou didn't know was that normally what he can use now is the limit of structural grasp and by trying to go deeper he was trying to read concepts and the load was actually light due to his affinity or else others couldn't even try to do what he did.

So when shirou made the tang of the blade, put it on the anvil straightened it and was about to take a rest as his od was nearly empty and the process of quenching could be done later Rin shouted 

"Shirou! Don't stop and continue the process of making the blade or else all of your efforts will go up in smoke."

This made him freeze, his mind was already foggy due to lack of od and tiredness but he gritted his and the self-hypnosis made him sharp again. He didn't understand what was going on but he had enough trust and faith in her to do what she said and wait for an explanation.

Looking at the boy Rin shook her head and helplessly sighed. Normally most magus would have given up here but the boy turned around and following her words without question made her feel helpless. What she was about to do was a very unorthodox act and it went against the code of conduct of mages who always try to hide their craft and keep things a secret.

After taking a decision she rushed towards shirou and said 

"Shirou open all of your circuits."

"Don't lose focus no matter what and focus on forging to complete the mystic code by guiding the mana."

Shirou just nodded his head and repeated sparing having developed enough tactic understanding between them to avoid unnecessary talks so shirou focused on moulding the sword and Rin took a dagger kept there and made a cut on Shirou's shirt on the back. Through the cut, his dimly glowing circuits were visible and Rin hastily put her hand on it.

Rin`s dense circuits filled her hands and after some time she could narrow down the circuits of Shirou's body and sync hers with his. What she is doing is essentially putting both hers and Shirou's in the other`s hands. She connected her magic circuits with his and let him draw from her reserve of od.

If any one of them had malicious intentions towards the other then they could easily damage the magic circuits of the other and give one of the most crippling and likely fatal injury amongst all to a magus. Shirou felt as if he was drowning in an ocean of prana as soon as the girl`s circuits connected with his.

 Rin`s mana was more than 12 times compared to his and his circuits that are accustomed to the misser style of using mana made him feel like he was drowning in an ocean of it. Rin`s voice brought him back from that feeling following her words he focused on the working and entered the zone. she continued her explanation as the boy worked on the forge

"I don't know how but this attempt has somehow turned into a ritual and this forge has become a ritual field. Rituals are a very efficient way of making mystic codes but are known for coming crashing down if interrupted in the middle."

"So shirou, use my reserves of od and complete the process. You know it's my responsibility to make sure my friend succeeds."

Saying this she smiled brightly as if a shackle had been broken from her, alas her happiness came crashing down the moment she ran her words through her mind again. She called shirou a fellow magus a "friend" and that broke the rules she set for herself to become an elegant and leading magus following her father`s will.

(A/N: Guys we are having events that will replace the high jump event that will never happen now. For those who don't know connecting her circuits to shirou is similar to extending the RAM of your computer. Shirou can now use her magic circuits to share the burden of him using magecrafts plus it allows him to draw od from her reserves in-game terms they have connected their resource polls and she shared her int stats with him.

In the next chapter, I will describe why Rin did this and how tf did shirou started a ritual without doing anything. This will show the volatile nature of magecrafts and when trying to use mysteries for a certain thaumaturgical foundation you might just pull something else from another and get fucked. Anyway I am writing the other chapter now and have edited this one now so 





