
"Hey hun, where have you been? I have looked for you everywhere and the vultures have been looking for you too" Cheryl announced soon as I sat next to her in the refrectory.

Cheryl ,though born and bred in Cameroon was a Nigerian. The vultures she referred to were the upper sixth girls who didn't want lowersixth girls near their boys. My boyfriend was my classmate but their classmates kept summoning me to their class.

"Is it not that your enemy who kept me in the block?" I said as she passed me a plate of yam and magic soup. 

"Why is he still here ? doesn't he have a house to go to?" She jokingly said while feasting on her magic soup. 

"He isn't that thin, just a little annoying. He's also a good teacher, I don't even know why you detest him" I chimed in between spoonfuls of magic soup.

Our magic soup was made of watery groundnut soup and few leaves of bitter herbs which gave it a unique taste. When eaten together with sweet yams, it gave off multiple delightful flavors in the mouth.

"Madam lawyer, which one is just a little annoying? That one that behaves as if his shoulders will touch the sky? Please let me finish my soup in one bit. If you like don't eat, be defending him while your boyfriend is feasting on you with his eyes" she replied as she gestured towards where he sat. 

I shivered inwardly as I contemplated between turning to meet his gaze, which would have surely interrupted my meal or just acting undeterred. I settled on the latter and downed my yams with renewed vigor.

I had skipped lunch due to an incomplete assignment and wasn't willing to starve for another 3 hours. I had been so distracted by my him that I forgot to fill my practical manual and we had practicals the following morning.

My joy was short-lived as my boyfriend found his way into the space near me, holding my waist in the process. This startled me so much I hopped out of my seat, spilling the magic soup on my outfit and my silver plate landing on the floor with a resounding bang. 

Bruhh!! I was new to all this touching and hugging and it kept getting me into trouble. Why won't this boy let me stay out of troubled, I thought silently, waiting for my punishment. 

The refrectory became dead silent, all eyes directed to where I sat, as the refectorian marched towards my table with a devious smile on his unforgiving face.

"Do you know you are a magnet for trouble?" He said, sizing me up. This guy had been summoning me to his class for over 2 weeks and I stubbornly refused every single time. I was in deep trouble!!! 

"Good evening Senior, it was an honest mistake, I didn't mean to cause a scene" I begrudgingly said, knowing he won't let me off easily. I cast a side glance at my boyfriend who couldn't even meet my eyes. He was the cause of all my problems today and he would surely pay for it, I just had to survive first.

He glanced at my boyfriend who was seated on my bench, knowing fully well he wasn't supposed to be there but choosing to mete out his punishment on me and me only.

"Well you did cause a scene and you will be punished. Follow me! " he said in the deepest voice he could muster, staring deep into my eyes, sending chills down my spine as he walked away. He was feared by the boys of my school for his strength and commanded a lot of respect.

 My friends looked at me with sadness in their eyes, as they knew he was going to make me feel the heat for not welcoming his advances, preferring my boyfriend instead. My legs felt like jelly as I walked behind him, torn between my soiled outfit, my impending punishment and my boyfriend's helplessness. As the grace after meals came to an end and students rushed for preps (evening studies), I was left alone with the dirty refrectory, the male refrectorian and my conscience. 

He had decided I was going to clean the refrectory alone. That was a hall of over 21 tables and 45 benches, with food particles littered everywhere. 

As I cleaned, I steered clear of the conversation he was trying to initiate, as I didn't want rumors flying about me on campus. I was already spending over 45 mins in his company and I knew tongues where already wagging in class. 

Walking into class that evening, I couldn't help but feel sad, as I was in a soiled outfit. To make matters worse, the refectorian walked me to the door of my class, fanning the rumor mills. While I was trying to settle into my reading, he sent his goons, this time forcing me out of my chair and class and into his class where I spent over an hour. 

The senior girls were staring daggers into my back as he miserably tried to pique my interest, while my classmates spied the windows every now and then.

By the time he released me that night, my boyfriend was long gone to bed, my mates were waiting for me at the gate to our dormitories and the senior girls wanted my hide.

I was miserable that night and for weeks after. My boyfriend's attitude changed drastically, the senior girls turned me into their errand girl and the refectorian changed my seat to his table. Mu boyfriend started skipping classes and would ignore me when I approached him. There were rumors insinuating he was being threatened in the dormitory. 

What was going on??