After the god vanished, Xion went to check on Hyun Lee.
" Who are you ?"
" You do not need to know that, just know that you have to become more powerful"
" I just want to live life like a normal being"
" Unfortunately you can't, you are a 'Main character' and that won't change. And if you really want to live a normal life, become stronger or you will just perish."
Hyun Lee was dead silent. He just wanted to live life like ordinary being but he was dragged into life and death battle, from which he came out, only to die and then reincarnate.
" Don't be so sad, i am here to help you. The system i have given you, you aren't making full use of it"
" So it was you, who gave me this system"
" Yes, i am gonna update it for you to become more stronger."
Xion Updated Hyun Lee's system, which could be considered one of the most powerful systems in the world.
Xion knew his work was done, so he vanished from place. He left everything in the hands of Hyun Lee.
It was Saturday, a big day for Zack. He had a date on this day, with none other than the most popular girl in his school.
He was getting ready for the date. He combed his black hair nicely, he wore clothes that suited his black hairs, His face was above average and his body was also quite lean, one could say that he was in handsome category.
Ding Dong!!
" Coming"
Zack rushed to open the door.
There was a beautiful girl standing in front of the door, it was Lisa. She wore a skirt and headband which suited her long shiny hairs and blue eyes.
Zack was dumbstruck seeing Lisa like that. He knew she was a top-tier beauty, but still that was too much for him.
The case was same for Lisa as well, she always watched Zack in normal clothes, but when he wore something like that, he was ultimate handsome in the eyes of Lisa. She felt that she could get a nosebleed any second.
" Shall we"
" Yes lets go"
Zack and Lisa locked their hands like a couple and went away from home.
They first, went to an aquarium. It was a huge aquarium with plethora of species of fishes. There were fish as small as a coin to fish that were enormous.
" Zack, come come look"
Lisa was quite excited about the date, as she dragged Zack to watch many fishes. Zack was also having quite fun, because in the past, all he did was to study ,or play games with his friends, which was rare.
" It was amazing"
" Yes it was, only because you were there with me"
Out of no where, Lisa threw a comment which made Zack quite embarrassed. He wasn't used to getting comments like this.
" Lets see, next is Lunch. Lets go and have some good food at good restaurant."
Their date continued, they went to a restaurant to get eat some food, as they had to eat in order to have some energy. The amusement park was left after all, it would take much energy to have fun in an amusement park.