Chapter 1 The Last Practitioner

Chapter 1 The Last Practitioner

In the depths of Kunlun Mountains, an old man at the verge of his life inhaled the last trace of natural energy into his nose. After exhaling a gentle breath, he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he had already become extremely old and unrecognizable. His face was like crumpled tangerine peel with crisscrossing gullies and ravines. Each wrinkle seemed to tell the vicissitudes of the years. His eyes contained endless profundity, as if he had come all the way from the endless long river of time. Those pair of eyes seemed to be able to see through the past, present and future, and see through the changes of all things in the world.

The natural energy of the earth eventually disappeared, just like the last star in the night sky quietly falling. My life also finally came to an end, just like a burned-out candle, gradually dimming until it went out.

His voice was very old, and each word seemed to come from ancient times. That voice seemed to carry the weight of the years, and it was also like the wind that had gone through vicissitudes whispering in the ear, carrying a decayed atmosphere.

He laboriously raised his trembling hand and stroked his own body that had aged into a bag of bones. That body was covered with numerous wrinkles, like cracked land, and each one depicted the traces of the years. There was not a trace of blood on the body, as pale as the snow in winter, cold and without any vitality.

"Alas, the natural energy of the earth cannot support me to become an immortal. I'm not reconciled." His sigh reverberated in the silence, full of endless regret and unwillingness. Although he was not reconciled in his heart, he knew well that the reality could not be changed, and he could only silently accept this cruel ending.

He gazed at the entire cave with his eyes full of vicissitudes. The cave was not large in scale, but the walls were filled with books, and these books all contained the power of the years, as if they had been passed down from ancient times until now.

The old man staggered to his feet and slowly moved to a bookshelf, reached out and picked up that book, and saw the word "Reincarnation" written on the cover.

He just took a cursory look at it, and then put it down immediately, and then picked up another book with the word "Law of Causality" written on the cover.

He just took a cursory look at it, and then put it down immediately, and then picked up another book with the word "Law of Causality" written on the cover.

These books have all been passed down from hundreds of thousands of years. It is heard that these books have at least hundreds of millions of years of history.

Those were all the supernatural powers of ancient practitioners, but now the natural energy has already disappeared, and the practitioners have all died of old age in the long river of years.

There is only him, the last practitioner left on the entire earth. He feels extremely lonely, possessing the power that transcends ordinary people throughout his life, but unable to exert an influence on the human world.

The old man began to feel that his life was about to come to an end. He took a step and instantly arrived hundreds of kilometers away, instantly coming to the highest peak of Kunlun Mountain and looking down.

The city below was like a huge and prosperous labyrinth, with tall buildings standing one after another, densely packed like a forest of steel. The streets were bustling with traffic, and pedestrians were like a weaving crowd, hurrying through it. Neon lights flickered, interweaving colorful and variegated light and shadow, adorning the night sky of the city like a dreamlike fantasy. Various sounds pervaded the streets and alleys, the honking of cars, people's laughter and cheerful voices, and the cries of merchants intertwined to form a unique urban symphony.

The old man quietly engraved this scene deeply in his mind, and then staggered back to the cave. He slowly sat on the simple stone bench and carefully picked up the ancient book named "Reincarnation".

In the legend, after people pass away, they will embark on the journey to the Naihe Bridge, and then drink a bowl of Mengpo soup, discard all their memories, and finally start a brand new journey of reincarnation.

However, if one practices this "Reincarnation", after dying and reaching the Naihe Bridge and drinking the Mengpo soup, although all memories will be forgotten, after reincarnation, there will still be subconsciousness remaining in the body. This subconsciousness will prompt it to make the reincarnation hand sign.

Once the reincarnated person makes the reincarnation hand sign, the memories of the previous life will gradually awaken until all the memories of the previous life are fully restored.

This is the heaven-defying aspect of this "Reincarnation" book. The old man is determined to fully understand the mystery of this book in the hope that he can restore the memories of the past in the future reincarnation. His gaze was firm and persistent, as if he saw his own future through the book. His hands gently holding the book trembled slightly, as if he was worried that he couldn't understand the mystery in it, and also seemed to be looking forward to the moment when the memories of the previous life were restored.

One day a year later, after going through a whole year of contemplating, he finally completely understood the mystery of the "Reincarnation" book.

And at this time, his life was also about to come to an end. He slowly stepped out of the cave and exerted natural energy. That energy condensed around the cave into a solid shield. This shield would always protect this cave.

Even if an ordinary person came here, they would not be able to see the existence of this cave. No matter how powerful their technology was, they would definitely not be able to detect the trace of the cave. This was the powerful aspect of natural energy.

Looking at the energy shield in front of him, he showed a satisfied smile and nodded gently.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and returned to the cave, quietly waiting in the cave for the arrival of death.

The old man was sitting cross-legged calmly in the cave. His eyes gradually became more and more dim, just like a candlelight about to go out, and his eyelids slowly drooped down, and his eyes were slowly and laboriously closing.

He used the last bit of strength and tried to forcefully open those heavy eyes, but it was all in vain. The eyelids pressed down mercilessly like a mountain weighing tens of thousands of catties.

His whole body lost all its strength, and his hand could no longer be lifted even a little bit, and the whole body became stiff and unable to move.

The natural energy all over his body was also dissipating bit by bit, like a candle about to go out, and that faint light was gradually fading away.

After a long time, the natural energy on the old man finally completely disappeared, his eyes were completely closed, and his whole body could not move. Only by maintaining the sitting cross-legged posture, it seemed to be making a final farewell to this world.

His life breath had already quietly disappeared, and finally he still followed the path of the ancients, unable to regain the chance of eternal life, and could only grow old silently in the long river of years until the end of life. There was silence in the cave, only the aftertaste after the dissipation of that faint breath, as if telling his once glorious and unwillingness.

At the moment when the old man passed away, it seemed like a signal. In an instant, the entire earth was instantly covered by a dense mass of raindrops. The heavy rain poured down, and the strong wind whistled with bursts of harsh whistling sounds.

People in the world all thought this was just an ordinary rainfall, and no one would associate it with the celestial phenomena triggered by the passing away of a peerless powerhouse.

It seemed as if the heavens and the earth were crying for it. The continuous rain was like the tears shed by the heavens and the earth, and the whistling sound of the strong wind blowing was just like the heavens and the earth crying heart-rendingly.

This huge heavy rain lasted for a full three days and three nights, and many cities were submerged by the surging flood. This disaster mercilessly took away the precious lives of countless people.

Just the celestial phenomena triggered after the fall of an old man made it unbearable for countless humans to bear the consequences.

It can be imagined how powerful he was before his death. Just by raising his hand, he could easily destroy a country; just by taking a step, he could cross the distant distance of millions of miles, and no one in the world could compete with him. His power seemed to surpass all the limitations of the world, making it unimaginable.

The old man possesses unimaginable abilities and can easily enslave the entire human race on Earth. In terms of the current technological level of human beings, there is not the slightest ability to resist. Even if the entire Earth uses nuclear weapons, it will not help.

It is a pity that he cannot interfere in the affairs of the mortal world. The reason is that there were even more powerful practitioners in ancient times on Earth. Those powerful practitioners set down rules that practitioners cannot interfere in the mortal world at will, otherwise they will suffer the punishment of heavenly condemnation.

Therefore, the old man has never dared to interfere in the mortal world because he cannot bear such karmic retribution. Even if he had once practiced the law of cause and effect, he could not resist. Therefore, he could only choose to live in seclusion in the Kunlun Mountains and lived alone for as long as several thousand years.

During this long time, he spent his days alone in the cave in the Kunlun Mountains, living a lonely life. The clear wind in the mountains blew his white hair, and the years engraved deep traces on his face. He often silently gazed into the distance, and his thoughts seemed to travel through time and space and return to the once glorious years. However, he knew well his mission and limitations, and could only in this secluded place safeguard the peace of the mortal world.