Chapter 2: Rebirth and Transmigration.

When the old man opened his eyes again, two ghosts suddenly appeared before his eyes. The black and white impermanents, one black and one white, formed a sharp contrast.

The black impermanent was tall, dressed in a black robe, with a cold and stern face, like a ghost in the night. His eyes flickered with a dim light, sending a chill down one's spine. The shackles and handcuffs in his hand glittered with a cold light, as if revealing endless majesty.

The white impermanent was slender, with a white robe fluttering in the wind. His face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood, but there was a strange smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. The ritual implement in his hand also emitted a disturbing breath.

They held those cold shackles and handcuffs, firmly locking the old man, and then extended their fingers, gesturing in one direction.

"You go this way. After reaching the underworld and being judged by the judge, you will finally be able to be reincarnated."

The old man looked in the direction pointed by the black and white impermanents, and saw that it was a road of the yellow spring. On both sides of the road were covered with enchanting and gorgeous彼岸花. Those flowers were blooming like a raging fire, seemingly telling the impermanence and beauty of life and death reincarnation. There was a faint mist pervading the road of the yellow spring, making the whole scene mysterious and strange.

The old man walked straight forward along the Road of the Yellow Spring, and the petals on both sides swayed gently in the breeze, just like dancing elves.

He didn't know how long he had walked, as if there was no end forever, yet he didn't feel tired at all.

He tried to exert that familiar natural energy, but found himself as if imprisoned, completely unable to exert it. At this moment, he could only continue to move forward step by step like an ordinary person.

After a long time, he finally reached the other shore. What unfolded before his eyes was a city filled with a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

In this city, there were many wandering ghosts and wild souls everywhere, and so it was outside the city.

Standing at the city gate were two majestic bulls-headed and horse-faced beings, who were the officials of the underworld.

When the old man walked into the city gate, the bulls-headed and horse-faced beings did not stop him.

As soon as he stepped into the city, a horse-faced being quickly came to him and led him towards a certain direction.

The figure of that horse-faced being was tall and powerful, emitting a cold atmosphere all over. Its eyes were cold and firm, and it held a black long whip in its hand, whipping on the ground from time to time, making a crisp sound.

The old man followed the horse-faced being, passing through the dark streets. The buildings on both sides of the streets seemed dilapidated and gloomy, as if telling the vicissitudes of years.

There was a smell of decay and death in the air, making people feel a chill. Occasionally, ghosts and wild souls floated past them, emitting shrill cries, making people's hair stand on end.

Not knowing how long he had walked, they came to a magnificent palace. The gate of the palace was closed tightly, and there was a mysterious and oppressive atmosphere around.

The horse-faced being stopped, looked back at the old man, and then gently knocked on the door. The dull knocking sound reverberated in the silent atmosphere, as if conveying some unknown signal.

In the judgment hall of the underworld, there is an air of solemnity and dignity. The judgment platform is high up, majestic and solemn.

The judges are dressed in black robes, with cold faces and an air of majesty and justice in their eyes. They sit on the judgment platform like gods who hold life and death in their hands.

Below, the old man stands in the center of the empty hall, with a solemn atmosphere pervading all around.

The judges begin to examine the old man's entire life, and their voices are deep and majestic, interrogating every action and decision of the old man.

The ghosts in the underworld gather around and quietly watch the progress of the trial.

Mysterious lights flicker on the judgment platform, showing all kinds of experiences of the old man's life.

Every action, every decision, is carefully evaluated and weighed.

Good and evil, merit and fault, are all unreservedly displayed before everyone at this moment.

The old man's expression is heavy and solemn, and he quietly listens to the judgment of the judges.

The ghosts emit intermittent whispers from time to time, either in amazement or in regret.

The entire trial scene is filled with a mysterious and solemn atmosphere, making people feel the impermanence of life and death reincarnation and the majesty of judgment.

After the judge carefully read through the old man's entire life, he slightly turned his head and murmured a few words in a soft voice with the ghost beside him. Their expressions seemed extremely solemn, as if they were discussing a matter of crucial importance.

Immediately afterwards, the judge turned his head again, and his originally solemn expression became even more grave. His gaze was like a torch, burning and sharp, staring tightly at the old man. He said, "You have not committed any evil in this life and do not need to enter hell to receive punishment. Hurry up and go to be reincarnated." His voice was deep and steady, as if it contained an irresistible powerful force.

As soon as the judge's words fell, immediately two ghosts slowly walked out from the endless darkness and quietly came to the old man's side. Their figures were illusory and indistinct, as if there and not there, and there was a mysterious and quiet atmosphere pervading around them.

The old man remained silent all the way. His steps seemed a little heavy, as if carrying the heavy memories of his past life. There was a hint of confusion and helplessness in his eyes, as if he was full of endless unknowns and confusions about the upcoming reincarnation journey.

The two ghosts led the old man through the dark and deep underworld corridor. There were faint and blurred lights flickering on both sides of the corridor, just like signposts guiding the souls of the dead to a new life, emitting a faint but firm light.

They finally arrived in front of the Naihe Bridge. Under the bridge was the turbulent and surging Wangchuan River. The water rolled and emitted bursts of bone-piercing chill. The water surged ceaselessly, as if telling the endless story of life and death reincarnation.

The old man was queuing up in such silent and wordless manner, just like a statue standing quietly, waiting to go to the mysterious and solemn Naihe Bridge to be reincarnated. In front of him, there were numerous people and various kinds of animals densely standing, and they were all queuing up silently. These creatures were all about to step into the cycle of reincarnation to open a new chapter of fate. However, there were also some restless existences in the queue, who were unwilling to queue up according to the established order. Eventually, these troublemakers would all be forcibly dealt with by the ruthless underworld officers. If these lonely souls and wild ghosts who violated the rules were annihilated here, then they would never be able to step into the path of reincarnation, which meant that they would completely disappear without a trace from the world as if they had never existed. The old man looked at those lonely souls and wild ghosts who were unwilling to queue up and were beaten to pieces with a compassionate gaze in his eyes, and couldn't help but a deep sigh well up in his heart. However, he knew that his power was too weak to change all this, and he could only obediently queue up here.

When it was finally the old man's turn, Meng Po slowly turned her head and looked at him with calm and deep eyes. Meng Po's face was slightly pale, and there were faint crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, as if carrying the vicissitudes of years. There was a kind of otherworldly atmosphere in her eyes, as if she had seen through everything in the world.

Subsequently, Meng Po gently handed him a bowl of Meng Po soup. He trembled and stretched out both hands to take the mysterious bowl of Meng Po soup. In the bowl, the clear and transparent liquid seemed to hold endless secrets. Each drop was like a shining pearl, representing a memory fragment in his life. Countless drops gathered together to form this bowl of Meng Po soup and also constituted the memory puzzle of the old man's entire life, all condensed in this bowl of soup.

After drinking this bowl of Meng Po soup, the old man would completely bid farewell to everything in the past, forgetting all the joys and sorrows, all the loves and hates.

The old man drank the Meng Po soup without hesitation, and then his gaze instantly became dull and listless, as if he had turned into a newly born baby.

Immediately afterwards, two majestic underworld officers came up and tightly pulled him, walking towards the mysterious reincarnation pool ahead. This pool was like an abyss of thousands of feet, bottomless. Looking at it, it was pitch black and it was simply impossible to understand where it led and where it went. But as long as one stepped into it, one could be reincarnated and start a completely new and unknown journey.