Act - 5: "First-Class Connections"

As Aria and I navigated through the bustling airport toward the check-in counter, the chaotic energy seemed to intensify around us. The baggage handler eyed our suitcases as we approached.

"Good day," Aria greeted him, placing our bags on the scale.

The handler, a scrawny man with a crooked smile, nodded and began weighing the luggage. Beside him, a woman, presumably his colleague, adjusted something on the scale. I observed with curiosity as the weight continued to climb, despite our bags appearing not that heavy. Aria furrowed her brow, suspicion creeping into her eyes.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but your bags exceed the weight limit," the man announced, his smile strained.

Aria's expression hardened. "That can't be right. We weighed them at home, and they were well under the limit."

The man shrugged indifferently. "Perhaps your scale at home is inaccurate."

I noticed the woman subtly pressing her knee against the scale. Seizing the opportunity, I spoke up in a loud, innocent tone, "Aria, look! That lady's knee is on the scale!" The woman hastily withdrew her knee, shooting me a venomous glare. The handler's smile faltered as other travelers began to take notice, casting curious glances in our direction.

Aria seized the moment. "Are you trying to cheat us?" she demanded, her voice escalating. "This is outrageous! I'll file a complaint and take this to the media. You can't scam people like this."

The handler's face paled. "No, no, ma'am, there must have been a mistake. Let me double-check the weight." He hurriedly reset the scale and reweighed our bags, this time displaying the correct weight.

"That's more like it," Aria retorted sharply. She shot a glare at the woman who had attempted to deceive us. "Shame on you both."

But Aria wasn't finished. She crossed her arms defiantly and raised her voice even louder, drawing more attention from the bustling airport crowd. "This is unacceptable! You won't get away with treating customers like this. It's blatant theft, and I demand to speak with a manager immediately!"

Moments later, a tall man in a crisp uniform approached with an air of authority. His nametag identified him as "Manager Johnson." "Is there a problem here, ma'am?" Manager Johnson inquired, his tone firm.

"Yes, there certainly is," Aria replied firmly. "Your staff here just tried to scam us by manipulating the weight of our luggage. This behavior is completely unacceptable."

Manager Johnson glanced at the handler and the woman, both avoiding eye contact now. His expression hardened as he turned back to Aria. "I assure you, ma'am, our staff is trained to the highest standards. There seems to have been a misunderstanding."

Aria stepped closer, her resolve unyielding. "Misunderstanding? They deliberately tried to deceive us. This behavior is disgraceful and must be addressed."

The manager's demeanor stiffened. "I understand your frustration, but raising your voice won't solve anything. Please lower your voice, or I'll have to call security."

At that moment, I intervened. Taking a deep breath, I put on my most innocent smile and looked up at the manager. "Excuse me, sir," I began, my tone polite yet firm. "We're not trying to cause trouble. We simply want to be treated fairly. Imagine if every passenger had to endure this kind of treatment. It could tarnish your airline's reputation, wouldn't you agree?"

"I appreciate your concern, young man, but we must handle this professionally."

Stepping closer, I lowered my voice for a final, impactful statement.

"Professionalism is crucial, sir. A true professional acknowledges mistakes and strives for customer satisfaction. A gesture like a free upgrade to first class would demonstrate your commitment to fairness and service excellence. It would turn a negative experience into a positive one and leave us with a favorable impression of your airline."

There was a pause as the manager contemplated my words, visibly conflicted.

Finally, he sighed and nodded.

"Very well. As a gesture of goodwill, I'll upgrade you both to first class. But let's consider this matter resolved."

As he spoke, a slight smirk played on my lips, a confident expression that seemed to unsettle the manager.

It was clear he hadn't expected such assertiveness from a young person.

"Thank you, sir," I replied politely, my voice carrying a subtle edge.

The manager instructed the handler to issue our upgraded tickets promptly.

As the handler complied, fumbling with the paperwork, I noticed the manager's lingering gaze on me, a hint of unease in his eyes.

He understood that challenging me head-on would be unwise, a realization that seemed to unsettle him.

Sensing the shift, Aria placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go, Dio," she said, triumph evident in her voice. "We've got our upgrade."

We walked away from the counter, aware of the murmurs and whispers that followed us.

I felt the curious and impressed eyes of onlookers, contrasting sharply with the silent fury and embarrassment on the face of the woman who had attempted to deceive us.

Moving towards the first-class check-in area, Aria tousled my hair affectionately.

"Wow, Dio, you handled that like a pro," she praised, her smile filled with pride.

Returning her grin, I replied, "Just doing my part, sis. Now let's enjoy that first-class treatment!"

As we settled into our seats in the first-class cabin, I leaned back, savoring a sense of accomplishment and looking forward to the luxury ahead.

The soft hum of the airplane engine and the muffled conversations of other passengers created a soothing atmosphere. Just as I was getting comfortable, I heard a familiar voice in front of me.


I looked up, surprised to see a pair of innocent blue eyes peering over the seat in front of me. It was Emilia.

She smiled shyly, her cheeks blushing slightly. "Hi."

Returning her smile gently, I replied, "Hi, Emilia. Fancy seeing you here."

Aria, noticing the exchange, turned her head and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, Emilia. Looks like we'll be travel buddies after all."

Emilia giggled softly. "I know, right? What are the odds?"

Leaning forward with a warm smile, Aria said, "It's nice to see you again, Emilia. How are your parents doing?"

Emilia nodded politely. "They're good, thanks. They're in the seats just behind us."

Glancing back at Emilia, I widened my smile. "So, excited about the trip to Norway?"

She beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Absolutely! I've never been on such a long flight before. What about you, Dio?"

"Same here," I said, feigning curiosity. "It's a whole new adventure for me."

As we continued chatting, I felt a sense of comfort and connection with Emilia. Having a familiar face on this journey was reassuring, and her presence added warmth to the upcoming adventure.

Later, as we settled in, a couple approached us – Emilia's parents. Her father extended a hand to Aria and me.

"Thank you for helping our daughter earlier," he said warmly.

Aria smiled graciously and shook his hand. "It was no trouble at all. We're happy to help."

My thoughts raced as I recognized Emilia's father – Peter Bigdalen, a renowned businessman and multimillionaire who owned a vast chain of hotels. This unexpected connection presented an incredible opportunity. Networking with someone of Peter Bigdalen's caliber could open doors I had never imagined.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Bigdalen," I greeted, shaking his hand firmly while my mind buzzed with possibilities.

Peter smiled warmly. "Likewise. And thank you again for looking out for Emilia."

Internally smirking, I realized this trip was already off to an intriguing start. Networking with Peter Big Dalen could prove invaluable, and I was determined to make the most of this unexpected encounter.

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