Act - 6: ''Friendly Vow''

As I observed Emilia, I noticed her nervous fidgeting, playing with her hair as if trying to mask her unease. She whispered something to Aria, who shot me a mischievous grin. Then, as if on cue, Emilia blushed and retreated to her seat. Aria's grin widened, and she suddenly gestured for Emilia to come sit next to me. As she approached, I had the chance to see her up close for the first time. She was undeniably cute, but I couldn't shake the awareness of our age difference. I offered her a gentle, mature smile, hoping to put her at ease. However, my attempt seemed to backfire as her blush deepened, and I couldn't help but think that this little girl was smitten. It was an unexpected twist in our journey, one that left me both amused and intrigued.

As Emilia approached, I couldn't help but notice the stark difference between us. Physically, I was just a boy, but mentally, I was a man trapped in a young body. My experiences from a past life had aged me beyond my years, giving me a maturity that clashed with my youthful appearance. Emilia, on the other hand, was a typical teenager, full of youthful energy and innocence. Her blush and shy demeanor only accentuated the contrast between us. While she saw me as a peer, I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place, of not belonging in her world. Despite my efforts to offer a reassuring smile, I couldn't deny the underlying discomfort that lingered beneath the surface. It was a reminder of the complexities of my situation, of the challenges I faced navigating this new life with the knowledge of another.

As Emilia continued speaking in Norwegian, my heart rate quickened, and a sense of panic began to rise within me. I could understand every word she said, but I didn't want to expose that knowledge to Aria. If I suddenly spoke fluent Norwegian, she might become suspicious.

"Uh, yeah," I stammered, trying to keep my tone casual as I glanced nervously at Aria. "We're... uh... going to Oslo first."

Emilia's words tumbled out in a rapid stream, and I struggled to keep up. She was asking about our plans for the trip, curious about where we were headed and what we hoped to see. I stumbled over my responses, resorting to simple phrases and nods in an attempt to mask my fluency.

"I... uh... think we're going to see the... uh... museums," I managed to say, my voice strained with the effort of pretending. Despite my efforts, Emilia's brow furrowed in confusion. It was clear that she sensed something was amiss, but I couldn't risk revealing the truth. So I continued to play dumb, feigning ignorance as best I could while silently cursing myself for getting into this predicament.

With Aria asleep and Emilia's parents engrossed in their movie, the air between Emilia and me felt charged with a different kind of energy. I turned to her and offered a hesitant smile.

"So, uh, Emilia, what do you think of the flight so far?" I asked, trying to keep the tone light and casual. She smiled back, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"It's not bad," she replied in a soft voice, her Norwegian accent lending the words a musical quality. "But it's better now that I have someone to talk to."

I felt a warmth spread through me at her words, and I couldn't help but return her smile. "Yeah, same here. It's nice to have some company."

Emilia nodded, her gaze flickering to the window. "I've always loved flying. There's something magical about being up in the clouds, isn't there?"

I nodded in agreement, captivated by the seriousness in her voice. "Yeah, it's like... I don't know... being a part of something bigger than yourself."

She smiled, her eyes lighting up with understanding. "Exactly! It's like the whole world opens up to you, and anything is possible."

We lapsed into a comfortable silence, the hum of the airplane's engines filling the space between us. But despite the quiet, there was an undeniable connection between us, a shared sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. As the flight continued on, I found myself drawn to Emilia, her presence comforting and familiar in a way I couldn't quite explain. And as we talked and laughed together, I couldn't shake the feeling that this chance encounter was just the beginning of something extraordinary.

As the plane hit a patch of turbulence, Emilia's eyes widened in fear, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the armrest tightly. The sudden jolt sent a wave of panic through her, and she instinctively reached out for something to hold onto. I noticed her distress immediately, and without hesitation, I reached out to her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay," I said softly, trying to keep my voice steady despite the tremor of uncertainty in the air. "It's just a little turbulence. Nothing to worry about."

But Emilia's grip on the armrest only tightened, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps. "I-I know," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "But it's still scary."

I gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, offering what comfort I could. "I know it's scary," I replied, my voice soft and soothing. "But we're safe up here. These planes are built to handle much worse than this."

Emilia nodded, her eyes darting nervously around the cabin. "I-I know," she repeated, her voice shaky. "But it's hard not to be afraid."

I leaned in closer, trying to block out the noise and chaos around us. "I understand," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper. "But I'm right here with you. And I promise, everything is going to be okay."

Slowly, Emilia's grip on the armrest began to loosen, her breathing gradually returning to normal. She turned to me, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice barely audible over the roar of the engines.

I smiled back at her, my heart swelling with a sense of warmth and connection. "Anytime," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity.

In the midst of the food service commotion, I found myself automatically asking for a beer out of habit, forgetting momentarily that I was just a kid. The airhost chuckled at my request, finding humor in the situation.

"Got a sense of humor, huh?" the airhost remarked, amused. Then, with a playful glint in her eye, she turned to Emilia and teased, "Is this your boyfriend, little girl?"

Emilia's face flushed crimson, and she stumbled over her words as she hastily replied, "N-no, he's not my boyfriend! We're just... friends."

The airhost chuckled at Emilia's flustered response, giving me a knowing wink before moving on to the next row of seats. I glanced at Emilia, a small smile playing on my lips, and whispered, "Looks like we've got quite the reputation now."

Emilia and I sat together, enjoying our meal peacefully as we chatted and laughed, the tension from earlier dissipating into the air. We bonded over silly cartoons and playful pranks, and I noticed that Emilia was no longer as shy as she had been before.

However, as the flight continued, Emilia's demeanor shifted, and a hint of sadness crept into her voice as she spoke.

"Do you think we'll see each other again?" she asked, her eyes downcast.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of leaving her behind. "Probably not," I admitted reluctantly.

Emilia's eyes welled up with tears, and my heart sank at the sight of her distress.

Without thinking, I reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, my voice filled with urgency.

"But I promise to visit you," I whispered, my words carrying the weight of sincerity.

"I'll come visit as soon as I can. So don't be sad."

As I felt Emilia's arms wrap around me in return, I realized just how much this innocent girl liked me. And in that moment, I made a vow to myself to keep my promise.

As the captain's announcement echoed through the cabin, Emilia's eyes widened in panic.

She turned to her father, her voice trembling with urgency.

"Papa, please! Give Aria Sister our address and number," she pleaded, her words rushed and desperate.

Peter exchanged a glance with his wife, their eyes softening with understanding as they listened to Emilia's plea.

With a reassuring smile, they both reached out to pat Emilia gently, silently reassuring her that everything would be alright.

Then, Peter turned to Aria, his expression earnest as he spoke.

"Aria Sister, would it be alright if we exchanged contact information? Emilia is quite fond of little Dio, so it seems, and we would like to stay in touch."

Aria's eyes softened as she nodded, touched by their concern.

"Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Bigdalen. I'll make sure Dio gets your contact details too."

With a sense of relief washing over her, Emilia settled back into her seat, grateful for her parents' understanding and Aria's kindness.

And as the plane continued its journey, she clung to the hope of maintaining the newfound friendship that had blossomed between her and Dio.

As the plane prepared to land, a message popped up, signaling that I had leveled up to level 3.

I gained this experience by solving the problem at the check-in counter and assisting Emilia during the airport incident.

At the counter, I spotted a scam and intervened, showcasing my observation and problem-solving skills.

Additionally, comforting Emilia during turbulence and promising to keep in touch earned me more experience points.

Now, with the chance to upgrade my stats, I focused on agility for navigating challenges and charisma for building connections.

With my upgrades chosen, I felt more prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Dio Stat's Info




