Act - 13: ''The Chase Through Beartown"

As Remy and his five cohorts closed in on me, I knew taking them all on at once was out of the question. My mind raced as I scanned the familiar surroundings of Beartown, searching for an escape route. With a surge of adrenaline, I dashed into the labyrinth of alleys and side streets.

The air was thick with tension as I vaulted over garbage cans, ducked under laundry lines, and weaved through the bustling streets. Behind me, their heavy footsteps and taunts grew louder, but fear didn't paralyze me. Determination fueled my every move as I pushed my legs to their limits.

Remy's booming voice echoed through the alleys, urging his cronies to catch me. Yet, with each twist and turn, I remained elusive, evading them with agility honed by countless hours of training. Every heartbeat pounded in my ears, urging me onward.

As I raced through the winding streets, my memory guided me to a narrow alley wedged between two weathered buildings. With a triumphant smirk, I slipped into the shadowy passage, ready to turn the tables on my pursuers.

Enough tip-toeing around. It was time to confront them head-on.

My anger simmered beneath the surface as I crouched low, senses alert to any movement. The alley remained eerily silent, except for the distant hum of car engines from the nearby main road.

"I'll go in and drag him out!" Esko's voice echoed down the cluttered passage, announcing his reckless advance. I tensed, poised to strike.

As Esko stumbled into view, I unleashed a swift Muay Thai kick, catching him squarely in the chest. He staggered, gasping for air, before crumpling unconscious to the ground. Without hesitation, I swooped in to retrieve the Gogimon cards he dropped.

Remy's impatience grew palpable as Esko failed to return. Finally, he dispatched Seki and Felix to investigate. Felix cautiously stepped into the alley, unaware of the trap awaiting him.

Seizing the moment, I sprang into action. With precise movements, I incapacitated Felix before he could react, leaving him sprawled and unconscious.

Now, only Seki remained. As he charged forward, I anticipated his attack, leaping over him with practiced grace. Mid-air, our eyes locked in a brief yet intense moment of recognition. With a calculated strike, I brought him down swiftly and decisively.

After ensuring Seki was incapacitated, I swiftly checked his pockets for any remaining Go Gimon cards. Finding a couple tucked away, I pocketed them with a smirk of satisfaction. Each card retrieved was a step closer to my goal.

As Remy and his crew approached, it became evident they weren't just troublemakers but also avid collectors of the popular cards.

With a sense of satisfaction, I slipped the cards into my pocket, knowing they would serve as a reminder of this encounter and perhaps as leverage in the future.

The alley settled into silence, broken only by the gentle rustle of garbage stirred by the breeze.

I smirked as Remy charged toward me, his anger tangible. Internally, I scoffed at his clumsy assault, my confidence surging.

Dodging effortlessly as he lunged, I caused him to stumble and crash to the ground in a spectacular display of ineptitude.

It was almost comical how predictable and sluggish his movements were.

As Remy regained his footing, my menacing glare made him flinch, stuttering out an apology with trembling fear.

I could see the realization dawning in his eyes that he was thoroughly outmatched.

Slowly extending my hand toward him, his breath hitched in anticipation of retaliation.

Instead, I calmly confiscated his prized gogimon card, a satisfied smile quirking my lips.

Leaving Remy in disbelief, I stood nonchalantly and departed, casually offering a peace sign as I strolled away.

It was a minor triumph, yet immensely satisfying to assert dominance over those who had underestimated me.

Walking home, I felt a rush of excitement fueled by the gogimon cards acquired at no cost.

But my elation peaked when a notification heralded my achievement of level 5.

Strength: 25

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 12

Endurance: 12

Charm: 22

Determined to bolster my physical strength and agility, and augment intelligence and endurance, I aimed to exploit my charm for navigating social situations with finesse.

An intriguing twist awaited as reaching this milestone promised a random skill draw.

Curious, I tapped the draw button, watching intently as cards swirled before settling on a skill named "Key Selling Point Analysis."

The significance was not lost on me.

This skill endowed me with critical insights for effectively pitching products, technology, or even books to potential customers.

As I stepped into the house, Aria greeted me warmly from the couch, her smile a beacon of genuine interest.

"Dio! How was school today?" Her eyes twinkled with curiosity, inviting me to share my day.

I couldn't contain my excitement, though I tried to play it cool. "School was alright," I replied casually, masking the bubbling enthusiasm beneath. "Made some new friends and picked up a few things."

Aria's smile widened at my response, her hand gesturing for me to join her on the couch. "That's wonderful! Come, sit down and tell me all about it."

I chuckled inwardly, plotting a playful twist to my day's narrative. "Actually," I began, weaving a harmless fib with a mischievous glint in my eye, "it was quite the adventure. Had a run-in with some bullies on the way home!"

Her expression shifted to concern, brows knitting together slightly. "Oh no, are you okay?" Aria leaned closer, ready to comfort me.

Unable to contain my grin any longer, I burst into laughter. "Gotcha!" I exclaimed, teasingly revealing my prank. "Just kidding, Aria! School was actually pretty laid-back."

She retaliated with playful tickles, and I squirmed under her touch, laughter escaping between my protests. "Aria, stop!" I pleaded between giggles, trying to evade her tickling fingers.

Her laughter mingled with mine as she teased, "You little troublemaker."

Finally catching my breath, I lay back on the couch, still smiling up at Aria. Her affectionate gaze softened as she continued, her voice now tinged with excitement.

"Oh, by the way," she mentioned casually, "Mrs. Bigdalen called earlier. She asked if you'd like to visit Emilia tomorrow since it's the weekend. Seems like she misses you a lot."

The mention of Emilia stirred a flutter of anticipation in my chest. "Yeah, just friends," I replied nonchalantly, though my heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Emilia again. "But sure, I'd love to go visit tomorrow."

Aria raised an eyebrow teasingly, her smile knowing. "Already stealing hearts, huh?" She playfully nudged me with her elbow.

I rolled my eyes, trying to maintain a cool demeanor, though the warmth spreading through me betrayed my true feelings. Emilia was special to me, even if our relationship was currently platonic.

For now.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 5

Skill Count: 1 (Key selling point analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 0 krone

Associate - 0

Asset - 10 (Gogimon pack)

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0